Parish Life

Confirmation Class

Students studying for Confirmation, the Sacramental completion of the journey begun in Baptism began studying on Sunday September 27, 2009 after 11:00 A.M. Mass. The following students are enrolled for Confirmation Classes: Brianna Harth, Michael Lazor, Matthew Montero and Alissa Paulison. Students who will begin High school in September or will be 14 years old or older in June 2010 are eligible to take confirmation classes.

Our Confirmation celebration will take place on Sunday, June 6, 2010 AT 3:00 p.m. Our Bishop Ordinary, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, will administer Confirmation on our students.

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First Holy Communion Class

Nicholas Desch, Violette Go, Armani Jimenez, Ned Kiame and Justin Palman have begun their preparations for their First Holy Communion celebration. We pray for them and their families so to ensure proper preparations for their important step in their Christian life. We are asking the parents whose children started second grade in September 2009 or are older to register for First Holy Communion classes. The next class will be held today, Sunday October 4, 2009 after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. The First Holy Communion celebration is scheduled on Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:00 A.M.

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August-September 2009

Welcome Back!

The beautiful calendar summer with its good adventures is almost ended. Our children went back to school to continue their education. The regular schedule of our parish ministry begins today, September 13, 2009. The School of Christian Living program starts as well and our teachers are eager to hear children’s summer stories. The teachers Mrs. Michele Lazor, Mrs. Karen Paulison, Mrs. Claire Centrella and Mrs. Jamie Santos, who joined the faculty are ready to serve our children for their spiritual benefit in school year 2009 – 2010.

For me and my family it was a unique and special summer. Two months of the rectory expansion took place from June 26 to August 21, 2009 and passed very quickly. It was a time filled not only with some noise, dust, and little discomfort but also a good time of witnessing all stages of the project. There were several meetings with many people that were involved in the construction. It was a time to observe the fruits of hard labor. Sometimes and my family and I were involved with making decisions and doing a little of the work as well. The Parish Committee accepted Dominick Bucci to be a coordinator for this building project. My family and our parish can’t thank him enough for his remarkable service he did and the time he spent to communicate with SRK General Contractor LLC, Garfield, NJ. Because of his involvement, the job was well done. At the end of the project according to our plans, the painting was done by the volunteers of the parish to defray the cost of the project. In addition to Dominick, we are thankful to his sons, Brian and David and Lenny Hrinuk who gave us a hand. I can’t forget my wife’s work and children who did their share too. After a couple of days of painting, my daughter had a question: father, you are a priest and you are painting? Yes my honey, I do it for you. Yes we enjoyed being part of this project.

In conjunction of this expansion there were other jobs done in our parish. The old ceiling tiles with leaking marks going to the choir loft were replaced with new one. The floor in the parish hall by the windows was fixed by Dominick Bucci. The old wooden floor in the Break Panel Room was replaced with the new tiles. The old electric outlets in the rectory were replaced with new ones. The old wooden floors in the rectory were refurbished. The cement ramp was poured and the double door to the parish hall was accommodated as handicap accessible. Men of the Parish Committee moved furniture from the tea room and church kitchen and the floor was cleaned and waxed. Bob Sleece moved the furniture back. The crack on the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary along Browertown Rd. was fixed, ASIES Group, Fairfield, NJ. The cement footing was poured for the “small” statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the rectory. The patio in front of the rectory was completed. The old and cracked counter-top and old cabinets in the rectory kitchen were replaced with the generosity of SRK General Contractor. Many of these jobs were charitably done or done with a great discount in lieu of advertisement placed in our bulletin. Let us pray and support our benefactors. We thank all parishioners who supported our project and showed their generosity by giving donations toward Building Fund.

THE BLESSING OF THE RECTORY ADDITION will take place on Sunday November 15, 2009 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky the Bishop of the Central Diocese. On that Sunday there will be one Mass celebrated at 11:00 A.M. followed by the blessing of the addition. The reception will take place in the parish hall. A buffet style dinner will be provided and sponsored by the Cyman Family as a token of appreciation for the accomplished project. All are invited to attend this event with the opportunity to meet Bishop Anthony Mikovsky. Please write the name of your family and number of people attending on the sign up list located in the parish hall.

We are getting ready for Flea Market sponsored by combined efforts of ANS and Daughters of Holy Cross on Friday September 19, 2009,

Our Fourth Annual Beefsteak Dinner Saturday will be held on September 26, 2009

Our annual Tricky Tray on Friday, October 23, 2009.

In addition to that with the efforts of Parish Committee our parish will have new Parish photo directory taken
on October 27-28-29, 2009 by Universal Church Directories of Mansfield, Ohio.

Finally, we all have the responsibilities and a privilege to worship our God on Sunday – Keep Holy the Lord’s Day. We come to the church to present to the Lord many personal intentions and the needs of others. Each Sunday our Savior invites us and nourishes with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We all need Jesus, His guidance, support, and His love.

May God richly bless you. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph

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Fun and Learning! Back to School Orientation

Sunday school classes will resume on Sunday September 13th. The program is free of charge. Classes are held every Sunday from 10:05 A.M. to 10:50 A.M. Masses are conducted at 9:00 A.M. And 11:00 A.M. Childcare is provided during the 9:00 A.M. Mass for children 2-5 yrs. Of age. Coffee hour takes place in the church hall at 10:00 A.M. (between Masses) to promote fellowship and encourage new members to meet parishioners.

“Youth Mass” is held on the third Sunday of the month and children are encouraged to participate as altar servers, greeters, ushers, and choir members; in recitation of the “prayers of the faithful”, and in the “offering of the gifts”. A new addition to the S.O.C.L. Program is the “Youth Choir”. Rehearsal is held on a monthly basis at 10:00 A.M. (in lieu of classes). All children especially talented musically or vocally, are encouraged to participate in the program.

Sunday school students not only receive a religious education but participate in a variety of enjoyable activities provided by the teachers and the parish. These activities include a Halloween Parade and party; pumpkin picking, apple picking and hay ride, a visit from St. Nicholas and holiday party, an Easter Egg Hunt and party, a graduation ceremony, picnic and much more.

If your child is interested in attending this program he/she must be at least 3 years of age.

  • Level I – Pre-school – Kindergarten
  • Level II – 1st and 2nd grades
  • Level III – 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades
  • Level IV – 6th, 7th, and 8th grades

For more information call Father Joseph Cyman (973-256-4888) or Supt. Michele Lazor (201-825-5809). For more information about Holy Cross Church contact 973-256-4888 or contact us by E-mail.

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Get your picture taken

EXCITING NEWS! Our Parish Committee had determined that it is time for our new pictorial church directory. The last one was done eight years ago in year 2001.

Our dates for photography will be: October 27-28-29, 2009. We need more volunteers in addition to Edward Obssuth, Maria Makos, Hughie Vickerilla, and Richard Daum, to help us with the sign-up process for our families. Please contact Edward Obssuth 973-472-7839 or Fr. Joseph 973-256-4888 to volunteer to be a part of this project.

Our parish chose Universal Church Directories of Mansfield, Ohio to produce new church directory. The company has 63+ years of leadership and experience and is committed to making this the best directory experience our church has ever had. Each family photographed for a directory receives a complimentary 8×10 portrait and a free directory. This is our gift to the family to thank them for participating.

There is no cost or obligation to purchase anything.

We do finance the program through the sale of portraits, with the thought in mind that most families have not had a professional portrait done in a number of years, and will want to purchase portraits. But, there is NO PRESSURE to purchase portraits.

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TrickyTray 2009

Tricky Tray - Holy Cross, West PatersonTrickyTray 2009 will be held on Friday, October 23, 2009 at Three Saints Cultural Center, 454 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ. Doors Open: 6:30 pm, Drawing: 8:00 p.m. Children are welcome, HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE, Wonderful prizes: about 100 Regular Trays ($25 value & up) about 100 Super Trays ($50 value & up) 3 Special Gifts ($100 value & up), a chance to win a SHARP AQUOS 37” D44U television (retail value $899.00), cash prize – $750.00; 50/50 drawing, door prizes.

$15 donation per ticket includes coffee, dessert & 26 regular prize chances. The kitchen will be opened to purchase food – and you are allowed to Bring Your Own Food. You can reserve tables with 8 or 10 people. More Info or Tickets: Call Karen at 973-423-3027 or Parish Office at 973-256-4888.

See our TrickyTray ad here and learn more about TrickyTray events.

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4th Annual Luau Beefsteak Dinner

luau4th Annual Luau Beefsteak Dinner with entertainment by DJ Rosario. Food by Giresi’s from Lodi, NJ held at the Holy Cross Church Hall, 220 Browertown Rd., Woodland Park (formerly W. Paterson) from 6:30 till 11pm.

Tickets: Adults – $37.50; children 6-12 years – $12, children under 5 years – FREE. Reserve table of 10 and receive 10th ticket FREE. Deadline for tickets is Sunday, September 6th.

Call Dominick at 973-703-6473 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888.

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Rectory expansion and accessibility projects

Great news -– Our Rectory expansion is completed.

The rectory was painted by Dominick Bucci, Brian Bucci, Lenny Hrinuk, Fr. Joseph, Mrs. Renata, Michael and Natalie Cyman to save on the cost of the labor.

The entrance door to the parish hall has been accommodated for handicap accessibility. The step was eliminated by placing a new concrete ramp. Our parish hall is now handicap accessible. Moving any furniture or items to the parish hall is also much easier.

The front patio was completed. We thank for all received to date donations. Any donation of $1,000.00 or more entitle donor(s) to have an engraved brick paver at the sidewalk in front of the rectory.

Fr. Joseph and his family donated and planted new shrubs, covered the cost of soil and seeds for the landscaping in front of the rectory. This donation was made in memory of his mother, Agnieszka and brother, Andrew Cyman.

On Sunday November 15, 2009 we will host Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky the Bishop of the Central Diocese. On that Sunday there will be one Mass celebrated at 11:00 A.M. fallowed by the blessing of the addition. The reception will take place in the parish hall. The buffet dinner style will be provided and sponsored by the Cyman Family as a token of appreciation for an accomplished project. All are invited to attend this event with the opportunity to meet Bishop Anthony. Please write the name of your family and number of people attending on the sign up list located in the parish hall. Thank you.

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Prayer requests

You can send prayer requests by e-mail.

Holy Mass intentions are for the sick, in memory of loved ones, anniversaries of marriage etc. You can also request prayer for the sick and home-bound by writing intentions and placing them in “Prayer Request” container which is located at the side altar by the baptismal fount.

Fr. Joseph offers Holy Mass on Thursdays for the sick and shut-ins. If you have any sick members in your family and/or home-bound friends or relatives please write their names and place them in the container. Fr. Joseph will include these intentions at the Holy Mass on Thursday evening.

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Cinco de Mayo Mexican Fiesta

On Sunday May 3rd Holy Cross PNCC Church of West Paterson, N. J. hosted its first “Cinco de Mayo Mexican Fiesta”.

cinco de mayoMexican and classic pop music was provided by D.J. Rosario of Classic Source Entertainment. The traditional Mexican decor was inviting and the music was contagious. Everyone joined in the festivities; children and adults as well. Children’s games and prizes, a 50/50 raffle, and a “Mexican Basket of Cheer” were also provided by the Parish Life Committee. Tacos, quesadillas, fajitas, and sangria were on the menu as well as traditional fare for those reluctant to experience Mexican delicacies. Desserts included traditional Spanish flan (custard) Mexican wedding cakes, rum cakes, coconut cakes, Mexican coffee and much more.

If you are interested in joining us in the future please call us at 973 256-4888 or read your weekly bulletins and monthly newsletters.

A special thank you goes out to the following members of the Parish Life Committee. Deacon David Gaydos for his superb culinary expertise; Michele Lazor for providing the decorations, entertainment, basket of cheer, and desserts; Dominick Bucci for his expertise in hanging the lights and decorations; Carol and Annie Montero for setting tables; and the countless others who stayed for cleanup long after the party was over. — Submitted by Michele Lazor

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