Parish Life

Christmas Party for Jesus

The annual Christmas Dinner was held last Sunday December 9, 2012. We enjoyed great attendance. We are thankful for the delicious and abundant festive food donated by Deacon David Gaydos and his wife Laurie, prepared by Edward and David Obssuth and their helpers.

The Sunday school students presented a program which invited the audience to participate in singing Christmas Carols. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. St. Nicholas came and distributed gifts to the precious children asking them in return to be good for another year.

We thank Renata Cyman who decorated the hall, Claire Centrella who with the help of Merry Sleece and ANS members organized 20 baskets of Tricky Tray. In addition to that, there was a 50/50 cash prize and ANS Basket of Cheer raffled. Our words of appreciation are addressed to those who helped to clean up after the event. A thank you is also extended to the parishioners who contributed desserts, sold raffles, and invited friends for last Sunday’s celebration. Merry Christmas!

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Advent Tree project

Our Annual Advent Tree project begins today, Sunday November 25, 2012. Through our efforts we will benefit the less fortunate of our society. You are asked to take a tag from the tree and write your name in the registry located near the tree. Please affix the copy of the tag you take from the tree to your gift so that the present may be given to the proper individual. All gifts will be due on Sunday December 16, 2012. Your generosity will be appreciated and rewarded by the Lord who asks us to take care for the needy.

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Ś+P Wanda Zajac

Wanda Zajac parishioner of Holy Cross Church passed away on Sunday November 11, 2012. The Funeral Mass took place at Holy Cross Church on Wednesday November 14, 2012. All members of Holy Cross Parish extend our deep sympathy to daughter Diane, son-in-law Richard Torre, brother Louis, grandchildren Kimberly, Robert and Diane, nieces nephews and other relatives and friends on the loss of Wanda Zajac.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Ś+P Stephanie (Trzepacz) Ludkiewicz

Ś+P Stephanie (Trzepacz) Ludkiewicz (87), parishioner of Holy Cross Church passed away on November 19, 2012 at Compassionate Care Hospice in Dover surrounded by her loving family.

All members of Holy Cross Parish extend our deep sympathy to son, Dr. Wayne (and Charlene) Ludkiewicz of Beaver, PA, daughter Lee Ann Pellegrini of Succasunna, and daughter Fae (and Erick) Urban of San Francisco, CA. 5 grandchildren; Steven, Brian, Benjamin, Candice, and Nicole, 2 great-grandsons; Charles, Sebastian, and many nieces, nephews, and friends on the loss of Stephanie Ludkiewicz. The funeral Mass took place on Saturday November 24, 2012 at Holy Cross Church. The interment took place at the Holy Cross P N C Cemetery in Ware, MA.

Ś+P Stephanie was predeceased by her husband of 62 years Ś+P Steven (2010) and 9 siblings. She was born in Palmer, MA, lived in Springfield, MA before moving to Ledgewood, NJ 50 years ago. She recently resided at Mt. Arlington Senior Living.

She worked at Wrights supporting the war effort sewing cargo parachutes and for Westinghouse. She also worked for Uniguard in Randolph, and retired from Travelers Insurance Company in 1981. She was a member of the Holy Cross Polish National Church in Woodland Park and Roxbury Township Senior Citizens Club. In lieu of flowers the family requests donations may be made in his name to Holy Cross Church 220 Browertown Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Happy Birthday Jesus Christmas Dinner

We will hold our annual “Happy Birthday Jesus” Christmas Dinner on Sunday, December 9th after 11 A.M. Holy Mass. Adults $12. THE CHILDREN and YOUTH will be free of charge. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for an enjoyable afternoon with great menu and a Christmas Program by the children of our School of Christian Living. St. Nicholas (Santa) will visit us with presents for the children.

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Donation for Hurricane Victims

Our parish decided to donate $1,000 to assist the victims of devastating Hurricane Sandy. On Thursday November 15th the parish presented a check to The Salvation Army.

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are will all those who were affected by the hurricane.

In the picture from left: Mayor of Little Falls, Darlene Post and Fred Batelli P.V.O.E.M. from Little Falls, Irene Wall, Donor Relations Manager representing The Salvation Army, Fr. Joseph R. Cyman -Pastor, Irene Macones P.V.O.E.M and Mayor Keith Kazmark of Woodland Park.

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Tricky Tray Thank You

Thank you to all who attended and worked at our successful “God Bless America” Tricky Tray, annual fundraiser. This was our most successful Tricky Tray since 1982.

Our special thanks are expressed to those who: Donated Regular, Super and Grand Trays; Gave monetary donations; Participated in 50/50 Raffle; Served as captains; sold admission tickets; Did advertisement and solicitations; Picked up donations; Numbered the trays for the Program; Set up the hall on Thursday; Delivered and set up trays on Friday; Sold tickets at the event; Served as runners; Served in the kitchen; Served as MC; Served as security guard; Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event; And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize and supported Tricky Tray 2012.

Thank You and God Bless you.

Holy Cross Church.

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Tricky Tray in honor of the Presidential Election

Our annual Tricky Tray, in honor of the Presidential Election will be held on Friday, October 26th at the Amalgamated Meat Cutters, 245 Paterson Ave., Little Falls, New Jersey. Doors Open at 6 pm. Drawings begin at 8 pm. Children are welcome.

We will be offering:

  • About 100 Regular Trays – $25 plus
  • About 100 Super Trays – $50 plus
  • About 25 Grand Trays – over $100
  • Vitamix ($500 value); a Coach Purse; a Keurig Elite; a Glider with Ottoman; a Sharp docking station; a Giada Pot Set; Thanksgiving Dinner for 10; Scratch Offs; an Autographed Football; Bathroom specials; a 19” Flat Screen TV; Chanel Sunglasses and other great prizes.

Also win a 50/50 raffle (2011 prizes totaled $1,852) with a $1,000 cash prize, Door prizes of $25 gift certificates, Special free grab bags for kids.

Admission – $15 payable to: Holy Cross Church. Admission includes coffee / tea and an array of desserts & 26 regular prize chances. Purchase tickets in advance to receive additional sheet of regular prize chances. Purchase pre-packaged raffles for 20-35% premium over individual tickets.

We will have Hot Dogs, Pizzas or Bring your own food!!!

For more information call Karen at 973-423-3027 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888.

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All Saints and All Souls Observances

Solemnity of All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. This year this feast will be celebrated on Thursday, November 1st. We remember and pray with all holy saints. Special Holy Masses will be celebrated at 9 am and 7:15 pm with the reading of All Souls Remembrances.

All Souls Day Envelopes – Are available in the vestibule of the church. On Friday November 2nd the Church will commemorate All Souls Day. On that day Holy Mass with the reading of All Souls remembrances will be held at 9 am. It is our Catholic custom to remember the souls of the faithful departed on that day and throughout the entire month of November.

Please use All Souls Day envelopes and print the names of the departed you wish to remember and send it to the parish office or place it in the collection basket on Sunday. The envelopes with the names will be kept on the altar during the month of November. In addition to that, Father Joseph will celebrate Holy Masses for their intentions in the upcoming weeks and months. Please propose the date when you wish to have the Holy Mass celebrated for the intention of your departed loved ones. Fr. Joseph will confirm the availability of the date. These Masses will be listed in the bulletins as All Souls Day Masses.

All Souls Cemetery Service – will take place on Sunday, October 28th at the PNCC section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton beginning at 2 pm. For this annual event the clergy and faithful from four parishes, SS Peter and Paul; Passaic, Transfiguration of Our Lord; Wallington, The Most Holy Name of Jesus; Passaic, and from our Holy Cross Parish; Woodland Park are invited to attend. Please remember your departed loved ones who need your prayers and they depend upon your remembrance.

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