Car Wash Success
Our Youth Car Wash on Saturday, June 22nd resulted in a profit for our Youth Group of $290. We thank our youth, their parents, and all those who came and supported us. May God bless you abundantly.

Our Youth Car Wash on Saturday, June 22nd resulted in a profit for our Youth Group of $290. We thank our youth, their parents, and all those who came and supported us. May God bless you abundantly.
Organist Neil Estanislau, and choir members from St. Ann’s Church, Jersey City visited with us on Father’s Day, June 16th. We thank them for their visit and invite all Catholics to visit our parish and find our about our Catholic Church.
Visit from St. Ann’s Choir Read More »
We thank Adoration Society who sponsored delicious food and desserts on Father’s Day. We had a nice number of people attending the breakfast. We prayed for all fathers, stepfathers, godfathers and grandfathers and for all men who serve young people as coaches and teachers, priests and counselors. Congratulations to all Fathers.
Father’s Day Breakfast Read More »
On Saturday, June 22nd, our parish will be having car wash! You can have your car washed between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come and give your donation to support our Youth Group. See you there!
On Saturday, June 8th, our parish held a Flea Market with outside vendors. The church provided delicious food consisting of pierogis, stuffed cabbage, sauerkraut, and hot dogs. We thank all those who helped to set up, served in the kitchen and cleaned up after the event.
Flea Market – Thank You! Read More »
On Sunday, June 2nd, the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Max Anthony Latorre, Jace Emilio Latorre, sons of Michael Latorre and Jessica (nee Rodriguez); proud godparents were Jorge Morales, Tiffany DaSilva and Carlos Velez and Stephanie Perez. Congratulation to Latorre and Rodriguez families.
God Bless Max Anthony and Jace Emilio Read More »
We congratulate the following students: Jean Agudelo, Janiris Agudelo, Michael Herrera, Matthew Herrera, Maya Herrera, Alberto Sanchez, Dean Sobolewski, and Brian Zuniga who received their First Holy Communion on Sunday, May 19th at the 11 am Holy Mass. We thank their parents for their support by supporting these youth and children in their lessons. A special thank you is addressed to Ms. Mary Vitaletti for providing most of the lessons for the students. Her time and commitment are truly appreciated.
God Bless Our First Communicants Read More »
The annual Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary by our School of Christian Living students took place on Sunday, May 5th. Thank you for honoring our Blessed Mother in such a special way.