Pastor’s Update

Prayers for the Victims in Paris, France

Our prayers and sympathy are addressed for all the victims of today’s terrible tragedy in Paris, France. We pray for peace in France and in the world.

Our Father… Hail Mary…

Fr. Joseph and parishioners

Nôtres condoléances et prières sont adresse pour toutes les victimes de la terrible tragédie au Paris, France. Nous prions pour la paix au France et dans le monde.

Nôtre Père…, Je vous salue Marie…

Père Joseph et les paroissiennes de la Paroisse Sainte-Croix


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Merry Christmas and blessed New Year 2015!

Dear Friends,

Merry Christmas and blessed New Year 2015!

We thank all those who came to celebrate Christmas liturgies on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Special appreciation to Sunday School teachers Mrs. Donna Maher and Mrs. Andrea Lerggios-Smith and children who participated in the Christmas Eve liturgy at 4 pm by serving as altar servers, reading the Holy Scripture and prayers of the faithful, bringing offertory gifts and wearing costumes of Mary, St. Joseph, Angels, Shepherds and Kings.

We remembered deceased parishioners Dorothy Drada, Louis Gec, Donna Fabricatore and Dorothy Jess-Skawinski by lighting special votive candles in their memory.

I thank Deacon David and Deacon Bill for their assistance, Lectors: Claire Centrella, Eddy Obssuth, Richard Daum and John Surak, Greeters, Ushers, Organists; Neil Estanislao, Carol Dziuba and Pawel Raczkowski as well to all who came and participated in the Liturgy of Nativity of the Lord. God bless you all!

Fr. Joseph

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Christmas Vigil – Holy Mass with the Parish Youth

We thank all children, their parents and School of Christian Living teachers for their involvement and service for the parish.

In the parish hall before the Holy Mass of Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord - Dec. 24, 2014.
In the parish hall before the Holy Mass of Nativity of the Lord – Dec. 24, 2014
We thank all children, their parents and School of Christian Living teachers for their involvement and service for the parish.
The  Our Father at the Holy Mass of the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord, Dec. 24,2014 followed by the exchange of the sign of peace with everyone.
The Our Father at the Holy Mass of the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord, Dec. 24,2014 followed by the exchange of the sign of peace with everyone.

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Helping Ss. Cyril & Methodius Parish

Our prayers and best wishes are with the Pastor, Fr. Mariusz Zochowski, and all parishioners of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish in Perth Amboy, NJ. It is heart breaking that this beautiful church was destroyed by the fire on Monday October 28th.

I helped Fr. Mario by celebrating Holy Masses in that church and also attended various NY/NJ Seniorate liturgies such as our annual Corpus Christi Holy Mass with procession. The national Mission and Evangelism workshop was also held there. The people of that parish are friendly and have a deep faith. Fr. Mariusz and some parishioners dedicated countless hours to renovate and remodel the church, rectory, and the parish hall. On Monday evening October 28th I witnessed many people praying in the front of the demolished church with tears in their eyes and broken hearts. It was difficult not to share their feelings. Bishop Bernard Nowicki came to express his support, and together with Fr. Mario inspired those gathered with their prayers of hope that the parish will be rebuilt through the dedication of its people. It will be rebuilt by the people of faith who are the “living stones of the church.” I need to mention that the Holy Eucharist, the consecrated bread – the real presence of Jesus was unharmed as well as the processional cross. This is indeed a sign of the presence of the risen Lord among us and in us. A wonderful start of a new beginning.

At the request of Fr. Mariisz and his parishioners present on Monday along with Deacon Konicki, serving our diocese, we prepared a GoFundMe site so people of good will could offer donations online to help the parish of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in this very difficult time. You can also donate by mail to:

Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish
600 Jacques St.
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Thank you and God bless your generosity.

Fr. Joseph

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Ś+P Józef Cyman

śp. Józef Cyman (85), father of Fr. Joseph R. Cyman passed away on Friday April 26, 2013 in Bytów, Poland.

z6śp Józef was born in Gowidlino, Poland on April 12, 1928. He grew up with nine siblings. He served three years in the army to protect his country 1950-1953. Loving husband to late śp. Agnieszka Cyman for 52 years, they married in 1954. He was a loving father of four children. He took care of his family by working in irrigation and drainage, in the bakery and mostly as the farm owner. He was involved in helping others by performing functions as Mayor in Rokiciny, a council member in the municipality of Czarna Dąbrówka and also a council member in the district of Bytów. He received awards from the government of Poland.
śp. Józef was a man of prayer and religious practice giving good example of service to the family and the parish community. I know that he is with my mother. Both of them are together with śp. Andrzej (my brother) who died in 1988. I share my grief with my family, wife, Renata, children Michael and Natalie who dad2 loved their grandfather in Poland. I share my sadness with sister Danuta, her husband Andrzej, brother Jerzy, his wife, Grażyna, my sister Elżunia, her husband Heniek, grandchildren Grzegorz, Roman, Agnieszka, Mariusz, and five great grandchildren. The funeral Mass took place in Rokity Poland on Wednesday, May 1st on the Solemnity of St. Joseph the Workmen. Thank you for all your prayers and signs of sympathy.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him holy. May he rest in eternal peace. Amen.
Wieczne odpoczynek racz im dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci. Niech odpoczywają w pokoju, Amen.

— Fr. Joseph

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Prayers for Boston

Our prayers and thoughts are with all the victims and their families affected by the senseless tragedy that took place in Boston, MA. We wish a speedy recovery to those who are in the hospitals. Our prayers and appreciation are with the first responders who helped to alleviate the suffering of innocent people.

Fr. Joseph and parishioners of Holy Cross Church

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Poetry for Mother’s Day

Mother by Unknown Author

Mom is such
A special word
The loveliest
I’ve ever heard.
A toast to you
Above all the rest
Mom, you’re so special
You are simply the best.

Everything Mom by Joanna Fuchs

How did you find the energy, Mom
To do all the things you did,
To be teacher, nurse and counselor
To me, when I was a kid.
How did you do it all, Mom,
Be a chauffeur, cook and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can’t comprehend.

I see now it was love, Mom
That made you come whenever I’d call,
Your inexhaustible love, Mom
And I thank you for it all.

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Ash Wednesday – The Beginning of Lent

On Wednesday, February 22nd, the Church begins the season of Lent. On that day two Holy Masses will be celebrated: at 12 and 7 P.M. along with the Blessing and distribution of Ashes.

Spiritual reflection for Ash Wednesday: Beginning on Ash Wednesday we are called to repent, to change our minds about the way we live our lives in the sight of God. In the reading from the Book of the Prophet Joel we will hear that he summoned infants, children, the newly married and the elderly to an assembly of prayer indicating that they were repenting. Ash Wednesday summons everyone to enter into a forty-day fast. All are called to pray. All are invited to give alms. We will all gather on Ash Wednesday because we know that we need to “to return to the Lord.” Joel tells us that we can do that only by returning with our whole hearts, that is, with a motivation that is deep inside us. The ashes marking a cross on our foreheads will indicate that we are entering in the Lenten period of change that will leave us never to be the same again.

During the season of Lent all parishioners are welcome to attend Lenten Devotions. On Fridays in Lent you are invited to attend Stations of the Cross with the reading on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ at 7:15 PM. This will give us the opportunity to reflect upon the redemptive sufferings of our Lord.

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