
First Communion preparation

The First Holy Communion celebration is scheduled next Sunday, May 23rd at 11 A.M.

Our First Holy Communion students will be: Salvatore Boyce, Nicholas Desch, Violette Go, Anthony Gravino, Armani Jimenez, Ned Kiame, Justin Palman, Holly Trinka, Antonio Lazar who have been preparing these many months for their First Holy Communion celebration. We ask that you pray for them for proper preparations for this important step in their Christian life.

There will be a rehearsal for this important day as well as the reception of their First Penance on Saturday, May 22nd beginning at 12:30 PM.

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Food Collection for the Fr. English Food Bank

Sunday, May 9th — All parishioners were asked to bring a bag of groceries to church on this day. Children were asked to bring imperishable food items and place them in the basket in front of the altar during the offertory of the Mass.

Won’t you help the needy in the name of Christ the Savior? “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you have done it to me.” (Matthew 25:40). In the case you were not able to bring imperishable food items, you can still make a monetary donation for that cause. Please use envelopes from the vestibule of the church and write memo – for Food Pantry.

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Tricky Tray Kick-Off Meeting

Our kick-off meeting was held on April 11, followed by Meeting on April 25. We thank those who attended and shared their ideas. Please consider joining us and helping make this the best ever!

There will be 3 levels of prizes (regular, super and grand). There will also be a 50/50 being sold before and at the affair. Those who would like to reserve tables of 8 or 10 please contact Karen Peano at 973-432-3027.

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Mother’s Day at Holy Cross

On Sunday, May 9, 2010 we will celebrate Mother’s Day and honor of all mothers with special prayers during both Masses.

  • Holy Mass for the intention of all mothers living and deceased at 9am
  • Teachers and children will present a special program for mothers after the Mass in the parish hall.
  • The Mother’s Day Breakfast will take place in the parish hall at 10:10am. All parishioners and friends especially Mothers are cordially invited to attend this special celebration. Mother’s Day Breakfast menu: Sausages, Eggs, French Toast, Home Fries, Danish, Rolls and Butter, Coffee, Tea.

We welcome everyone on this special occasion!

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CONVO 2010 News

CONVO 2010 is nearing. Ask Fr. Joseph for applications. Our Parish family will help financially using funds from the youth fund which was collected over the recent years. CONVO 2010 will be held July 26-30, 2010. Cost will be $285. All payments must be postmarked no later than June 1st. After June 1st, a $25 late fee will be required to be paid in addition to the initial $285. All late payments must be in by June 25th. The next CONVO meeting will take place on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish, 135 Hathaway St. Wallington NJ. The youth of our parish are encouraged and welcome to attend.

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Acolyte Retreat 2010 – “You are called to serve”

All altar servers are invited for the annual Acolyte Retreat that will be held at Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center in Waymart, PA from Tuesday June 29 (Noon) to Friday, July 2nd, (Noon), 2010. It is a great occasion to meet altar servers from other parishes, spend time filled with prayers, reflections and yes fun on their vacation time. The cost for these three full days is only $65.00; The Adoration Society and Daughters of Holy Cross will assist financially as a reward for altar service they do in our parish. The Central Diocese covers the outstanding costs. Parents can also stay with their children. Please mark your calendars. Fr. Joseph provides copies of registration forms.

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President Kaczynski’s last speech

Below is the text of the speech which Lech Kaczynski, who died on Saturday, was going to deliver at the 70th anniversary ceremony of the Katyn massacre.

“Dear Representatives of the Katyn Families. Ladies and Gentlemen. In April 1940 over twenty-one thousand Polish prisoners from the NKVD camps and prisons were killed. The genocide was committed at Stalin’s will and at the Soviet Union’s highest authority’s command.

The alliance between the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and the Soviet attack on Poland on 17 September 1939 reached a terrifying climax in the Katyn massacre. Not only in the Katyn forest, but also in Tver, Kcharkiv and other known, and unknown, execution sites citizens of the Second Republic of Poland, people who formed the foundation of our statehood, who adamantly served the motherland, were killed.

At the same time families of the murdered and thousands of citizens of the eastern territory of the pre-war Poland were sent into exile deep into the Soviet Union, where their indescribable suffering marked the path of the Polish Golgotha of the East.

The most tragic station on that path was Katyn. Polish officers, priests, officials, police officers, border and prison guards were killed without a trial or sentence. They fell victims to an unspeakable war. Their murder was a violation of the rights and conventions of the civilized world. Their dignity as soldiers, Poles and people, was insulted. Pits of death were supposed to hide the bodies of the murdered and the truth about the crime for ever.

The world was supposed to never find out. The families of the victims were deprived of the right to mourn publicly, to proudly commemorate their relatives. Ground covered the traces of crime and the lie was supposed to erase it from people’s memory.

An attempt to hide the truth about Katyn – a result of a decision taken by those who masterminded the crime – became one of the foundations of the communists’ policy in an after-war Poland: a founding lie of the People’s Republic of Poland.

It was the time when people had to pay a high price for knowing and remembering the truth about Katyn. However, the relatives of the murdered and other courageous people kept the memory, defended it and passed it on to next generations of Poles. They managed to preserve the memory of Katyn in the times of communism and spread it in the times of free and independent Poland. Therefore, we owe respect and gratitude to all of them, especially to the Katyn Families. On behalf of the Polish state, I offer sincere thanks to you, that by defending the memory of your relatives you managed to save a highly important dimension of our Polish consciousness and identity.

Katyn became a painful wound of Polish history, which poisoned relations between Poles and Russians for decades. Let’s make the Katyn wound finally heal and cicatrize. We are already on the way to do it. We, Poles, appreciate what Russians have done in the past years. We should follow the path which brings our nations closer, we should not stop or go back.

All circumstances of the Katyn crime need to be investigated and revealed. It is important that innocence of the victims is officially confirmed and that all files concerning the crime are open so that the Katyn lie could disappear for ever. We demand it, first of all, for the sake of the memory of the victims and respect for their families’ suffering. We also demand it in the name of common values, which are necessary to form a foundation of trust and partnership between the neighboring nations in the whole Europe.

Let’s pay homage to the murdered and pray upon their bodies. Glory to the Heroes! Hail their memory!” (mg)

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Commemorating Poland’s Tragic Loss

To All Parishioners and Friends,

In front of the main altar in the sanctuary of Holy Cross Church, Woodland Park, NJ, ninety eight candles; flowers; and pictures of the President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski and his wife, Maria were placed in the center of other prominent members of the Polish government, parliament and family members (victims of Katyn) who died in the air crash on Saturday April 10, 2010 near Smolensk Airport, Russia.

This Sunday, April 18, 2010 at 9 and 11 AM Masses, Father Joseph R. Cyman, his family and parishioners will continue to pray for all 98 victims of that unprecedented tragedy. Please join us. It is a great loss for the people of Poland as well as for those who moved in the past to live in other countries as members of Polonia. Father Joseph and his wife, Renata, originally born in Poland, are touched by this tragedy. Their two children who were born in USA are very sad as well. The Holy Cross Church was established mainly by the Polish immigrants in 1926 in Paterson. Many of them moved to surrounding areas and built the second church in 1965-66 in Woodland Park, formerly West Paterson.

During the past few decades the Polish ethnic beginning of the Parish has grown into a multicultural community. The members of the Parish remember their forefathers’ roots and have a great compassion and sympathy for Polish people. They feel the same as many nations who are expressing their prayers and sympathy to Poland.

There was no miracle in Smolensk. All died. However, the people of Russia and Poland are closer than ever before. It is a miracle of forgiveness. The Russians feel sorry for what did happen 70 years ago in Katyn. They also feel sympathy for the loss of members of the Polish government delegation who were going to commemorate Katyn 70th Anniversary. Spontaneously they feel closer to the people of Poland. Similarly it was uplifting to hear the family of victims of Katyn who said we (the People of Poland) forgave the Germans formerly German Nazis; now it is the time to forgive the Russian Federation, formerly Soviet Union.

Please join us Sunday.

Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

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New Parish Committee Installed

The Parish Committee Members made an oath to serve the Holy Cross Church to the best of their abilities on Palm Sunday March 28, 2010 after the 9AM and 11AM Holy Masses. Congratulations!

In the picture: First row from left: Alice Kriskewic - Trustee, Adele Merson - Trustee, Nayef Kiame – Acolyte, Neil Kiame – Acolyte, Penni Lazor – Trustee, Neil Kiame – Acolyte, Richard Daum – Treasurer. Second row from left: Fr. Joseph R. Cyman – Pastor, Karen Hitchcock – Recording Secretary, Lenny Hrinuk – Trustee, Hughie Vickerilla – Trustee, Bob Sleece – Vice-President, Ed Obssuth – Trustee, Dominick Bucci – President, Eddy Obssuth – Acolyte.
Claire Centrella made an oath as member of the Parish Committee

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Holy Mass of Chrism

On Tuesday of the Holy Week, the Clergy Conference of the Central Diocese PNCC took place in Youth Center of St. Stanislaus Cathedral Parish Scranton, PA. The Holy Mass of Chrism followed in the cathedral. It was presided by Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, Bishop of the Central Diocese with co celebration of the clergy of our diocese. During the Mass the blessing of Holy Oils and Chrism took place.

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