
Thank You – Tricky Tray Guests and Workers

Our successful Sweet As Candy Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser since 1982, took place on Friday, October 21st at Three Saints Orthodox Church, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.

Our special thanks are expressed to those who:

  • Donated Regular, Super and Grand Trays;
  • Gave monetary donations / participated in 50/50 Raffle;
  • Served as captains / sold admission tickets;
  • Did advertisement and solicitations;
  • Picked up donations / Numbered the trays for the Program / Set up the hall on Thursday;
  • Delivered and set up trays on Friday;
  • Sold tickets at the event;
  • Served as runners / Served in the kitchen;
  • Served as MC / Served as security guard;
  • Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event;
  • And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize Tricky Tray 2011.

Thank You and God Bless you.

There were over 200 prizes awarded.

Our 50/50 Winners:

1st prize – Arkadia Kotarski – $926
2nd Prize – L. Triggiano – $556
3rd Prize – Mr./Mrs. Yuswack – $370

Our $750 Cash Winner was – Lisa Corner


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All Souls Day

Special remembrance envelopes were enclosed in the parish newsletter and are available in the vestibule of the church. The reading of All Souls Day remembrances will take place after the Mass on Vigil of All Saints – Monday October 31st and after 9 AM Holy Mass on Tuesday, November 1st. Please use All Souls Day envelopes and print the names of the departed you wish to remember and send it to the parish office or place it on Sunday in the collection basket. The envelopes with the names will be kept on the altar during the month of November. In addition to that, Father Joseph will celebrate Holy Masses for their intentions in the upcoming weeks and months. Please propose the date when you wish to have the Holy Mass celebrated for the intention of your departed loved ones. Fr. Joseph will confirm the availability of the date. These Masses will be listed in the bulletins as All Souls Day Masses.

Our All Souls Cemetery Service will take place on Sunday, October 30th at the PNCC section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton, NJ beginning at 2 PM. For this annual event the clergy and faithful from four parishes, SS Peter and Paul, Passaic, Transfiguration of Our Lord, Wallington, The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Passaic, and from our Holy Cross Parish, West Paterson are invited to attend. Please remember your departed loved ones who need your prayers and they depend upon your remembrance.

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Preparations for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is a very important step in young adults’ religious education. Confirmation is the sacrament through which we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit to make us soldiers of Christ, ready to profess our faith in word and deed. The minister of confirmation is the bishop. The bishop confirms by laying of hands on the person to be confirmed and anointing the forehead in the form of the cross with Holy Chrism. The bishop says: “I sign you with the sign of the cross and I confirm you with the Chrism of Salvation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Catechism). The confirmation imprints on our soul sacramental character, which entitles us to strength needed to show our faith in word and deed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of baptism, because we are strengthen to live a Christian life within the Church and defend its truths.

Our parish gives the opportunity for the children to participate in First Holy Communion classes. Students who started second grade this year, or are older, are eligible to take classes. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: “This is My Body… This is My Blood” (catechism).

I am looking forward to your help in preparing your sons and daughters for the celebration of these sacraments by bringing them to classes and Sunday Mass. Some of our youth have sport activities on Sunday afternoon, therefore I decided, for their convenience, to have classes on Sunday morning at 10:10 AM. Masses are at 9 AM and 11 AM. I contacted Bishop John Mack who will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in Spring 2013. The schedule of classes was sent to the youth and placed in the parish hall. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time by calling 973-256-4888 or 201-247-4832.

Respectfully yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

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Annual Blessing of Pets

Our annual pet blessing, in Commemoration of St. Francis, will take place Sunday, October 2nd at the beginning of the 11am Holy Mass. The Mass will take place in the parish hall. Well behaved dogs, cats, fish, birds and all God’s creatures are invited with their owners. The blessing will be given in Commemoration of Saint Francis of Assisi (Oct. 4). As we know, animals trusted St. Francis and he treated them with courtesy. Near the end of his life St. Francis composed a song of praise and thanks to God for all his creations, called “Canticle to Brother Sun” – also known as the “Canticle of the Creatures.” From this song we know that St. Francis did not perceive himself isolated from other creatures. He simply assumed that all creatures – not only humans – form one family of creation. So we are encouraged to bless and praise God with cats, dogs, birds and all God’s creatures.

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Sweet as Candy Tricky Tray

Our Annual Tricky Tray will be held on Friday, October 21st at Three Saints Cultural Center, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, New Jersey. Doors Open at 6:30pm and Drawings start at 8pm. Admission: $15. Children are welcome and the Cukltural Center is Handicapped Accessible.

About 100 Regular Trays ~ each with a value at or over $25,
About 100 Super Trays ~ each with a value at or over $50,
About 15 Grand Trays ~ each with a value at or over $100.

Trays include Scratch-Offs, and many other great prizes. There will be a 50/50 raffle, a drawing for $750 in cash, and door prize gift certificates to local restaurants valued at $25.

Admission includes 26 regular prize chances, coffee, tea, and an array of desserts. Additional prize chances may be purchased that night. You can also purchase pre-packaged raffles that include a 20-35% premium over individual tickets.

You can buy hot dogs, pizza, chips, or you can bring your own food!!! Have family reunion!!!

For tickets call: Karen at 973-423-3027 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888.

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Congratulations newlyweds

Congratulations to our newlywed couple, Adam Joseph and Carolyn Marie (Hrinuk) Petruzzelli!

On behalf of Holy Cross Church, and my family, we extend congratulations to Adam Joseph Petruzzelli and Carolyn Marie (Hrinuk) who received the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on Friday, August 26th in Holy Cross Church. Your wedding is will be remembered as the beginning of many joyous moments in your life together, the moment two people’s lives become one; where love between a man and a woman is joined, by the Holy Church, in Sacrament.

Almighty Father, we ask you to bless Adam and Carolyn with love, happiness and guidance during their married life. Bless their parents Lenny and Carolyn Hrinuk, and Suzan Pontecorvo and Late Richard Petruzzelli who gave them the gift of life and raised them to be responsible for having their own family. Bless their wedding party and all their friends.

– Fr. Joseph, Pastor

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Thank you – Drive-in organizers and participants

We thank organizers and participants of last Monday’s Drive In Movie. We watched the movie “Mars Needs Moms,” a Walt Disney Picture, by Simon Wells.

We had about 50 viewers enjoying the weather, friendship, refreshments and the movie. Several people helped to organize this fundraiser for our youth. We thank:

  • Natalie Lazar for organizing this event, producing a flyer which was included in the bulletin and on the web site. Natalie also donated bags, powdered sugar, flour, chocolate syrup, and eggs;
  • Antonio Lazar who prepared a BBQ of hot dogs and prepared other items;
  • Claire Centrella who donated hot dogs, buns, licorice, chips, popcorn;
  • Merry Sleece who donated hot dogs;
  • The Kiame family for their donation of soda and water;
  • The Fernandez family for their donation of water;
  • Kathy Villagomez who donated whipped cream;
  • Renata Cyman who donated strawberries and bananas; and
  • Karen Paulison who donated hot dog buns.

We also thank and appreciate the help offered by John and Natalie Lazar’s friend who set up the screen, projector, computer, and speakers.

Fr. Joseph.

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Square Dance and Country Buffet – September 24th – Canceled

Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been canceled.

Wanted – Square Dancers!

Join Holy Cross for our annual Square Dance and Country Buffet on Saturday, September 24th beginning at 6:30pm.

Our Country Buffet includes Chili, Baked Beans, Fried Chicken, Grilled Chicken, Pilled Pork, Potatoes, Corn, Desserts and more. Boogie along wit Ron Kapnick and don’t forget your cowboy hats, boots, and denim. We will also have a 50/50 raffle and a basket of cheer raffle.

Adults $25, children under 12 free. Please make reservations by calling the Parish office at 973-256-4888 or Dominick at 973-703-6473.

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Free Drive-in Movie – Mars Needs Moms

Come and join us for some end of the summer fun featuring Mars Needs Moms on Monday, August 22nd at 7:30pm (rain date: Wednesday, August 24th at 7:30pm).

Mars Needs Moms: Take out the trash, eat your broccoli-who needs moms, anyway? Nine-year-old Milo finds out just how much he needs his mom when she’s nabbed by Martians who plan to steal her mom-ness for their own young. Milo’s quest to save his mom involves stowing away on a spaceship, navigating an elaborate, multi-level planet and taking on the alien nation and their leader. With the help of a tech-savvy, underground Earthman named Gribble and a rebel Martian girl called Ki, Milo just might find his way back to his mom-in more ways than one.

Rated PG by the Motion Picture Association of America for sci-fi action and peril.

This is a fundraiser for the youth for upcoming outing. Your participation will be greatly appreciated so bring your family and friends. The more the merrier.

The movie is free. We will charge $1 for Hot Dogs, Pop Corn and 50 cents for soda or water.

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