The New York-New Jersey Seniorate ANS Convention was visited by our newly ordained Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki and his wife Barbara. The Bishop noted that he is looking forward to working with the other Bishops to energize our churches and help us to feel more connected.
We thank all the members of ANS especially Nelly Cabrejos, Renata Cyman, Alice Kriskewic, Penni Lazor, Nancy Mupo, Helen Skawinski, and Elaine Rotsaert, who devoted so much time and energy to hosting the convention. They prepared a delicious meal, the hall was decorated and the Church was so colorful with the addition of mums, thank you Penni. Everyone put in a lot of time to make this possible. We thank Judy Lamping for the hours that she volunteered so that the members could be present at the meeting and not worry about the kitchen.
The next meeting of the parish ANS will be on October 14th. We are trying to plan a bus trip for the near future.