Pastor’s Update

May 2009

The month of April gave us not only beautiful spring weather with some temperature records set but we also had some wonderful events at Holy Cross Church. Let me share with you the events that we wish to keep in our memories.

On Palm Sunday the Parish Committee Members took an oath. Hughie Vickerilla (Trustee), Edward Obssuth (Chairman of the Parish Committee), Maria Makos (Trustee), Alice Kriskewic (Trustee), Karen Hitchcock (Secretary), Adele Merson (Trustee); Fr. Joseph Cyman (Pastor), Dominick Bucci (Trustee); Bob Sleece (Vice-Chairman), Lenny Hrinuk (Trustee); Richard Daum (Financial Secretary/Treasurer); Absent was Mary Margo and David Obssuth.

On Sunday April 19, 2009 the children of Sunday School enjoyed Easter egg hunt followed by Easter Party in the Parish hall.

In the month of April we continued to have ALMS FUND DRIVE – This year the Parish Committee has decided to send our Alms Fund to the “Christian Appalachian Project,” This organization with over 40 years of reaching out to people in the 13 states that make up Appalachia with basic needs and services, including seeing that the children get food! They deliver food and supplies through local churches and community organizations. They provide lunch to children during the summer when they aren’t in school. They help families learn about planting backyard gardens. Their main concern is to provide for the hundreds of thousands of AMERICA’S poorest right here in the United States of America. Total donations for that cause was $387. On behalf of the poorest we thank those who supported this worthwhile project.

On Palm Sunday April 5, we had youth fundraiser selling PALM CROSSES AND EASTER PLANTS. These beautiful items were provided by Oak Farms owned and operated by Ed, David and Justin Obssuth. All profit will help finance the youth who will participate at Convo 2010 gathering. This project raised $154. There will be other fundraisers in the future as announced.

On Sunday, May 10, 2009 we will celebrate Mother’s Day and honor all mothers with special prayers during both Masses. Teachers and children will present a special program for mothers after the Mass in the parish hall. The Mother’s Day Breakfast will take place in the parish hall after the 9:00 A.M. Mass. (10:10 A.M.) All parishioners and friends especially Mothers are cordially invited to attend this special celebration.

Beginning Wednesday, May 6th I invite everyone May Devotions during the month of May. We will honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus. The Christians from the beginning had a special devotion toward the Mother of our Savior. I invite everyone each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. for May Devotions. We will give praise and honor to God with the prayers and intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We likewise will sing the Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament. In addition to that, we are going to sing hymns dedicated to our spiritual Mother and reflect on her life. I invite all parishioners to attend these celebrations. May Mary, the mother of Jesus and our spiritual mother fill your hearts with her love and lead you to her Son our Lord.

I remember you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers each day. Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day.

Christ has risen! Indeed He has risen!

Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

May 2009 Read More »

April 2009

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, some important events at Holy Cross Church in the past month.

On Sunday March 15th, our parish celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with its annual holiday dinner. The delicious meal included a soup and salad bar, corned beef and cabbage, baked chicken, two types of potatoes, and a variety of vegetables. All food was prepared by the talented Deacon David Gaydos with the assistance of his wife Laurie and brother Deacon William Gaydos. Thanks to the “Parish Life Committee” the meal was accompanied by authentic Irish music, green beer, and dessert with Irish coffee. Entertainment was provided by the “Bergen Piper band” which included two bagpipers and a drummer. A 50/50 raffle, door prizes, and a “crazy green things game” further enhanced the fun and camaraderie of the parishioners and guests.

The Holy Cross Church Adoration Society hosted ANNUAL NY/NJ ANS AGAPE on Sunday March 29, 2009 at 4:00 P.M. Adoration Society members, guests and clergy attended the event. Agape celebration commemorates the feast of Passover celebrated by Jewish people as remembrance of their deliverance from the slavery in Egypt. It also reminded us the feast of Passover celebrated by our Lord with His disciples the day before His passion. The last Passover was celebrated by our Lord on Holy Thursday when He instituted the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist, Penance and Holy Orders. Our Lord replaced the offering of the lamb by giving his own life on Good Friday for the sins of the world. A delicious dinner provided by Andy’s Market and tasty bake goods donated by several ladies of our parish made a delightful reception for our guests. O yes a little taste of a kosher wine was available as well.

On Sunday March 1, 2009 after the 9:00 A.M. Mass a dedication of Sunday School classroom located in the parish hall in memory of departed teacher June Bielke Pettegrew took place. We are grateful for her many years of service.

On March 5, 2009 a free financial seminar took place in our parish hall on provided by David Lerner Associates Inc, business since 1976, member of FINRA & SIPC. If you couldn’t attend this interested seminar and wish to have information about how to build and preserve assets in a conservative way; how to make a decent income without being exposed to the stock market; information about Life Insurance, Long Term Care please contact Jacob Vaknin SVP & Rakema White SA at 201-371-2625. There is no obligation but the advise is worth the time.

On March 11, 2009 I have begun a new series of Bible Study. This time using DVD resources that make the lesson relevant to our daily life needs.

On March 21, 2009 I attended meeting held in Reading parish as preparation for Convo 2010. Our parish has fundraisers to help youth of our parish to defray the cost of retreat. The Palm crosses are available in the parish hall to help support our youth for Convo 2010. There will be other fundraisers in the future as announced.

Before Easter I will continue home bound visitations administering sacraments of penance, Eucharist and if needed Holy Unction. At the same time I will bring them recent bulletins with April newsletter and beautiful flowers donated by St. Nicholas Ministry. The flowers are from “Oak Farms and Garden Center.”

Dear Parishioners and Friends – Our parish traditionally uses the Alms Box in the vestibule of the church for the benefit of the poor. Easter Sunday will be the last day to support the poor using the Alms Box. This year the Parish Committee has decided to send our total Alms Fund to “The Christian Appalachian Project,” They have a history of over 40 years of reaching out to people in the 13 states that make up Appalachia with basic needs and services, including seeing that the children get food! They deliver food and supplies through local churches and community organizations. They provide lunch to children during the summer when they aren’t in school. They help families learn about planting backyard gardens. Their main concern is to provide for the hundreds of thousands of AMERICA’S poorest, right here in the United States of America!

My Dear Parishioners and Friends during the celebration of the Holy Week particularly on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday April 9, 10, 11, 2009, I invite everyone to participate in these liturgies as final preparations for the celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord on Sunday April 12, 2009. The schedule of services for Holy Week and Easter Sunday is in the bulletin. If you search for a spiritual renewal, the Holy Week – Triduum (three days) is the place to be, to pray and reflect on the sufferings and passion of Jesus that brought us forgiveness and salvation.

Wishing you a Happy and blessed Easter, Christ has risen! Indeed He has risen!

Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

April 2009 Read More »

March 2009

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, some important events at Holy Cross Church in the past month.

MEN’S CAKE BAKING CONTEST – FEBRUARY 22, 2009 KEVIN PRICE 1ST PLACE “HATS OFF TO THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE,” MICHAEL LAZOR 2ND PLACE “THE DOLLY MADISON DESSERT,“ FR. JOSEPH 3RD PLACE “GOD BLESS THE U.S.A” To all the bakers: Fr. Joseph, Jerry Rotsaert, Ed Lazor, Mike Merson, Dick Daum, Kevin Price, Steve Marricone, Dominick Bucci, Dave Obssuth, Ed Obssuth, Bob Sleece, Len Hrinuk, Hughie Vickerilla and Michael Lazor, we say thanks for their enthusiastic participation.

If you walked into a bakery and saw the 14 beautiful, clever “Americana” cakes you would be hard pressed to choose one. It was obvious that each contestant put thought and MAN power into their production.

The two cakes which won “BEST PORTRAYAL OF OUR AMERICANA THEME”, as determined by our National American Judges, John Surak, Irene Legawiec and John Swider were Dominick Bucci’s “YANKEE DOODLE CAKE” with George Washington’s picture and Fr. Joseph’s “GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.”.

Our sincere thanks to the cake cutters; Karen Peano, Verna Swider, Karen Hitchcock, Alfreda Bazanowski, Beverly Obssuth and Adele Merson and Elaine Rotsaert. We are grateful for the many people who pitched in to clean up after the contest. Thanks to all who attended and supported the 2009 MEN’S CAKE BAKING CONTEST. Thanks too, to Irene Legawiec and Dick Daum for handling the ballot sales. While this was a FUN RAISER (not to be confused with a FUND RAISER) we did bring in $90. While we were eating cake, we know that many people were going hungry. Therefore, the proceeds will be donated to the FATHER ENGLISH FOOD PANTRY.

After I signed my name on the sign-up list to participate in the contest, a serious question came – am I able to fulfill my commitment? I thought that I have to bake something that will not scare people and will not taste too awful. I called my father, who has a lot of experience in baking, to give me some advice. First I baked a sample cake and then the second one which was in the contest. I think my surprising achievement can be attributed to my father’s advice and encouragement and the young members of my family who tried hard to help me.

On Sunday February 8, 2009 at the Annual Parish meeting we reviewed different reports in regard to our church service in the year 2008. Because of the efforts of several dedicated parishioners the year 2008 was filled with many successful activities. At the annual meeting we elected the Parish Committee for the year 2009. I wish all of the members a fruitful and happy service in using their time and talents for the benefit of our parish. The installation of the members of the Parish Committee will take place on PALM SUNDAY April 5, 2009 after 9:00 A.M. Holy Mass in the church.

I thank those who serve or joined the parish committee and other societies and ministries in our parish in order to rejuvenate the life of our parish family. We need more members to join existing organizations of Holy Cross Church. Last year Karen Peano joined the Adoration Society. She is a wonderful asset for the ANS. We desperately need women to join Daughters of Holy Cross. Please contact Elaine Rotsaret or myself. Follow the example of Neil Kiame, who recently joined the group of Altar Servers. He is proud to join his two older brothers as well. Neil, great job!

The Parish Life Committee is making preparations for the ST. PATRICK’S DINNER with great entertainment on Sunday March 15, 2009 after the 11:00 A.M. Mass. The tickets are now available. Buy them in the church hall or send donations by April 10, 2009. You can’t miss “IT”! Come and enjoy!

My Parishioners and Friends, the season of Lent started last Wednesday. With very good attendance on Ash Wednesday we have begun this season to renew our spiritual life through Lenten observances. We are ready to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009. I ask you to intensify your personal prayer, fasting and alms giving as our preparations for the resurrection of the Lord in the Spirit and truth. The ALMS BOX placed in the vestibule of the church will help you with the practice of alms giving.

In February we lost Mrs. June Pettegrew (74) who passed away on February 5, 2009. Our sincere condolences to her daughter, Karen Paulison and her husband Russell, grand children Alissa and Christopher Paulison, relatives and friends. We miss our parishioner who served as a teacher and past superintendent of School of Christian Living. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

Upon the decision of the Parish Committee the dedication of Sunday School classroom in the parish hall in memory of departed SOCL teacher June Pettegrew will be held on Sunday March 1, 2009 after 9:00 A.M. Mass.

In February we also lost Mrs. Irene Pastor (89) who passed away on February 10, 2009. Our sincere condolences to her daughter, Darlene and her husband Paul Wagner, son Theodore Pastor and his wife Loretta, six grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Irene Pastor was a member of the church choir and served as a secretary of Daughters of Holy Cross for many years. We shall all miss her and pray eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

P.S. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.

– Fr. Joseph

March 2009 Read More »

February 2009

The Year 2009 is well advanced. I hope we all still remember our New Year’s resolutions.

Due to the inclement weather in January many parishioners were prevented to attend Sunday liturgies. Nevertheless some activities took place in the parish.

On Sunday January 18, 2009 the School of Christian Living Attendance awards were given to the following students: Perfect Attendance Awards ($15 gift certificates to Barns and Noble): Natalie Cyman, Michael Cyman, Ned Kiame, Neyef Kiame Good Attendance Awards: ($10 gift certificates to Barns and Noble): Nicholas Desch, Neil Kiame, Matthew Montero, Christopher Paulison, Alissa Paulison Recognition Attendance Awards (gifts): Amber Harth, Brianna Harth, Michael Lazor, Gabriella Rotsaert, Aubrey Santos, Daniel Sung, Emily Sung. Some students who couldn’t come on Sunday January 18, 2009 received their awards on Sunday January 25th, 2009. We thank teachers Mrs. June Pettegrew, Mrs. Michele Lazor and Mrs. Karen Paulison for their wonderful service to benefit the children of our parish. I ask all parishioners to support our School of Christian Living Program. The children are the future of the parish. It is our goal to have more children in the Sunday School. I wish that all parents would take advantage of a great program that is provided for the spiritual and intellectual benefit of their children.

On Sunday January 18, 2009 our parish Youth Group had a meeting. Some fundraisers were scheduled to help our youth to defray cost of participation at the next National Youth gathering Convo 2010. The fundraisers are listed under Upcoming Events. Please support the youth of our parish.

The youth of our parish and their parents hosted 45 guests who came to Holy Cross on a very cold Saturday, January 24, 2009 for their second preparation meeting of Convo 2010. Among our guests we had an honor guest, Bishop Anthony Mikovsky and his wife Mrs. Carol Mikovsky. I thank Nelly Cabrejos, Jason Cabrejos, Jasmine Cabrejos, and Eddy Obssuth Jr. and Alissa Paulison who helped me to host our special visitors. A delicious pizza, hot dogs and soft drinks were served. It was a wonderful experience to see so many youth from different parishes of our Central Diocese.

The youth gathering of Convo 2010 will be held from July 26 to July 30, 2010. The location of the event will be announced. Look for further information.

The next Holy Cross Youth Mass followed by the meeting and refreshment is scheduled on Sunday February 15, 2009. The next Convo 2010 prep meeting is scheduled for March 21, 2009 at St. Stephen’s Parish, Reading PA.

The Parish Life Committee Meeting took place on Sunday January 25, 2009 followed with potluck Lunch. I thank all the members for helping all of us feel as one family.

Our Annual Parish Meeting will take place on February 8, 2009.

In this update I wish to give you the basic information on changes in vital statistic of the parish in 2008.

Baptisms: Karol Mary Sung on January 15, 2008 Daniel Joseph Reyes on May 15, 2008 Emily Reyes on May 15, 2008 Zackary Keith Mullin on June 22, 2008 Kayla Grace Mullin on June 22, 2008 Nicholas John Gizzi on September 7, 2008 Julia Naomi Palman on December 21, 2008 GianFranco Sung on December 28, 2008

Sacrament of Matrimony: Danny Fabian Reyes and Karol Mary Sung on January 19, 2008 Rocco Anthony Cerrato and Tanya Broniszewski on September 6, 2008 Stephen C. Morgan and Karen Jarmakowicz on November 1, 2008 Steven Marricone and Alexis Fikes on November 29, 2008

First Holy Communion on May 18, 2008: Leandro Martin Herrera Amber Rose Harth Christopher James Paulison Nayef Elias Kiame Daniel Joseph Reyes

Sacrament of Confirmation (With Confirmation names) on June 29, 2008 by Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky: Jasmine GRACE Cabrejos, Mateusz CZESLAW Domanowski, Jakub WILHELM Domanowski, Steven LUKE Marricone, Steven DOMINICK Gaydos, Edward FRANCIS Obssuth, Christian PETER Olsen, Karol ANN Sung

New Parishioners: Danny Reyes and Karol Sung, John and Michele Gizzi, Italo and Patricia Palman, Fernando Sung and Paulette Rodriguez

Funerals: Lorraine Broniszewski on January 19, 2008; Marie Vanjonack on February 14, 2008; Lorraine Dube on April 16, 2008; Wanda Wozney on May 3, 2008; Julian Suhok on July 1, 2008; Anna Surak on October 20, 2008 and Luba Bartlom on November 3, 2008. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

The whole report will be available at the meeting on Sunday February 8, 2009.

May the Year 2009 be for each parishioner of our parish a time of spiritually growth in deepening our personal relationship with our Savior. As we begin the 83rd year of the service to the needs of our community, may we fulfill our privilege of serving God and our neighbors.

As I remember you in my daily prayers, please remember me each day in your prayers.

Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

February 2009 Read More »

January 2009

My Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Some important events from December 2008:

1. Sacrament of Matrimony between Steven Marricone and Alexis Fikes on Nov. 29, 2008

2. Birthday Party for Jesus with a special cake on Dec. 7, 2008

3. SOCL Christmas Program and Christmas Dinner on Dec. 7, 2008

4. Sacrament of Baptism of Julia Naomi Palman on Dec. 21, 2008

In December we welcomed Italo, Patricia Palman and their children Julia, Justin, Josephine, Jessica and Jenifer as new members of our parish. Their daughter Julia was baptized on December 21, 1008. We wish Palman Family happiness and spiritual fulfillment at Holy Cross.

5. St. Nicholas with children at Holy Cross on Dec. 28, 2008

6. Sacrament of Baptism of Gianfranco Sung on Dec. 28, 2008

In December we welcomed Fernando Sung, Paulette Rodriguez and their son, Gianfranco as new family at Holy Cross Church. Their son, Gianfranco was baptized on December 28, 2008. We wish them happiness and spiritual fulfillment at Holy Cross.

With the end of the year 2008 we closed our fiscal year. We thank parishioners who throughout this past year shared their time, talent and treasure for the good of Holy Cross Church in order to pay weekly bills. The financial report of income versus expenses reflecting the year 2008 will be available at the Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday February 8, 2008 after 9:00 A.M. Mass. All parishioners are strongly encouraged to attend.

Epiphany Pastoral visitations this year can take place until Ash Wednesday, which will take place on February 25, 2009. Please call me or contact me on Sundays to schedule the appointment. For the visit, if it is possible, please prepare a cross and two candles. The candles that symbolize the light of Jesus will be lighted during the prayer time. In the case of the sick and home-bound Holy Communion will be given. In keeping with the tradition, I will mark the lintel of your door with the initials C+M+B+2009 (Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar-2009). These symbolize the Three Wise Men who welcomed Jesus into their hearts, and it is our way of accepting Him into our lives and our homes.

As our Annual Parish Meeting approaches I ask each organization to present its report of activities in the year 2008 and projects for the year 2009. The list of our organizations is enclosed. In advance I thank them for their service. I encourage all parishioners to be a part of the life of our parish family. All of us need to be responsible for the growth of the parish. This is our internal mission, to serve each other using our talents, time and treasure in the name of our Lord.

And finally I would like to share with you some thought about New Years resolutions.

At the beginning of the New Year 2009 we must set goals and make resolutions as a necessary conclusion to our review of the past year. And we do need to review our lives from year to year because, as Socrates says, the unexamined life is not worth living.

At the beginning of the year newspapers are full of individual and collective New Year resolutions. Most of those, however, are not resolutions at all but only wishes. What is the difference between a resolution and a wish?

A wish identifies a goal one wants to reach; a resolution specifies the steps one will take to reach it. A wish says this is where I want to be, a resolution says this is the road I will take, and this is what I will do to get there. The wishful person says “I want to pass my exams this year” and the resolved person says “I will devote an extra hour to my studies everyday in order to pass my exams.” The wishful person says “I will have more peace and love in my family this year” and the resolved person says “I will spend more time with my family at table instead of rushing off to the TV, so that we get to know and understand ourselves better.” The wishful person says “I will live a life of union with God this year” and the resolved person says “I will set aside this time everyday to pray and hear God’s word.”

The difference between wishing and resolving is: are we prepared to do what it takes to make our dreams come true, are we prepared to pay the price? Our New Year resolution we need to support with prayer.

We read that the shepherds, when they went to adore the Child Jesus in the manger, told all that the angels had said to them. “But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). Again after the boy Jesus was found in the Temple, we are told that “His mother treasured all these things in her heart” (Luke 2:51). Mary was a woman who valued the word of God, who treasured it and made time to meditate and ponder it. It is true that the holiness of Mary is attributed to the grace of God, but this should not make us forget that she needed to make an effort in order to cooperate with the grace of God. She pondered the word of God in order to discern what God was saying to her at every stage in her life as the handmaid of God.

Are you making good resolutions this year?

We express our heartfelt thanks for all received Christmas cards and signs of your kindness. May the Baby Jesus who came to enrich us with his blessings reward you abundantly in year 2009 — Fr. Joseph & Family

P.S. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.

– Fr. Joseph

January 2009 Read More »

December 2008

My Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Let me share with you some highlights of the past month.

As you know Fun Time Kid’s Academy has begun fourth year using facilities of the Fr. John Slysz building. In the spirit of Halloween the children had smiling faces regardless chili temperature on Friday morning October 31, 2008. We wish FTKA successes in years to come. The program offers special rates for the children who are members of our parish.

On Saturday, November 1st, 2008 I administered the Sacrament of Matrimony to Stephen Morgan and Karen Jarmarkowicz. We express our best wishes to Karen and Stephen and their families. Congratulations to Karen’s mother, our parishioner Mrs. Helen Jarmarkowicz. May Stephen and Karen’s happiness and love express unconditional love of Christ toward his Church. It is fitting to congratulate our newest couple.

On Saturday. November 29, 2008 I administered the Sacrament of Matrimony to the new couple of Steven Marricone and Alexis Fikes. Best wishes to Steven and Alexis on their special day. Our best congratulations are addressed to Steven’s mother, Maria Makos, grandmother, Bronislawa Makos, sister Daniella Price, brother-in-law Kevin Price. May their life be filled with love and happiness.

On Saturday, November 8, 2008 I participated in the preparation meeting to organize Convo 2010. The meeting was held in Scranton, PA. Bishop Anthony Mikovsky, Ph. D, several youth, parents and some clergy were present.

On the last week of July 2010 the Convo will take place at the location to be specified. The next meeting will be held at our church ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 2009 AT NOON. I invite all youth and their parents to come for the meeting.

On November 30, 2008, we begn the holy season of Advent.

The four Sundays of joyful time of Advent are our preparations for the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord. I wish that we all prepare our souls to welcome Jesus once again into our hearts and into our lives. On this special Solemnity of Christmas, we need to let Jesus be born again in us and in our homes. Before this celebration takes place, there will be a lot of responsibilities that we must accomplish either in our homes, work places, or schools. In addition to that we need to set aside time for private prayer and Sunday worship with our parish family. Advent above all time to set aside for our spiritual growth.

Furthermore in this time we need to be aware about the needs of others, especially those who are less fortunate in our society. Therefore, we keep in our parish a wonderful program called the ADVENT TREE. This will help boys and girls of DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services), senior men from EVA’S SHELTER and women with babies from SHELTER OUR SISTERS. All gifts are due on Sunday, December 14, 2008.

Next Sunday, December 7th the children of School of Christian Living will present a Christmas program before the dinner after 11:00 a.m. Mass. Let us enjoy invite our friends and enjoy this event.

We thank you in advance for your generosity toward our parish especially at Christmas time. We all need to nourish our spiritual life with the Word of God and His precious presence in the Holy Eucharist. Therefore I encourage all of you to make a great resolution to attend Christmas celebrations and attend regularly in year 2009. May we keep Christ in our hearts at Christmas and throughout the New Year 2009.

May the Lord send upon you, your dear ones, His abundant blessing in this Holy Season and throughout the New Year – 2009!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – 2009!
Wesołych Świat Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku – 2009!
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Novell L’Année 2009!
Feliz Navidad y Buen Ano Nuevo 2009!
Froehliche Weinachten und ein gutes neues Jahr 2009!

— Father Joseph with Family and the Parish Committee

P.S. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.

– Fr. Joseph

December 2008 Read More »

November 2008

My Dear Parishioners and Friends,

November is already here with the beautiful and colorful leaves falling off the trees. In spring the new life will start again. This reminds us about our human life which is also so colorful but at the same time inevitably short. On the other hand, in our Lord Jesus Christ we have the assurance that after our passage to eternal life our soul will live forever.

The Church reminds us about this transition of life through the feast of All Saints on November 1st and Remembrance of All Souls on November 2nd which we celebrate this weekend.

The month of October was quite a busy time in our church. On October 5th, 2008 the blessing of animals took place at 11:00 A.M. Mass in the parish hall. Over a dozen of pets, dogs, cat and turtle were blessed on that day. Please remember to bring your pet(s) next year for the special blessing on the first Sunday of October.

On Saturday, October 4, 2008 The School of Christian Living organized first Annual Flea Market. I include a reflection written by Michele Lazor in regard to this event:

Furniture, toys, appliances, lightly used adult and children’s apparel, and much more was for sale. Our students are making a great effort to raise money to benefit Iraqi children. One hundred percent of the proceeds are directly sent to these children. Other fundraisers include “Common Cents,” “Spring Car Wash”, and the “Bake Sale”. Parishioners, parents, and students were instrumental in advertising, soliciting donations, organization, setup, food service, and cleanup. Hot dogs, hot pretzels, popcorn, homemade cakes, cookies, cupcakes, coffee, and cold beverages were sold to the shoppers. Contributions of this food were made by the parish and several parishioners. As a result of the unified support, genuine love, generosity, and volunteerism, the flea market was a great success netting four hundred and fifty dollars. All unsold items were donated to Father English Food Pantry in Paterson.

On Sunday – October 12, 2008 a group of parishioners enjoyed an unusually warm and sunny autumn day at Demarest Farms in Hillsdale, N.J. This outing has become a popular annual event that brings parishioners, family and friends together for fall fun and camaraderie. Apples, pumpkin, cornstalks, hay bales, and mums were available for sale at the outdoor market while fresh-baked pies were available at the bake shop. An indoor market featured a vast array of local farm grown fruits and vegetables. The group enjoyed potato pancakes, hot dogs and of course, the children could not resist the old fashioned donuts and ice cream cones. Think about joining us next year. The more the merrier!

Our successful Autumn Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser, took place on Friday, October 24th 2008 at Three Saints Orthodox Church, Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ. Our special thanks are expressed to those who: Donated Special Prizes, Regular and Super Trays, Door Prizes, Gave monetary donations Served as captains, Sold tickets, Did advertisement and solicitations, Picked up donations, Numbered the trays for the Program Set up the hall on Thursday, Delivered and set up trays on Friday, Were selling tickets at the event, Served as runners, Served in the kitchen, Served as MC, Served as security guard, Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event, And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize Tricky Tray 2008 — Thank You and God Bless you!!!

In October our Lord called to himself our parishioner Anna Surak (93). She passed away on Sunday October 19, 2008 and funeral Mass was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2008. Anna loved the art of sewing which was reflected in her role as a seamstress and sample maker for the show­rooms of the garment industry. She had a culinary talent too. According to her son, she baked the best apple cake in the world!!! She was an active mem­ber of the church, member of the choir, a lector and a past secretary of the parish committee. She was committed to Veterans affairs as evi­denced in her role as past pres­ident of the Passaic County American Legion Auxiliary. We express our sympathy to her devoted son John Surak, and her loving sister Amelia Senius and other relatives and friends. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord ….

On Saturday, November 1, 2008 I administered the Sacrament of Matrimony to Stephen Morgan and Karen Jarmarkowicz. We express our best wishes to Karen and Stephen. May their love express unconditional love of Christ toward his Church.

Our future events? Everyone is invited for a Thanksgiving Eve Mass on Wednesday, November 26, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. Let us give thanks for the Almighty God for all His gifts which we so often take for granted.

CHRISTMAS DINNER – December 7, 2008 after 11:00 A.M. Mass

My Dear Parishioners, I thank all those who spent their time, talent and treasure to build our parish family in different aspects of life. I encourage all of you to use your talents by serving in different ministries of our parish. Let us work together so that the Holy Cross will continue to be a “second home” for each one of us.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph

P.S. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.

November 2008 Read More »

October 2008

My Dear Parishioners and Friends,

In September our School of Christian Living began its fall semester. The teachers of the School of Christian Living are Mrs. June Pettegrew, Mrs. Michele Lazor, and Mrs. Karen Paulison who use their talents of teaching for the good of young people in our parish. Two substitute teachers, Mrs. Carol Montero and Mrs. Karen Peano offer their help as it is needed. I encourage all parents to bring their children for SOCL classes that provide a wonderful educational and spiritually oriented program.

On Saturday September 6, 2008 Tanya Broniszewski and Rocco Cerrato exchanged their vows of marriage during the celebration of the Sacrament of Matrimony. We wish both of them a happy and blessed life together.

On Sunday September 7, 2008 a joyful occasion of the Sacrament Baptism took place in our parish. Nicholas John Gizzi, son of John Gizzi and Michele (Suvajac) was baptized as a new member of Christian family. We welcome Gizzi’s family as new parishioners of Holy Cross Church and wish them happiness by sharing in the life of our community of faith.

On Friday September 19, 2008 our parish had another wonderful event – The Third Annual Beefsteak Dinner. Through the efforts of Dominick and Angela Bucci and the help of others, we had a successful affair with over two thousand dollars of net profit. There were about eighty people – adults and children – attending the dinner that enjoyed food, fellowship and live music. Children too enjoyed the event. We are glad that the Mayor of West Paterson, Pat Lepore joined us for the dinner. There were several businesses that supported our event. We thank them in helping us to make this event a success.

On September 28, 2008 the Polish National Union celebrated its 100th Anniversary of service. For that occasion the past President of PNU, Mr. Edmund Kotula, organized a bus trip for the NY/NJ Seniorate members. The solemn Mass took place at St. Stanislaus Cathedral, Scranton, PA. The reception with over three hundred participants took place at the Radisson Hotel, Scranton.

The Polish National Union is a fraternal organization of our Church selling insurance polices. It is also supporting many programs of our Church such as seminary fund, Manor at Waymart, youth programs, scholarship programs, clergy pension fund etc. The church needs the support from PNU and our fraternal organization needs support from all members of the church. The PNU offers also loans through Spojnia Credit Union. For more information on the PNU services and special promotions in the program “$10 Million Sales Challenge” contact branch secretary Alice Kriskewic – 973-427-9648, or call directly the PNU office at 1-800-724-6352.

From Monday September 29th to Tuesday September 30th 2008 I participated in the Doctrine Commission Meeting that took place at the National Church Center, Scranton, PA. The Prime Bishop, bishops and some clergy who volunteered to work at this commission reviewed the prayers and the liturgy of the church.

In October our greatest fundraiser “FALL TRICKY TRAY” will take place on Friday, October 24, 2008. Let us do make our best by using our God given talents and sharing them for the well being of our parish. We have enough special trays, however we need more regular and super trays. Please use the flyers about upcoming Tricky Tray to advertise this event.

I ask everyone to continue support the ongoing and future fundraisers, such as shopping certificates sale, dinners, pierogi project, so that with our combine efforts we will be financial stable and capable to cover the necessary expenditures.

Above all each Sunday our Savior invites us to nourish with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. As we all need Jesus, His guidance, support, and His love, we need to worship Him each Sunday.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph

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September 2008

My Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Welcome Back! The beautiful summer is almost over and with thankful hearts we begin our regular life of the parish. We are eager to hear our children telling us of their summer adventures. The regular School of Christian Living classes will begin this Sunday September 7, 2008 at 10:10 A.M.. We are getting ready for our Third Annual Beefsteak Dinner which will take place on Friday, September 19, 2008. Please support this important fundraiser.

Time is drawing near for our annual “Autumn” Tricky Tray fundraiser on Friday, October 24, 2008. We have enough special prizes however we need regular and special trays. We hope that with the help and efforts of all parishioners and many friends of our parish, we will make this event a successful one.

I thank all parishioners who actively serve the Holy Cross Church and I ask everyone to join us to work hard for the good of our parish family. Equally important is to pray and do more efforts to increase membership of our parish. We wish that new members will find satisfaction in joining our family to take advantage to grow spiritually in the Lord.

I take this opportunity to congratulate Rocco A. Cerrato and Tanya Broniszewski on their special day of the Sacrament of Matrimony that took place on Saturday, September 6, 2008. May the Lord bless their family with His love and happiness.

Our regular Mass schedule begins today September 7, 2008 with Masses celebrated at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and weekday Masses as scheduled in the bulletin. We all have the responsibilities and a privilege to worship our God on Sunday. We present to the Lord many personal intentions as well the needs of others. Each Sunday our Savior invites and nourishes us with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We all need Jesus, His guidance, support, and His love. May God richly bless you. I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph

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