
Luncheon/Picnic and Plaque Dedication

Holy Cross parish In Woodland Park celebrated a parish Luncheon/Picnic accompanied by the the dedication of the plaque in the memory of Hughie Vickerilla. The plaque says “In memory of Hughie’s Coffee Hour.”

Hughie shared the culinary talents he learned from his father Hubert in preparing beefsteak and fish and chips dinners as well as special menu for parish celebrations. He served coffee hour for many years and brought pastries for our parishioners. He left a legacy of service and dedication to Holy Cross Church. At today’s celebration Hughie’s wife, Beverly and his family members were present.

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God Bless Nylah

We congratulate Nylah P. and her parents, Richard and Karlah, on Nylah’s baptism, Sunday, August 9th.

Through the Sacrament of Baptism we are incorporated into Christ’s body – His Church. As God made the covenant with his people so through Baptism, Jesus makes a new and everlasting covenant with his followers. As Jesus won new life for us on the cross, Nylah was marked with the sign of the cross to receive a new life in the Lord. As the waters of the Red Sea led the people of Israel to freedom, so the water of Baptism gave her new life in the Spirit of the Lord.  Parents, godparents and all members of our parish pledge to help this child to grow in Christian faith.

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God Bless Stephanie and Brianna

We congratulate Stephanie T. and Brianna G. on their First Holy Communion which was celebrated on Sunday, July 12th. May the presence of Jesus in their hearts give them constant assurance of God’s love and blessings. We express our congratulations to their parents, family members, and friends. We thank teacher, Ms Mary V. for her help in providing First Holy Communion classes along with Fr. Joseph. Stephanie and Brianna, as well as for other three students, are celebrating their First Communion over several Sundays so we may properly follow pandemic restrictions.

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God Bless Jylixa

We congratulate Jylixa Lopez who received Holy Eucharist for the first time on Sunday, June 28th. Julixa was baptized in the parish and is a faithful youth of the parish. We express our congratulations to her parents, relatives and friends. 

In order to accommodate all First Holy Communion family members the celebrations will continue for the next two weeks.  

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St. Patrick’s Lunch Thank You

Our St. Patrick’s Luncheon took place on March 15th.  We thank Fr. David Gaydos and Laurie Gaydos for donating the food and preparing the menu consisting of Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish red potatoes, Baked Chicken – Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads / Irish Soda Bread, Homemade Desserts. We thank those who helped in the kitchen before, during and after the event.   The green grab bags donated by Ed and Beverly Obssuth were part of the celebration. Ed and Penni were in charge of the drawing giving an occasion for laughter and fun.    The drawings of the basket of cheer was donated by our Adoration Society and 50/50 took place at the end of our celebration to profit a young boy Philip S. and his family.  During our Luncheon we hosted a special guest. Our parishioner, Mrs. Sophie Barnes, who remembers the ground breaking of Holy Cross in 1926 (Paterson), celebrated her 101-st birthday in the presence of her daughter and grandson.  We sung her a well deserved Happy Birthday wishing her God’s blessings in the future.  We thank ladies who brought baked goods for the St. Joseph’s table which included special St. Joseph’s cake.  We thank everyone for coming to our annual celebration. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone!

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St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

Our annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon will be held on Sunday, March 15th at 12 PM (after 11 AM Holy Mass). The event menu features Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Baked Chicken, Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads, Irish Soda Bread, Coffee / Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts along with Irish Music accompaniment.

Adult tickets are $15. Children and youth attending Sunday School – Free. Other Children ages 6-12 are $7.50.

R.S.V.P  by  March 8th by phoning (201) 247-4832 or (973) 256-4888, by E-mail, or purchase tickets in the parish hall or send your donation by mail. All are welcome!

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