St. Patrick’s, St. Joseph’s Day Luncheon

Join us for a St. Patrick’s, St. Joseph’s Day Luncheon on Sunday, March 21st at 12pm (after 11am Holy Mass).

We will feature Irish music. There will be a Basket of Irish Cheer / Door Prize. Our menu features: Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Baked Chicken, a Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads, Irish Soda Bread, Coffee / Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts

Adults tickets are $15. Children and youth attending Sunday School are free. Other children ages 6 to 14 are $7.50

Please R.S.V.P by March 14th by calling (201) 247-4832 or via E-mail. You can purchase tickets in the parish hall or by sending you donation by mail.

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Valentine’s Luncheon Thank You

We wish to thank Edward and Beverly Obssuth and David Obssuth for sponsoring the enjoyable St. Valentines Luncheon held on February 21st. We thank members of the Adoration Society for donating a basket of Cheer. We thank all those who helped in any way shape or form to make this event a success. Looking forward to seeing everyone for St. Patrick / St. Joseph Luncheon on Sunday, March 21st.  

The legend says that St. Valentine was a Roman priest who in the 3rd century AD disobeyed the order of the emperor Claudius and secretly performed Christian weddings for couples. He allowed the husbands involved to escape recruitment into the pagan army. This legend claims that soldiers were sparse at this time so this was a big inconvenience to the emperor. The account mentions that in order “to remind these men of their vows and God’s love, Saint Valentine is said to have cut hearts from parchment,” giving them to these persecuted Christians, a possible origin of the widespread use of hearts on St. Valentine’s Day.

Another legend is that Valentine refused to sacrifice to pagan gods. Being imprisoned for this, Valentine gave his testimony in prison and through his prayers healed the guard’s daughter who was suffering from blindness. On the day of his execution, St. Valentine left her a note that was signed, “Your Valentine.”

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Pastor’s Letter for Ash Wednesday and Lent 2021

Ash Wednesday is February 17th. Two Holy Masses will be celebrated with the blessing and distribution of ashes.

  • 12:00 Noon – Holy Mass and distribution of blessed ashes sprinkled on the top of our head.
  • 7:30 PM Holy Mass and distribution of blessed ashes sprinkled on the top of our head.

This Ash Wednesday, in the interest of safety concerns, the ashes we will be sprinkled / strewn over the crown of the head at both Holy Masses.

Sprinkling a few ashes on the top of the head is an ancient custom in the Church and is used in different countries (e.g., several countries in Europe). This decision was made by our bishops to avoid the contact of finger to forehead, and thereby to encourage everyone’s fullest participation in this ancient rite.

Our Observances in Great Lent

As we enter into the Season of Great Lent this Ash Wednesday, February 17th, I extend to you my invitation and encouragement to observe a Holy Lenten season through self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial. By reading and meditating on God’s Holy Word.

I hope you will find time each day to read a portion of Holy Scripture daily of Gospel. You may choose the Gospel of St. Mark since it is us is used in this liturgical year, Cycle B.

This Lent, I want you to consider doing something you might never have thought before to do: ask yourself where God may be leading you in your personal life and in your discipleship for the benefit of Holy Cross Church.

Please remember about abstinence from meat each Wednesday and Friday. The elderly and children do not have to fast and those who have chronic illnesses. Most importantly plan fast from the most serious of your moral failings or weaknesses. I pray that you will make this Lenten a time to renew your faith and your commitment to God and God’s community of Holy Cross Church.

Putting into Practice the Four Traditional Lenten Disciplines

PRAYING is the first of the Lenten disciplines: Praying daily at home. Praying every Sunday in Church at Mass. Prayer through attendance at Stations of the Cross each Friday at 7:30pm (plan to attend).

ALMSGIVING • providing increased offerings to the Church • contributing more broadly to various parish projects and needs. • consider responding to some requests you receive in the mail for worthy charities. • consider in your will and testament to include a bequest from your estate to the Holy Cross Church.

FASTING is a long-hallowed Lenten discipline: • adjusting your dietary routines by abstaining from eating meat on every Friday and Wednesday • giving up one or more things you like to eat or something you enjoy during Lenten season • fasting from wrongdoing, rather, plan doing acts of love towards others, random acts of kindness towards others.

On Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all Fridays and Wednesdays of Lent everyone of age 14 and up should abstain from consuming meat.

On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Everyone of age 18 to 59 should fast, unless exempt due to medical reason; individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes. Also, pregnant women should not fast. Fasting means a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two light meals that together are not equal to a full meal.

As you give up something for seven weeks that you are particularly fond of, fast also on those things that distance yourselves from God such as greed, unkindness, untruth, disregard for others, self-centeredness. As you abstain from these, eliminating them from your patterns of behavior, replace them with Christian virtues listed in St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: “Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

As Jesus Christ preached, taught, healed and served others, plan to spend some time with others on the phone or in person who is alone and who need your help, support and encouragement.

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In Memoriam

Each year, during Christmas, we remember those of our parish family who had passed away in the current year.  We remembered seven deceased and we also lit an eighth candle remembering all deceased especially caused by Covid 19. May they rest in peace. 

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My Time With Mary – Spa for the Soul

You are invited to join us for a special candlelight service on Wednesday, November. 18th at 7 pm.  We will pray to God with our Spiritual Mother, Mary, the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ presenting our intentions in this difficult time.  Let us take this opportunity to join us for about one hour of prayer, meditation, and reflection with the sacred music.   Let us come together praying for each other, presenting our personal intentions, remembering our families, our community and asking for peace and unity in our country and in the world. As recommended, please wear masks. If you forget one, we will provide it for you. Limited seating on a first come first serve basis. In case of overflow, we will use seating in the parish hall. Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday at 7 pm. God bless.

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Blessing of Pets on October 4th

On Sunday, October 4th, the Commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi, the annual blessing of pets took place at the beginning of the 11 am Mass. The Holy Mass was celebrated in the parish hall with good attendance. The names of pets that were part of our celebration are indicated in the picture caption. Missing in the picture are two dogs, Lola and Loki.

We thank all for attending the Holy Mass and for bringing well behaved pets for this special day. St. Francis of Assisi showed his remarkable love for all the creatures. He called them brothers and sisters and wrote a Canticle of the Creatures, giving glory to God for all living things He created.  

Blessing of Pets Prayer: Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless these pets. By the power of your love, enable them to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.

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A Successful Yard Sale

Our Successful Yard Sale took place on Saturday, October 3rd from 9 am to 3 pm. We thank parishioners and friends who donated items for this fundraiser.

We appreciate Michael, Natalie and Fr. Joseph who set up tables and transported donations to the front of the church. We thank those who were selling items, served coffee, bagels and doughnuts during the Yard Sale: Penni Lazor, Fran Cuccinello, Renata Cyman, Natalie Cyman, George O’Brien, Dominick Bucci, and Rafal Daniewski.  In addition to the success, we enjoyed great weather that made this event a pleasant and enjoyable one. We thank six outside vendors who donated to Holy Cross Church for the use of our tables and were part of our event.

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God Bless Christian James

The Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Christian James Gonzalez, son of Cesar Augusto Gonzalez And Christine (nee Howard) on Sunday, September 27th. Proud godparents were Jason Howard and Michelle Gonzalez. We congratulate Christian’s family members and friends on this special occasion. 

Baptism, one part of the Sacrament of Baptism-Confirmation, is the foundation of our Christian faith, is a gateway to new life in the Spirit, and the door that gives access to other sacraments. Through Baptism we are regenerated and incorporated into Christ’s body – His Church. Christian is the newest member of Holy Cross Church.

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