Parish Life

Thank You to Our Sponsors – Consider Sponsoring Us

Thank you to our 2013 Bulletin Ad supporters and sponsors. We encourage all to support the following businesses that give financial contributions for our church.

Business advertising in our bulletin is available at $100 per year. Funds received are used for photocopy supplies. Please contact the parish office at 973-256-4888 to submit your ad, or send us an E-mail.


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The Sacrament of Confirmation

On Sunday, June 23rd the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki, Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese of the Polish National Catholic Church, assisted by Rev. Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Rev. Mr. David Gaydos, and Rev. Mr. William Gaydos, conferred the completion of the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation by Confirming twelve of our youth. As we celebrated and rejoiced on this day, we also looked forward to our new confirmands witness of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Congratulation to all our Confirmands:

  • Melissa Faith Betancur, Sponsor – Nazal Hasan
  • Cristoforo Pio Carnemolla, Sponsor – Christina Gravino
  • Michael Joseph Peter Cyman, Sponsor – John Plaxa
  • Amber Rose Josephine Harth, Sponsor – Brianna Harth
  • Nayef Elias Luke Kiame, Sponsor – Angel Aldas
  • Alexis Anna Clare Kulbacki, Sponsor – Anthony Balogh
  • Monica Felicia Cecilia Kulbacki, Sponsor – Michael Balogh
  • Christopher James Joseph Paulison, Sponsor – Alissa Rose Elisabeth Paulison
  • Daniel John Bosco Reyes, Sponsor – Paulette Rodriguez
  • Andy James Leo Valer, Sponsor – Joel Puebla
  • Michael Vincent Szczesniak, Sponsor – Mariusz Skowron
  • Paul Peter McDonald, Sponsor – Jamie McDonald

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Parish Picnic Fun

Parish picnic

A big thank you all those parishioners who made our parish picnic last Sunday a success. We thank those who brought delicious dishes, desserts, prizes for children, baked food, and cleaned up after the event. We say heartfelt thank you and God bless you for sharing time and talents for the good of the parish.

Our children enjoying a game of water balloon toss led by Mrs. Jamie Santos
Our children enjoying a game of water balloon toss led by Mrs. Jamie Santos

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Well done SOCL students

Today 4 students: Natalie Cyman, Kimberly Matute, Cindy Matute, and Kenneth Hofmann received perfect SOCL attendance awards and certificates.

Also, 13 students: Lina Abdelfattah, Omar Abdelfattah, Michael Cyman, Nicholas Desch, Declan Maher, Gianni Maher, Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Neil Kiame, Aubrey Santos, Jessie Santos, Daniel Reyes, and Emily Reyes received good SOCL attendance awards and certificates after 11 am Holy Mass. It was enjoyable and special occasion!

We congratulate all children and thank teachers Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos and Mrs. Donna Fabricatore for their dedication for the good of our youth. We thank parents for their support and involvement in SOCL program. We look forward to begin SOCL classes on Sunday September 8th. Join this friendly and joyful group of students.

With best regards and prayers,

Fr. Joseph


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God bless you Omar

We congratulate Omar Abdelfattah who received the Sacrament of Baptism at Holy Cross Church on Sunday May 12th. He is a special son of Firas Abdelfattah and Lorena (nee Sanita). His proud sister is Lina Abdelfattah. Proud Godparents are Claudio Soto and Angela Sanita-Soto. We congratulate all family members, relatives and friends.


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