Congratulations to the Adoration Society members consisting of Renata Cyman, Penni Lazor, Elaine Rotsaert, Nelly Cabrejos, Beverly Obssuth, Zaida Bueno, Fran Cuccinello, Natalie Lazar, and Susan Hornak and also Tracy Banta for a very successful St. Valentine Day luncheon held in our beautiful entertainment center. Also, congratulations and thank you to Andy’s Market & Catering of 694 Ocean Avenue, Jersey City, 201-434-6051 operated by our own Ed Obssuth for a job well done with their delicious selections of food which they donated in memory of deceased ANS members. We thank ladies who brought delicious desserts for all to enjoy.
Holy Cross Church
One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, and Democratic – 220 Browertown Rd., Woodland Park, NJ 07424 | 201-247-4832 (cell) or 973-256-4888