December 2009

From Pastor’s desk —

December of 2009 was a month filled with flurry of activities. Before Christmas we remembered the less fortunate of our society particularly boys and girls of DYFS, and senior men at EVA’S SHELTER in Paterson. We thank Mrs. Pat Olsen for her time to organize that worthwhile program.

The children from our parish behaved well in year 2009 that is why St. Nicholas came and gave them gifts after the 11:00 A.M. Mass on Sunday Dec. 6, 2009.

On Christmas Eve we had two Masses, one at 4:00 P.M. with children and youth participation and one at 10 P.M. for general assembly. On Christmas Day we had one Mass at 10 A.M.

My sincere thanks to all those who helped during Christmas liturgies serving as Organists, Lectors, Choir members, Greeters, Altar Servers, Ushers and anyone who in any shape or form made our celebrations more joyful, and spiritually meaningful.

We appreciate all children who participated in the liturgy of the Mass. During the 4:00 P.M. Mass the children were singing Silent Night and the Muccilli Family served as choir at 10 P.M. Mass beautifying the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord.

Organists: Anthony Serrao, Jessica Muccilli, Neil Estanislao
Actors: MARY – Violette Go; JOSEPH – Justin Palman; THREE KINGS – Neil, Ned and Nayef Kiame; ANGELS: Anne Montero, Natalie Cyman and Amber Harth
Altar Servers: Jason Cabrejos, Matthew Montero, Anne Montero, Michael Cyman, Chris Paulison; Edward Obssuth Jr.
Prayers Of The Faithful: Jasmine Cabrejos, Alissa Paulison, Jason Cabrejos, Michael Lazor; Michael Mucilli, Meghan Muccilli, Edward Obssuth Jr.
Lectors: Ed Lazor, Michele Lazor, Richard Daum, John Surak, Edward Obssuth and Deacon Bill Gaydos.
Offertory Gifts: Michael Cyman and Chris Paulison, Brad and Lucia Blaschak, Dominick and Angela Bucci.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas time celebrated at your homes and in our church, the place of worship.

With the end of the year 2009 we closed our fiscal year. We thank parishioners who throughout this past year shared their stewardship of treasure for the good of Holy Cross Church. This enabled us to pay our regular bills. The final financial report of income versus expenses reflecting the year 2009 will be available at the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday February 14, 2010 after 9:00 A.M. Mass. All parishioners are strongly encouraged to attend Mass and Annual Parish Meeting.

As our Annual Parish Meeting approaches I ask each organization to present its report of activities in the year 2009 and projects for the year 2010. The list of our organizations is enclosed. We all thank them for their service. I encourage all parishioners to be a part of the life of our parish family. All of us have talents to be used for the growth of OUR parish.

I would like to visit parishioners, who wish to have their homes/apartments blessed from now on until the beginning of the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010). Please call me or e-mail me to schedule the appointment. For the visit, if it is possible, please prepare a cross and two candles. The candles that symbolize the light of Jesus will be lighted during the prayer time. In the case of the sick and homebound Holy Communion will be given. In keeping with the tradition, I will mark the lintel of your door with the initials C+M+B+2010 (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar-2010). These symbolize the Three Wise Men who welcomed Jesus into their hearts, and it is our way of accepting Him into our lives and our homes.

Finally, I wish all of you that this New Year 2010, would bring to each and everyone many blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ especially of good health and happiness.

Please keep me in your daily prayers as I remember you in my prayers each day – Father Joseph

We express our heartfelt thanks
for all received Christmas cards
and signs of your kindness.
May the Baby Jesus who came to enrich us with his blessings reward you abundantly in year 2010

Fr. Joseph & Family

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