
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Do you crochet or knit? Then join us in this new ministry by helping make shawls for home bound, persons in need of our prayers, people dealing with illnesses. We can make a difference by comforting them in their time of need by presenting them with a handmade shawl and special prayers for our blessed shawl.

May God’s grace be upon this shawl…

Warming, comforting, enfolding and embracing.

May this mantle be a safe haven….a sacred place of security and wellbeing…

May the one who receives this shawl be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace.

And wrapped in love! Blessed Be!!!

Great gift for the Caregiver as well!

And if you know of anyone in need please contact parish office 201-247-4832. We have patterns for your crocheting and/or knitting.

St. Nicholas Ministry

The purpose of this committee is:

  • To serve the family of Holy Cross in times of need, despair and joy.
  • To remember those who are aged and infirm.
  • To extend the spirit of Christian help to the community.

The St. Nicholas Ministry would like to expand our service by including parishioners who would be willing to visit the home-bound and hospitalized.

Those who would like to join this important ministry, please contact Lucy Daum at 973-694-9457, Merry Sleece 973-731-3611 or the parish office at 201-247-4832.

Society for the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament

societies_clip_image004The purpose of this Society is:

  • Worship and love Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
  • Promote spiritual development among the members.
  • Care for the church, sanctuary and altars.

We thank the present ladies who serve in this society for their wonderful service and dedication for the parish. We ask more ladies to join this important society. Please join this important society by calling the parish office at 201-247-4832.

Stewardship Committee

The purpose of this committee is to educate members of the parish about the importance of sharing their time, talent and treasure according to their possibilities for the well being of the parish.

All members of the parish are called to be stewards of the Church collaborators and cooperators in continuing the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, which is the Church’s essential mission. A secular culture often encourages people to focus on themselves and their pleasures. However, we cannot deny the role of religion in shaping human and social values. We need to accept the challenge of being Christian steward.

Those who would like to join this important committee, please contact the parish office at 201-247-4832.

Altar Servers

This is an important ministry for our parish and your support and involvement is needed. Please contact parish office 201-247-4832 if your son or daughter are interested in becoming altar servers. We thank Deacon Bill for lessons preparing new altar servers with help of parents.

Polish National Union of America and the Spojnia Credit Union – Fraternal Organizations of our Church.

In the parish hall you can find pamphlets about PNU of A explaining different programs and benefits offered by this organization.

SPOJNIA CREDIT UNION – Example – Need a new car; up to 36 months – 2.49% (interest various). Information is placed in the parish hall and online.

Polish National Union of America, fraternal organization – Information available in the parish hall and online. Ask Fr. Joseph, Branch #54 Secretary for further information or call 201-247-4832

Sunday School (School of Christian Living)

The Sunday School teachers dedicate their time and talent for the spiritual growth of our children. We to hold classes in the parish hall at 11 am.

Children are asked to attend the 11 am Mass sitting in the last pews with teachers. Before the readings children and teachers will go down to the parish hall for classes and return for distribution of Holy Eucharist. The TV set in the parish hall allows the children to follow the Mass.

Classes are offered for children ages 4 through 8th grade. Parents with children under the age of four can accompany their children in the parish hall, if desired. They can watch the Mass being televised on TV while children are occupied.

Our children are encouraged to serve as Altar Servers, and readers of the “prayers of the faithful” and after Sacrament of Confirmation as Lectors.

Sunday school students not only receive a religious education but also participate in a variety of enjoyable activities provided by the teachers and parents of the parish. These are some possible activities such as Apple Picking with Hay Ride, Ice skating, Christmas party, Youth Participation at Christmas Mass, an Easter Egg Hunt and Party, visiting the elderly at nursing homes, making holiday crafts, enjoying parish picnic and much more. Youth also have the opportunity to give back to the community by helping less fortunate in preparing Thanksgiving Food Baskets for needy families, Christmas gifts for DYFS children, planting plants for seniors, providing food and clothing for the homeless.

Please join us by enrolling your child in this program. Children with perfect and good attendance will be awarded with a gift cards.

Daughters of Holy Cross

The Daughters of the Holy Cross for over 70 years made an enormous impact on the life and development of our parish. We are grateful all those who in previous years served as members of this association and were called to rest in the Lord. We acknowledge the service of the present members who have a long membership in this society.

As in the past, the present society helps the parish to furnish and supply the rectory. The members organize Bake Sale, 50/50 Drawing and help in various parish functions and fundraisers to help the parish financially.

Ladies of this society decided to join the Adoration Society and continue to serve for the benefit of our parish.

Contact Information for Organizations & Ministries

Please call the parish office at 201-247-4832 to make contact.

  • Pastor – Rev. Joseph R. Cyman, 201-247-4832 / 973-256-4888
  • Rev. David Gaydos (reserve clergy in the diocese)
  • Deacon – Deacon William Gaydos
  • Parish Committee Chairperson – George O’Brien
  • Hall Rentals – 201-247-4832
  • Blessed Sacrament Society (ANS) – Penni Lazor
  • Organist – Neil Estanislao
  • Organist – Jeccisa Muccilli
  • Lectors 9:00 a.m. – George O’Brien
  • Lectors 11:00 a.m. – Parish Office, 201-247-4832
  • Altar Servers – Deacon William Gaydos
  • School of Christian Living (SOCL) – Paul Murphy and Natalie Lazar
  • St. Nicholas Ministry – Lucy and Richard Daum, Joan Kaynak
  • Stewardship Committee – Pat Olsen, Mark Koscinski
  • Youth Group – Deacon William Gaydos
  • Greeters – Fran Cuccinello
  • Coffee and Cake Fellowship Group – Members of the Adoration Society
  • Maintenance Committee – Dominick Bucci
  • Polish National Union of America – Fr. Joseph Cyman, 201-247-4832
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