The parish of Holy Cross, Polish National Catholic Church is a Catholic community with doors open to all and bringing them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and thus giving comfort and purpose to a struggling world. “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere!” (Mark 16:15) We believe that we are a Church where the timeless message of Christ is communicated in a contemporary style. “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10) In the past 90 years of service we feel that we became a strong and faithful community with unselfish service to God and all our brothers and sisters, giving unending praise and thanksgiving for the blessings and gifts bestowed upon us.
Holy Cross Parish is located in Woodland Park, New Jersey at 220 Browertown Road.
Holy Mass is offered on Sunday at 9am and 11am with School of Christian Living Classes (Sunday School – September – June) held from 10:05am to 10:50am. Weekly Holy Mass from Monday to Friday are celebrated at 7:30 am and on the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 pm for the sick and homebound (Mass of Healing)
Our Pastor is Rev. Joseph R. Cyman. The Parish Chairperson is Mrs. Lynn Imperiale. For more information, or in an emergency, please call Fr. Joseph at 201-247-4832 or 973-256-4888.
Some Services at Holy Cross Church:
- You can request Mass intention for the deceased, for blessing on a birthday or anniversary, and for a good health and healing using this form.
- Holy Mass on Sunday is celebrated in English. During the weekday you can request Mass in English, Polish or French.
- You can Schedule a baptism for a child or preparation for Baptism for an adult.
- Sign up child for First Holy Communion (2nd grade and older).
- Sigh up youth for Confirmation (7th grade and older).
- Sign up for Sacrament of Marriage (minimum 6 months prior the date).
- Ask our pastor for spiritual direction, general counseling and advice.
For more information on any of these, please call at 201-247-4832
Download/View our Introductory Brochure. View our Blog for Announcements, Happenings, and Pictures. Our Calendar and Weekly Bulletins are also available. If you wish to contact us by E-mail please use our contact form.