Well done SOCL students
Today 4 students: Natalie Cyman, Kimberly Matute, Cindy Matute, and Kenneth Hofmann received perfect SOCL attendance awards and certificates.
Also, 13 students: Lina Abdelfattah, Omar Abdelfattah, Michael Cyman, Nicholas Desch, Declan Maher, Gianni Maher, Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Neil Kiame, Aubrey Santos, Jessie Santos, Daniel Reyes, and Emily Reyes received good SOCL attendance awards and certificates after 11 am Holy Mass. It was enjoyable and special occasion!
We congratulate all children and thank teachers Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos and Mrs. Donna Fabricatore for their dedication for the good of our youth. We thank parents for their support and involvement in SOCL program. We look forward to begin SOCL classes on Sunday September 8th. Join this friendly and joyful group of students.
With best regards and prayers,
Fr. Joseph
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