Free Drive-in Movie – Mars Needs Moms

Come and join us for some end of the summer fun featuring Mars Needs Moms on Monday, August 22nd at 7:30pm (rain date: Wednesday, August 24th at 7:30pm).

Mars Needs Moms: Take out the trash, eat your broccoli-who needs moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo finds out just how much he needs his mom when she’s nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Milo’s quest to save his mom involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader. With the help of a tech-savvy, underground Earthman named Gribble and a rebel Martian girl called Ki, Milo just might find his way back to his mom-in more ways than one.

Rated PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for sci-fi action and peril.

This is a fundraiser for the youth for upcoming outing. Your participation will be greatly appreciated so bring your family and friends. The more the merrier.

The movie is free. We will charge $1 for Hot Dogs, Pop Corn and 50 cents for soda or water.

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