Parish Life

Winter Coat Drive, February 12th – March 5th

The temperatures are freezing, and during this time of the year the homeless suffer the worst. It would be a great idea to assist our confirmation class youth in showing understanding and compassion. We are offering the opportunity to donate items for care packets for the homeless. Within the next few weeks, we will be heading out to distribute those care packages along with our confirmation class youth and a few parents. Anyone interested in donating hand warmers, one-size-fits-all gloves, portable wipes, and water please do so. We have blankets that were prepared by the Adoration Society that we will be handing out as well. There is a container/box in the Parish Hall for you to put the items in. Thank you for caring about those less fortunate. We fulfill our Lord’s command, “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers or sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Winter Coat Drive, February 12th – March 5th Read More »

God Bless Genesis Joann

God bless Genesis Joann Figueroa, daughter of Luis Figueroa and Juana (Herrera) who received the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, January 22nd. Proud godparents were Angel Obando and Leslie Landa. Best wishes to the Figueroa Family and our prayer that they find Holy Cross to be their second home, a place of spiritual growth and social contentment.

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Christmas Eve Holy Mass with Youth

On Christmas Eve at 4 pm we traditionally holy Holy Mass with our children’s participation. They wear costumes of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Three Kings and angels. The youth read the Holy Scriptures, the prayers of the faithful and sing Silent Night with lighted candles.

We thank the youth, their parents, School of Christian Living teachers and all who helped to celebrate the Birth of Jesus in such a meaningful way. Merry Christmas to our web site visitors and Facebook friends.

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Christmas Dinner and Program 2016

We celebrated our annual Christmas Dinner held in conjunction with our annual Christmas Program provided by our School of Christian Living students on Sunday, December 11th. Mrs. Donna Maher and Mr. Paul Murphy as well as Mrs. Natalie Lazar along with volunteers Nayef and Ned Kiame prepared an International Christmas program for our youth. The students sang Christmas carols under the leadership of organist, Neil Estanislao. The International Christmas program presented Christmas traditions and celebrations from countries around the world including Ireland, Italy, Poland, Lebanon, Ecuador, Mexico, and Australia. The delicious dinner was prepared by Hughie Vickerilla. Cakes and pastry were donated by the ladies of the parish. At the end of our celebration Santa appeared to fill the celebration with joy. Merry Christmas to all!

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Christmas Crafts for the Homebound

On Sunday, December 4th our School of Christian Living children prepared Christmas crafts that will be given to homebound members of our parish and that will be used to decorate the Christmas tree in the parish hall. The youth also practiced Christmas songs with organist, Jessica Muccilli. They will present them at our Christmas Party which will be held on Sunday December 11th after the 11am Holy Mass.

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Happy Thanksgiving!


Dear Friends,

First of all we wish all of you Happy Thanksgiving! It is a National Holiday and great celebration with our families and loved ones.

Yesterday evening at Thanksgiving Eve Mass at 7:30 pm we read the Holy Scripture that reminded us to be thankful to God.

  • “Bless the God of all, who has done wondrous things on earth.” (Sirach 50:22)
  • “Lord, I thank you for your thankfulness and love.” (Psalm 138)
  • “I give thanks to my God always on your account for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Corinthians 1:3)

In the Gospel we heard about the Samaritan who came back to Jesus and expressed his thankfulness after he was cured by Jesus from his leprosy. Luke 17:11-19

Thanksgiving is also about sharing with others.

I am glad that our parish remembered the less fortunate of our community by donating Thanksgiving Baskets to local schools. This year the baskets were delivered to Passaic Valley High School and to Woodland Park municipal building where local needed families picked up donations from us and from Fairway.

Happy Thanksgiving! Read More »

The Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday, November 6th we were joined by our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki who celebrated Holy Mass and administered the completion of the Sacrament of Baptism/Confirmation to nine confirmands. Assisting Bishop Nowicki were our Pastor, Fr. Joseph R. Cyman and Deacons David Gaydos and William Gaydos.

Congratulations and prayers for all our confirmands and their families and sponsors:

  • Oby Charbel Eid, Sponsor – Andrea Eid
  • Christopher Nicholas Galindo, Sponsor – Lissette Ruiz
  • Daniel Joseph Galindo, Sponsor – Jazmin Rivera
  • Jazmine Cecilia Garcia, Sponsor – Jacqueline Monroe
  • Aida Mary Llanos, Sponsor – Lynn Imperiale
  • Rosa Milagros Mary Llanos, Sponsor – Alexandra Lazor
  • Brandon Luke Mercado, Sponsor – Eunice Hierro
  • Rana Rita Mikhail, Sponsor – Reem Mikhail
  • Joshua Jude Rivera, Sponsor – Maritza Mercado

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