
God Bless the Taylor Family!

On Sunday, April 11th, the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to the Taylor family: Chirag, Aarti and their son, Jay. After few months of preparations, the parents became Christians / Polish National Catholic Church members. 

Proud godparents were, Fernando (Danny) and Jennifer Galindo for Aarti Taylor, Christian and Marcella Galindo godparents for Jay Taylor and Leo and Beryle Coutinho, godparents in proxy of Alvin Jacob and Steffi Jacob for Chirac Taylor. We congratulate the Taylor family as the newest members of our parish, their relatives and friends. 

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, a gateway to new life in the Spirit, and the door that gives access to other sacraments. Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are regenerated and incorporated into Christ’s Body – His Church.

As God made the covenant with his people so through Baptism, Jesus makes a new and everlasting covenant with his followers. As Jesus won new life for us on the cross, the Taylor family was marked to receive the new life in the Lord. As the waters of the Red Sea led the people of Israel to freedom so the water of Baptism gave them new life which leads to salvation. Godparents and all members of our parish pledge to help this family to grow in Christian faith.

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Happy Birthday Sophie!

Mrs. Sophie Barnes of Hawthorne, N.J. recently celebrated her 102nd birthday. Mrs. Sophie remembers when the first Holy Cross Church church was built in 1926 in Paterson, NJ. She is a life long member of our parish serving for many years as a member of Moniuszko choir.  Sophie is truly a blessing for our parish, to her family, and our community. 

We wish her a Happy Birthday, God’s blessings of happiness, strength and support in her life journey. Our best wishes to her family.

— Fr. Joseph and parishioners.

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St. Patrick’s, St. Joseph’s Day Luncheon

Join us for a St. Patrick’s, St. Joseph’s Day Luncheon on Sunday, March 21st at 12pm (after 11am Holy Mass).

We will feature Irish music. There will be a Basket of Irish Cheer / Door Prize. Our menu features: Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Baked Chicken, a Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads, Irish Soda Bread, Coffee / Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts

Adults tickets are $15. Children and youth attending Sunday School are free. Other children ages 6 to 14 are $7.50

Please R.S.V.P by March 14th by calling (201) 247-4832 or via E-mail. You can purchase tickets in the parish hall or by sending you donation by mail.

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My Time With Mary – Spa for the Soul

You are invited to join us for a special candlelight service on Wednesday, November. 18th at 7 pm.  We will pray to God with our Spiritual Mother, Mary, the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ presenting our intentions in this difficult time.  Let us take this opportunity to join us for about one hour of prayer, meditation, and reflection with the sacred music.   Let us come together praying for each other, presenting our personal intentions, remembering our families, our community and asking for peace and unity in our country and in the world. As recommended, please wear masks. If you forget one, we will provide it for you. Limited seating on a first come first serve basis. In case of overflow, we will use seating in the parish hall. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday at 7 pm. God bless.

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God Bless Nylah

We congratulate Nylah P. and her parents, Richard and Karlah, on Nylah’s baptism, Sunday, August 9th.

Through the Sacrament of Baptism we are incorporated into Christ’s body – His Church. As God made the covenant with his people so through Baptism, Jesus makes a new and everlasting covenant with his followers. As Jesus won new life for us on the cross, Nylah was marked with the sign of the cross to receive a new life in the Lord. As the waters of the Red Sea led the people of Israel to freedom, so the water of Baptism gave her new life in the Spirit of the Lord.  Parents, godparents and all members of our parish pledge to help this child to grow in Christian faith.

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God Bless Stephanie and Brianna

We congratulate Stephanie T. and Brianna G. on their First Holy Communion which was celebrated on Sunday, July 12th. May the presence of Jesus in their hearts give them constant assurance of God’s love and blessings. We express our congratulations to their parents, family members, and friends. We thank teacher, Ms Mary V. for her help in providing First Holy Communion classes along with Fr. Joseph. Stephanie and Brianna, as well as for other three students, are celebrating their First Communion over several Sundays so we may properly follow pandemic restrictions.

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Beautification Project

We thank David Obssuth for purchasing eight new shrubs that were planted in the front of the parish. It took seven hours of work, from removing the old shrubs, planting the new ones, and spreading forty bags of mulch. Our property looks much better.  This work was done with the help of Michael Cyman and Fr. Joseph. Yes, we are getting ready for the church to be open again……Missing you all. 

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