Holy Masses For The Homebound And The Sick

Parishioners and community members are welcome to attend Holy Masses for the homebound and the sick on Thursdays at 7:15 PM. You can pray for your intention or for someone else. “Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord…” — James 5:14.

Upcoming dates for Healing Holy Mass: Thursday June 9, 16, 23, 30 at 7:15 PM.

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First Holy Communion

Eight wonderful children from our parish received the Holy Eucharist for the first time on May 22nd

We congratulate all students and their parents, relatives and friends on this special occasion. Special thanks to parents for their support and help in preparing children by bringing them to the church and studying also at home. Parents sponsored beautiful flower arrangements which decorated the sanctuary. The First Holy Communion classes are offered to those who are in the second grade or older. Sunday School classes, free of charge, will start again on September 12, 2011.

From the left in the first row: Nicole Romero, Syera Plitt, Carlos Garcia, Neil Kiame, Angie Cardona, Elizabeth Fernandez, Henry Fernandez and Emily Fernandez. Second row: Fr. Joseph, pastor and altar servers serving at the Mass Ned Kiame, Michael Cyman and Nayef Kiame.

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Mother’s Day 2011

Last Sunday, May 8th, we celebrated Mother’s Day. Each mother received a single pink carnation corsage at 9 AM and 11 AM Masses. Children read prayers of the faithful and beautiful poems. In addition to that, on their special day, we enjoyed a delicious Mother’s Day Breakfast. Edward Obssuth with the help of Lenny Hrinuk, Dominick Bucci, and Alejandro Romero prepared a delicious breakfast. The menu included: Pancakes, Sausages, Eggs, Bacon, French Toasts, Home Fries, Danish, Rolls and Butter, Fruits, Coffee, Tea. We thank all of them for sharing their culinary talents, time and efforts for the good of our parish.

May God bless all mothers, our daily heroes for their love, service and kindness.

Each mother received a pink carnation corsage

Children and youth presented prayers of the faithful and read beautiful Mother's Day poems

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Oath of the Parish Committee Members

The oath of the Parish Committee for the Year 2011 took place on Palm Sunday, April 17th, after 9 A.M. Holy Mass.

Congratulations! First row from left: altar servers serving at the Mass Parish Committee members second row from left: Hughie Vickerilla (Trustee), Alice Kriskewic (Trustee), Adele Merson (Trustee). Karen Hitchcock (Recording Secretary), Alexandra Lazor (Trustee), Claire Centrella (Trustee), Fr. Joseph R. Cyman (Pastor), Deacon David Gaydos; Edward Obssuth (Trustee), Dominick Bucci (Chairman of the Parish Committee); Bob Sleece (Vice-Chairman); Richard Daum (Financial Secretary/Treasurer); Absent was Lynn Imperiale

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The Liturgies of Holy Week

Each parishioner, the the members of our community, are invited to participate in these significant and important services for Holy Week.

HOLY WEDNESDAY – April 20, 2011: The decoration of the church will take place at 12 P.M. Especially ANS members are asked to help. The celebration of the Sacrament of Penance – General Confession will take place at 7:00 P.M. The youth who have received First Holy Communion and are under 16 years are strongly encouraged to attend the private forms of confession at 7:30 PM. Adults if wish can attend private form of confession.

MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 21, 2011: we will commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus in the Upper Room and the institution of the Sacraments of Holy Orders, Holy Eucharist and Penance at 7:15 P.M. On that day we will celebrate the Holy Mass in white vestments. On Holy Thursday we will ring bells during the Gloria. The bells will not be used until the liturgy of Resurrection. At the end of Holy Thursday Mass, the Holy Eucharist will be taken to the side altar to signify that Jesus was taken at night from the Garden of Olives and imprisoned by the Sanhedrin. The exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be until 9:00 P.M. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.

GOOD FRIDAY – April 22, 2011: The liturgy of the Stations of the Cross with children and youth participation will take 3:00 P.M. We will meditate for the last time during this Lent the passion and suffering of our Lord. The opening of the Lord’s tomb will take place. A simple reception will take place consisting of coffee and juice with crackers.

The Liturgy of Good Friday this year will take place at 4:15 P.M. The Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified on Good Friday consists of the Passion of Jesus according to the Gospel of St. John. The main purpose of the liturgy will be veneration of the Cross, the symbol of victory over death and sin. On that day the Holy Communion will be distributed (consecrated on Holy Thursday) and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place until 6:30 p.m. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.

HOLY SATURDAY – April 23, 2011: On Holy Saturday you can bring the Easter baskets with festive food to be blessed at 4:00 p.m. Easter baskets will be blessed also after the Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Since the ancient times the Holy Saturday was a day for the new catechumens to be baptized. Our Liturgy will begin at 6:00 P.M. with the blessing of fire and the Pascal candle. The Liturgy of the Word with the history of salvation will take place. The Holy Water will be blessed which we use during the upcoming weeks to bless ourselves in the church, to baptize children and for the Asperses on Sundays. The Easter Vigil will take place at the end of the celebration.

EASTER – SUNDAY – APRIL 24, 2011: The Resurrection Liturgy will be celebrated on Easter Sunday at 8:00 a.m. preceded with the procession around the church. The solemn Holy Mass of the Resurrection will follow. The second Holy Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m.

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, each and everyone is welcomed to attend these beautiful celebrations in order to more completely understand the meaning and important events of the life of Jesus especially His passion and glorious resurrection.

Wishing you a Happy and blessed Easter.

Christ has risen! Indeed He is risen!

Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

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Ś+P Estelle Staudinger

Prayers of sympathy are offered by Holy Cross Parish for Ś+P Estelle Staudinger (96), Tom’s River – Holiday City at Berkeley, who passed to Eternal Life on Sunday, March 13, 2011, at home.

Ś+P Estelle was a lifelong member of Holy Cross Church, Woodlawn Park. Born in Chadwick, N.Y., she resided most of her life in Paterson before moving to Holiday City at Berkeley 25 years ago. She was predeceased by her husband, Michael, in 1996; and her sisters, Genevieve, in 1997, and Mary, in 2000. Surviving is her daughter, Lorraine Beck and her husband Richard of Island Heights; two grandchildren, Michael Steitz and his wife Christine of Wall, and Sharon Costello and her husband Anthony of Barnegat; and seven great-grandchildren, Kenneth, Bryant, Kaylea, Aaron and Connor Costello, Michael and Caitlyn Steitz. Donations in her memory may be made to Holy Cross Church, 220 Browertown Road West, Woodlawn Park, NJ 07424

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Parish Elections and Thank you

We congratulate the following parishioners who were elected as members of the Parish Committee and members of other services elected at the Annual parish meeting held last Sunday February 13, 2011:

PARISH COMMITTEE: Dominick Bucci (Chairperson), Bob Sleece (Vice Chairperson), Karen Hitchcock (Secretary), Richard Daum (Treasurer); Trustees: Edward Obssuth, Alice Kriskewic, Adele Merson, Hughie Vickerilla, Claire Centrella, Penni Lazor and Lynn Imperiale.

PARISH TRIBUNAL: Penni Lazor and John Surak

AUDITORS: Lucia Blaschak, Karen Peano, Judy Lamping


SENIORATE COUNCIL: Judy Lamping and Alice Kriskewic

We wish all elected members successes in their service for our parish.

We also thank all those who brought delicious salads, sandwiches, and doughnuts for refreshment during the Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday. Also, we thank our high school students who provided care and a program for the children during the Parish meeting sessions. As a result we had more adults attending the meeting and more youth participating in School of Christian Living program. With combined efforts we can look forward for another good year at Holy Cross Church.

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Please join us this weekend and reminders regarding this Sunday’s schedule

Dear Parishioners,

Hope you and your families are doing well. We are Looking forward to having nice weather on Sunday – 42 degrees. Wow!.

Just a reminder that this Sunday February 13th, we will have Holy Masses scheduled at 9AM and Noon.

After 9:00 AM Mass we will have time for warm coffee and then we will begin our Annual Parish Meeting at 10:15 AM lasting until 11 AM. We will have a 20 minute break for refreshments consisting of sandwiches and varieties of homemade salads. We will re-convene meeting from 11:20 AM until 11:45 AM.

The children will have an educational program and movies in our School of Christian Living (Sunday School). They will join us for the refreshment as well.

We wish to share, with all members of Holy Cross, our achievements that took place in 2010 and we will set plans for 2011. Everyone is welcome to contribute ideas so that guided by the Spirit of the Lord we will make together democratic decisions for the good of Holy Cross Church.

All are welcome!!!

With prayers,

Fr. Joseph and the Parish Committee

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National United Choirs Music Scholarship Sunday

Make a joyful shout to God all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; make His praise glorious – Psalm 66:1-2

The last Sunday of January has been set aside by Synodal resolution as Music Scholarship Sunday, which puts special emphasis on the Music Scholarship program of the National United Choirs of the Polish National Catholic Church. It is the Sunday when the choirs, organists, directors and choir members should be recognized for their contributions to the music ministry of our church. It is also the Sunday when we look to the future and identify those that we hope will be part of the music ministry of the PNCC.

Music provides inspiration and pleasure to both the musician and the listener. It is the calling of every organist, choir member, accompanist, and musician to enhance the liturgy of the Mass and special services.

The Music Scholarship program has a number of endowments, awards that are available to members of the PNCC, whether it is via instrument or voice, regardless of age. It is our duty to encourage and reach those individuals who have the potential and love of music. With encouragement and praise, the rewards are many for all of the PNCC. A web site is currently being constructed to assist those who will want to apply. Notice of its completion will be forthcoming.

Your financial support has provided us with the vehicle to make awards annually to deserving applicants. It is through your continued support that we have made financial assistance available to those who are interested in serving the music ministry. We offer our sincere “thanks” to each of you for your continued support of the Music Scholarship Fund. Since 1964 the Scholarship Program has awarded many members of the PNCC a financial incentive to continue to pursue their musical studies, which we pray, will prove fruitful. It is a great feeling to know that several of the original music scholarship recipients are still active in the music ministry of the PNCC – over four decades later! Indeed the program has succeeded!

Please give generously on Scholarship Sunday, encourage applicants for the program and remember our church musicians in your prayers. May God Bless You!

A brochure explaining the Music Scholarship Program, the awards, and their namesakes is available in the parish hall. Applications must be sent in before April 1, 2011.

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Annual Parish Meeting

Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held on second Sunday of February, February 13th after 9 AM Holy Mass. The second Holy Mass will be at 12:00 PM (please note that the hour of the Mass has been changed). There will be light refreshment after the 9 AM Holy Mass. The School of Christian Living will have a program provided by high school youth in the Fr. John Slysz building. All the societies of our parish are asked to give annual report from year 2010 and a report of their projects for the year 2011.

Another important aspect of our Annual Parish Meeting will be the election of the Parish Committee. The Parish Committee is the council, which meets once per month (usually for about 1 hour on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month) to discuss concerns and make decisions for the parish. Would you consider serving on this committee? Please contact Fr. Joseph or Dominick Bucci for additional information.

God bless you for your dedication in serving the needs of your fellow parishioners and our Holy Catholic and democratic Church.

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