Prayers Of Sympathy
On Saturday, February 20, Rose Vickerilla (85), the mother of our parishioner, Hughie Vickerilla, a member of our Parish Committee and his wife Beverly, and grandmother of Jamie Santos, and her family, passed away. Jamie is a teacher in our School of Christian Living.
Rose was the co-founder of Hughie’s Red Kettle, Totowa, parishioner of St. James RC Church, Totowa and a member of the Passaic Valley Elks Lodge #2111, Ladies Auxiliary. Rose and her husband Hubert (Hughie) occasionally came to our church for social events, baptisms of their grandchildren and for Holy Mass on Thursday. Our deepest sympathy to her husband, Hubert (Hughie), son – Hughie, other children, grandchildren, relatives and friends.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen
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