Ash Wednesday is March 5th. Join us for Holy Mass with the blessing and imposition of ashes at 12 PM or 7 PM
Beginning on Ash Wednesday we are called to repent, to change our minds about the way we live our lives in the sight of God. In the reading from the Book of the Prophet Joel we will hear that he summoned everyone, young and elderly to an assembly of prayer indicating that they were repenting. Ash Wednesday summons everyone to enter into a forty-day meditation, prayer and almsgiving. We will all gather on Ash Wednesday because we know that we need to “to return to the Lord.” Prophet Joel tells us also, that we can do that only by returning with our whole hearts, that is, with a motivation that is deep inside of us. The ashes on our foreheads will indicate that we are entering in the Lenten period of change that will leave us never to be the same again.

During Lent with humble hearts we ask God to prepare us for the journey of spiritual renewal.
Fasting From Meat: During the Lenten time all of us should remember personal prayers, read the Holy Scripture and attend the liturgy of Sunday Mass.
We are called to abstain from meat on Fridays by those who are 18 years old and older. Those who are on medication or pregnant women are not obligated to abstain from meat.
As members of the PNCC we also abstain voluntarily from meat on Wednesdays.
On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, we should fast which means intake of only one full meal and slight two meals by those who are 18 to 60 years of age.