Our successful Luck of the Draw Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser since 1982, took place on Friday, October 22nd at Three Saints Cultural Centre and Orthodox Church, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.
Many people worked hard to make this event a success. Taking under consideration the weak economy we had many generous donors of beautiful trays. This event brought in a good number of people. Consequently our Tricky Tray was another success of our parish. Our special thanks are expressed to those who:
- Donated Grand, Regular and Super Trays;
- donated Door Prizes;
- gave monetary donations;
- paid for 50/50 tickets;
- served as captains;
- sold tickets;
- did advertisements and solicitations;
- picked up donations;
- numbered the trays for the program;
- set up the hall on Thursday;
- delivered and set up trays on Friday;
- served at the event by selling tickets, actings as runners, or working in the kitchen;
- served as MC or security guards;
- cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event;
- and, to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize our Tricky Tray 2010.
And most especially and particularly to all who came out to support this event.
Thank you, and God bless you.
Fr. Joseph, Parish Committee and the Tricky Tray Committee