November 2008
My Dear Parishioners and Friends,
November is already here with the beautiful and colorful leaves falling off the trees. In spring the new life will start again. This reminds us about our human life which is also so colorful but at the same time inevitably short. On the other hand, in our Lord Jesus Christ we have the assurance that after our passage to eternal life our soul will live forever.
The Church reminds us about this transition of life through the feast of All Saints on November 1st and Remembrance of All Souls on November 2nd which we celebrate this weekend.
The month of October was quite a busy time in our church. On October 5th, 2008 the blessing of animals took place at 11:00 A.M. Mass in the parish hall. Over a dozen of pets, dogs, cat and turtle were blessed on that day. Please remember to bring your pet(s) next year for the special blessing on the first Sunday of October.
On Saturday, October 4, 2008 The School of Christian Living organized first Annual Flea Market. I include a reflection written by Michele Lazor in regard to this event:
Furniture, toys, appliances, lightly used adult and children’s apparel, and much more was for sale. Our students are making a great effort to raise money to benefit Iraqi children. One hundred percent of the proceeds are directly sent to these children. Other fundraisers include “Common Cents,” “Spring Car Wash”, and the “Bake Sale”. Parishioners, parents, and students were instrumental in advertising, soliciting donations, organization, setup, food service, and cleanup. Hot dogs, hot pretzels, popcorn, homemade cakes, cookies, cupcakes, coffee, and cold beverages were sold to the shoppers. Contributions of this food were made by the parish and several parishioners. As a result of the unified support, genuine love, generosity, and volunteerism, the flea market was a great success netting four hundred and fifty dollars. All unsold items were donated to Father English Food Pantry in Paterson.
On Sunday – October 12, 2008 a group of parishioners enjoyed an unusually warm and sunny autumn day at Demarest Farms in Hillsdale, N.J. This outing has become a popular annual event that brings parishioners, family and friends together for fall fun and camaraderie. Apples, pumpkin, cornstalks, hay bales, and mums were available for sale at the outdoor market while fresh-baked pies were available at the bake shop. An indoor market featured a vast array of local farm grown fruits and vegetables. The group enjoyed potato pancakes, hot dogs and of course, the children could not resist the old fashioned donuts and ice cream cones. Think about joining us next year. The more the merrier!
Our successful Autumn Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser, took place on Friday, October 24th 2008 at Three Saints Orthodox Church, Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ. Our special thanks are expressed to those who: Donated Special Prizes, Regular and Super Trays, Door Prizes, Gave monetary donations Served as captains, Sold tickets, Did advertisement and solicitations, Picked up donations, Numbered the trays for the Program Set up the hall on Thursday, Delivered and set up trays on Friday, Were selling tickets at the event, Served as runners, Served in the kitchen, Served as MC, Served as security guard, Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event, And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize Tricky Tray 2008 — Thank You and God Bless you!!!
In October our Lord called to himself our parishioner Anna Surak (93). She passed away on Sunday October 19, 2008 and funeral Mass was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2008. Anna loved the art of sewing which was reflected in her role as a seamstress and sample maker for the showrooms of the garment industry. She had a culinary talent too. According to her son, she baked the best apple cake in the world!!! She was an active member of the church, member of the choir, a lector and a past secretary of the parish committee. She was committed to Veterans affairs as evidenced in her role as past president of the Passaic County American Legion Auxiliary. We express our sympathy to her devoted son John Surak, and her loving sister Amelia Senius and other relatives and friends. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord ….
On Saturday, November 1, 2008 I administered the Sacrament of Matrimony to Stephen Morgan and Karen Jarmarkowicz. We express our best wishes to Karen and Stephen. May their love express unconditional love of Christ toward his Church.
Our future events? Everyone is invited for a Thanksgiving Eve Mass on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Let us give thanks for the Almighty God for all His gifts which we so often take for granted.
CHRISTMAS DINNER – December 7, 2008 after 11:00 A.M. Mass
My Dear Parishioners, I thank all those who spent their time, talent and treasure to build our parish family in different aspects of life. I encourage all of you to use your talents by serving in different ministries of our parish. Let us work together so that the Holy Cross will continue to be a “second home” for each one of us.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Joseph
P.S. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.