Parish Life

Pasta Dinner – a wonderful celebration of God’s blessings

On Saturday, February 18th our parish, in conjunction with Passaic Valley UNICO, hosted a pasta dinner. There were over eighty adults and some children in attendance. The Italian music, door prizes, and 50/50 raffle made the evening an enjoyable event. The church and UNICO raised $500 each. We thank those who decorated the parish hall, prepared homemade meat balls, brought in delicious desserts, served at the dinner, and cleaned up after the event. Bless all those who attended the dinner in support of our parish and UNICO.

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God bless you, Emanuele and Theresa

On Sunday, February 26th – Emanuele and Theresa Triggiano (parents of Claire Centrella) celebrated their 70th Anniversary of Marriage. The family gathered to celebrate this unique and seldom achieved anniversary. St. Nicholas Ministry, on behalf of the parish, sent Emanuele and Theresa a beautiful flower arrangement. We wish Emanuele and Theresa God’s blessing of good health and happiness.

God bless you, Emanuele and Theresa Read More »

St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

We will hold our annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on Sunday, March 18th beginning at 12 P.M. (after 11:00 AM Holy Mass). There will be Irish Music and a full menu of Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish Red Potatoes, Baked Chicken, a Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads, Irish Soda Bread, Coffee/Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts. Tickets are $15 for adults. Children and youth are Free. We will also have a Basket of Irish Cheer and Door Prize raffle as well as a 50/50 Raffle.

Please R.S.V.P by March 11th by calling (973) 256-4888. You may also buy your tickets at the church.

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Ash Wednesday – The Beginning of Lent

On Wednesday, February 22nd, the Church begins the season of Lent. On that day two Holy Masses will be celebrated: at 12 and 7 P.M. along with the Blessing and distribution of Ashes.

Spiritual reflection for Ash Wednesday: Beginning on Ash Wednesday we are called to repent, to change our minds about the way we live our lives in the sight of God. In the reading from the Book of the Prophet Joel we will hear that he summoned infants, children, the newly married and the elderly to an assembly of prayer indicating that they were repenting. Ash Wednesday summons everyone to enter into a forty-day fast. All are called to pray. All are invited to give alms. We will all gather on Ash Wednesday because we know that we need to “to return to the Lord.” Joel tells us that we can do that only by returning with our whole hearts, that is, with a motivation that is deep inside us. The ashes marking a cross on our foreheads will indicate that we are entering in the Lenten period of change that will leave us never to be the same again.

During the season of Lent all parishioners are welcome to attend Lenten Devotions. On Fridays in Lent you are invited to attend Stations of the Cross with the reading on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ at 7:15 PM. This will give us the opportunity to reflect upon the redemptive sufferings of our Lord.

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Prayer Of Sympathy

We express our sympathy to Claire Centrella on the loss of her husband August Centrella who passed away on Friday, January 27th. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

August J. Centrella

August J. Centrella, 82 of Woodland Park, died on January 27th at Hope Hospice in Cape Coral, Florida. Born in West New York, he lived in Kinnelon and Nutley, going to Woodland Park 5 years ago.

Mr. Centrella was a former restaurant owner, a member of Nutley Elks Lodge #1290 and was trustee of the Melissa A. Centrella Scholarship Foundation. He was also a Marine Corps veteran of the Korean War. He is survived by his beloved wife, Claire A. (Triggiano) Centrella and was predeceased by his daughter Melissa Anne Centrella.

Funeral from the S.W. Brown & Son Funeral Home, 267 Centre Street, Nutley, NJ 07110 on Thursday, February 2nd at 8:45 am. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at Holy Cross Church, 220 Browertown Rd. Woodland Park at 10 am. Entombment will follow at Holy Cross Cemetery Chapel Mausoleum, North Arlington.

Visiting at the funeral home on Wednesday, February 1st from 2-4 & 7-9 pm.

In lieu flowers, donations to the Melissa A. Centrella Scholarship Foundation, c/o 33 Quarry Dr. Woodland Park, NJ 07424 would be preferred.

Let us remember Mr. August in our prayers and also Mrs. Claire to support her in this sorrowful time.

Hail Mary …

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.

With prayers,

Fr. Joseph

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Youth Gathering and Ice Skating Party

Sunday, January 15th, the youth of our parish participated in a special Holy Mass at 11:00 AM by serving as altar servers and reading prayers of the faithful. After Holy Mass there was a Youth Meeting followed by a reception. Participants enjoyed a game of musical chairs.

At the meeting the youth spoke about past events such as car wash and drive-in movie night in the summer. This year Youth Convo will take place from July 23 to July 27, 2012 at Niagara Falls. NY. A future youth fundraiser will be discussed at the next meeting to defray the cost for participants. After the meeting the church provided refreshment and pizza. At 2 PM we gathered at Montclair University, Floyd Hall Arena. We had a good turnout. After the group ice skate rental, seventeen youth enjoyed skating at the beautiful facility.

The parish sponsored the cost of tickets for our youth who are considered very important in our parish ministry. We thank parents and grandparents who brought the youth for the meeting and ice skating. Several adults were pleased to watch the young people’s endless energy and enthusiasm. The youth returned home happy and additionally witnessed a happy evening watching the Giants win!

The next youth Holy Mass and meeting will take place on Sunday, February 19th. Come and enjoy!

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Welcome to the Family of Faith Aubrey Gwen

On Sunday, January 15th, Holy Cross Church witnessed a joyful celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Aubrey Gwen Roberts, daughter of Shawn and Diane (Hitchcock) Roberts, was welcomed to the Christian family during the celebration of Holy Mass at 11 AM. Godparents were James Hitchcock Jr. and Kaitlin Roberts. We congratulate Aubrey Gwen’s parents, grandparents, relatives and friends on this joyful occasion. We wish that the grace of Baptism that Aubrey received will be nourished for the years to come through participation in the life of Holy Cross Church family.

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Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament Society Gathering

On Sunday, January 8th the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament (ANS) Society of Holy Cross Church held their monthly meeting followed by a reception and joyful gift exchange. The members wished each other a happy, healthy and blessed New Year and shared those same sentiments with all other members of the Society and the parish. The society takes care of the needs of the church sanctuary such as liturgical vessels, altar linens and candles. They sponsor parish youth activities such as the annual Acolyte Retreat in the summer. They organize fundraisers and social activities. Baking for various church dinners is their specialty. They welcome new members to join this friendly group of ladies dedicated to mutual support and honoring our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank you for your wonderful service.

Fr. Joseph, Pastor

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Annual Parish Meeting Notice

Our annual parish meeting will be held on Sunday, February 12th after 9 a.m. Holy Mass. The second Holy Mass that day will be at 11:30 AM. There will be slight refreshment after the 9 a.m. Holy Mass. The School of Christian Living will conduct its program in Fr. John Slysz building with presentations provided by the youth enrolled in high school.

All the societies of our parish are asked to give annual reports for 2011 and information on their projects for 2012. Another important aspect of our Annual Parish Meeting will be the election of the Parish Committee. The Parish Committee is the council, which meets once per month (usually for about 1 1/2 hour on the evening of the 3rd Wednesday of the month) to discuss issues and make decisions for the well being of the parish. Would you consider serving on this committee? Please contact Dominick Bucci 973-703-6473 or Fr. Joseph for any additional information.

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Our thanks and best wishes for the New Year, 2012

Dear Friends,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas celebration. The weather was great.

I thank our dear SOCL teachers: Mrs. Karen Paulison, Mrs. Natalie Lazar, and Mrs. Jamie Santos for their help organizing Christmas Eve Mass at 4 PM. Mrs. Claire was unable to be with us due to her husband’s hospitalization. We keep him and all our homebound parishioners and friends in our prayers.

Equally, I would like to thank all the students who wore costumes and participated in the liturgy as lectors and altar servers. I thank all parents who brought their children to church.

I also thank those who served as lectors, choir members, altar servers on Christmas Eve Holy Masses at 4 PM and 10 PM, and for the Christmas Day 10 AM Holy Mass, and all who came to share their faith in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless you all.

Wishing you healthy, happy and blessed New Year 2012!!

With prayers,

Fr. Joseph and Parish Committee

Blessed New Year – 2012!
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku – 2012!
Bonne Année 2012!
Felice anno nuovo 2012
Próspero año nuevo 2012
Ein gutes neues Jahr 2012!

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