Easter 2019

On Easter Sunday, April 21st, we began the joyous celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ with an Easter Procession around the church before our 9am and Holy Mass. We also held an Easter Procession inside the church before the 11am Holy Mass. The four corners of the world were blessed with the Risen Lord present in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus lives among us and in us as for the Holy Scripture says, where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst. Mt. 8:20

We thank our organist and readers, Adoration Society members, altar servers, ushers, greeters, and the volunteers who carried the Resurrection canopy – baldachino, resurrection statue, Paschal candle, and resurrection cross, as well as children who spread flower petals during the procession. We thank everyone who attended these special celebrations of the Resurrection of our Savior. Happy Easter to everyone!

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God bless Milania Rose

Milania Rose Santos, was baptized on Palm Sunday, April 14th. The daughter of William Santos and Samantha (Gonzalez) Santos. Proud godparents were Elias Feliz and Beverly Montes. We congratulate Santos and Gonzalez families as well as grandparents and friends on this special occasion. 

The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith, it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments. It regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christ’s Church. In baptism we are immersed into the life of Jesus – His death and resurrection. We welcome Milania as the newest member of our parish.    

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Bishop Bernard’s Pastoral Letter on Discipleship

January, 2019

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you in our Central Diocesan family, and welcome to the Year of Discipleship in our holy Church!

In the words of our national PNCC Future Direction Sub-Committee recently given to us..…..As our Lord said to His disciples “Follow Me” for His public ministry, He continues to call us to follow Him and wants our relationship with Him to grow and strengthen as the days, months and years goes by.  Our PNCC is calling us to renew our Discipleship in our Lord this year and as we begin 2019…. 

Soooo – let’s get a handle on this idea of discipleship, shall we?

Not too long ago I was watching a Netflix presentation about the Masons, with a focus on their place of origin, Freemasons’ Hall in Great Queen Street, London.  As I became drawn into the narrative of this society’s founding and growth, I was struck by how clearly they laid out the expectations of a mason.  By contrast, I was struck by how often our Church is hesitant to name the expectations of discipleship for its members. 

Our Future Directions Sub-Committee has begun laying out these expectations and will continue that effort throughout the year.  I’d say, it all boils down to five basic opportunities to “grow and strengthen our relationship with Jesus.” 

Worship – We worship God together, through his Son Jesus.  Worshipping regularly is a part of who we are as Catholic Christians. The people of God join together in the house of God to worship and honor God (Psalm 150). Worship is about community: the Christian community gathers to worship, to pray together, and to continue its growth in the faith.

Grow – We become affiliated with a parish society, Bible study, the School of Christian Living to grow in faith and our walk with Jesus.  Jesus went to the synagogue “as was His custom” (Luke 4:16).  Synagogue for Jesus was a place of discernment, learning scripture, and growing in the knowledge and love of God and neighbor.  We join with other PNCC-ers here in order to grow together.

Mission – We are called to love our neighbors.  We are encouraged to be involved in some mission emphasis.  Jesus had a special place in His heart for the poor, marginalized, outcast, and lost. We are called to be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus Christ in our world.  We seek to love and serve others and believe this is vital in our Christian walk.

Talents and Abilities – All of us have talents and abilities that can be used for the glory of God.  Some have the gift of teaching or leading.  Others have the gift of administration, or may be gifted in finance and can help the church to be faithful stewards of the gifts offered for ministry and mission.  Some have the gift of compassion, or love to send cards to those who are sick. Some feel called to reach out to the unchurched, while others have the gift of hospitality.  Yes, all of us have some God-given gift, talent, or ability that we can use for the glory of God.

Proportional Giving – Stewardship is a spiritual discipline and an act of worship.  Our offering is a recognition that everything we have and are is a gift to us from God.  We are all blessed.  We are all called by God to offer our first-fruits and our [portion] to God for the work of His kingdom (Leviticus 27:30-33; Deuteronomy 14:22-29).  Our offering at a regular percentage of giving is an act of gratitude, an act of obedience, and an act of our covenantal agreement with God.  Our offering is used, then, in ministry and mission on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ.     

So let’s take time to reflect on these five expectations as we undertake a life of Catholic Christian discipleship.  After all, God proved he loves us so much by giving His only begotten Son to live among us, to teach us of God’s love and kingdom, to die that we might be forgiven, and to rise that we may have eternal life.  God has promised to be with us always.  Discipleship, then, is our faithful response to this God who “so loves the world”  (John 3:16)      

Peace and grace to all.

Bishop Bernard 

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Holy Mass Schedule for Christmas

Vigil of the Nativity, December 24th

  • 4pm Holy Mass for families and children
  • 10pm Holy Mass for all parishioners

Solemnity of the Nativity, December 25th

  • 10am Holy Mass for all parishioners

St. Stephen, Proto-Martyr, December 26th

  • 8:30am Holy Mass for all parishioners

St. John Apostle & Evangelist, December 27th

  • 7:30pm Holy Mass for healing with blessing of wine

Holy Innocents, December 29th

  • 8:30am Holy Mass in memory of all benefactors

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God bless Ariel Faith

Sacrament of Baptism Ariel Faith
Sacrament of Baptism – Ariel Faith

On Sunday, December 2nd, our parish witnessed the Sacrament of Baptism administered to beautiful Ariel Faith. She was also celebrating also her first birthday. What a beautiful birthday gift! She is the daughter of Shana Rodriguez. The proud godparents were Victor and Krystle Rodriguez. We congratulate Rodriguez family and welcome Ariel Faith as the newest member of our parish.

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A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

To all Parishioners and Friends, we wish you Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Fr. Joseph, Staff and family

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. — 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Holy Mass schedule

  • Wednesday – Thanksgiving Eve – Holy Mass at 8:30 am – Holy Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Thursday – Thanksgiving Day – No Holy Mass
  • Friday – Holy Mass at 8:30 am – Holy Mass of Thanksgiving
  • Sunday – November 25th – Solemnity of Christ the King

Thank you for bringing food items and Shop Rite gift cards to make Thanksgiving Baskets for the needy families in our community.

On Tuesday the baskets were delivered to Teen Center at Passaic Valley High School, Little Falls, NJ.

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Congratulations Neo-Presbyter David

Deacon David Gaydos ordination to Holy Priesthood took place on Sunday, October 14th in our parish. He has served for the past thirty years as a Deacon in the Central Diocese and helped throughout the diocese when priests were sick or took their vacation time. Fr. David is now serving as a supply priest helping Bishop Bernard Nowicki with any needs in the Diocese.

Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki presided the Holy Mass of Ordination, Prime Bishop Anthony Mikovsky preached the inspirational sermon. The following priests were in attendance: Fr. Sr. William Chromey from Dickson City, PA, Fr. Sr. Gregory Mludzik from Wallington, NJ, Fr. Joseph Cyman, Pastor of Holy Cross, Woodland Park, Fr. Donald Wunderlich, from Lawrenceville, PA, Fr. Carmen Bolock from Duryea, PA, Fr. Andrew Koterba from East Meadow, NY and Deacon William Gaydos from Holy Cross, Woodland Park. The organists were Jessica Muccilli and Neil Estanislao. About one hundred fifty people came to witness and pray at this special and unique celebration in the church and joined for the reception in the parish hall prepared by Gaydos family and Holy Cross parish members.

We thank all for their attendance and we wish God’s blessing to Fr. David, his wife, Laurie and Gaydos family.

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