God Bless Michael Joseph

On Sunday, May 13th, the Seventh Sunday of Easter, and Mother’s Day, we welcomed the newest member of our parish – Jackson Joseph Rutch through the Sacrament of Baptism. Jackson is the precious son of Michael Joseph Rutch and Elizabeth Lillian (nee Vasquez). Proud godparents were Luis Manuel Vasquez and Maria Molina –Vasquez. We congratulate Rutch and Vasques families, relatives and friends on this special occasion.

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christ’s Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection.

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