Easter Egg Hunt

Last Sunday we held an Easter Egg hunt and party that brought joy to the children participating in the event. Thankfully, we had a nice and sunny day where children found Easter eggs hidden outside. In the hall, the games were prepared by Mrs. Donna Maher. We thank all School of Christian Living teachers and parents who brought their children and were part of their children enjoyment.

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Easter Procession and Celebrations

On Easter Sunday, April 19th we began the joyous celebration of Easter with the Easter Procession around the church. The four corners of the world were blessed with the presence of the Risen Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Solemn Holy Masses were celebrated at 9 am and 11 am.

We thank our deacons, lectors, organists, the volunteers who carried the baldachino, resurrection statue, Paschal candle, and resurrection cross, altar servers, ushers, greeters, children who spread flower petals during the procession and everyone who attended these special celebrations of the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Happy Easter to everyone!

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Baptism of Gabriela Rosalie

On Sunday April 2, 2017 the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Gabriela Rosalie Racanati, the daughter of Francesco Racanati and Krista (Campbell).

The proud godparents were, Scott Russo and Danielle Russo. We congratulate Racanati, Campbell and Russo families, relatives and friends on this special occasion of welcoming Gabriela as our newest member of our parish and member of Christian family.

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Annual Agape

The Annual Agape (commemoration of the Last Super of Jesus with His Apostles) for NY/NJ Seniorate clergy and parishioners was held on Sunday, April 2nd at Holy Cross parish. The clergy were represented by Fr. Sr. Gregory Mludzik, Fr. Marian Tarnowski, Fr. Andrew Koterba and Fr. Joseph Cyman, host Pastor. A group of parishioners from Dunellen, Bayonne, Wallington, Passaic and Holy Cross participated in reflection, prayers and the meal. Music and songs appropriate for the occasion solemnized this event. Discussion on the commitment toward God, family, work, community and in general was a part of our discussion and reflection. Fr. Joseph invited youth from Holy Cross, especially Confirmation Class students, to experience this annual prayerful celebration. The menu consisted of chicken, lamb, salmon, and rice, variety of salads, soft drinks, coffee and deserts. We thank all who prepared this program and came to be a part of commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper. Thus deepened our personal relation with our Lord and Savior.

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7th Annual Mission and Evangelism Workshop

The 7th Annual Mission and Evangelism Workshop will take place at Holy Cross parish from May 5th through 7th. Together with the parish committee we are honored to welcome bishops, clergy, and guests from out of state to Holy Cross. This year’s theme is “Faith That Works: The Letter of James”

The agenda of the workshop and the registration form as well as hotel information are available on the Church’s website. All these documents are also available in the parish office upon request. All are welcome to attend. Please reserve these dates and take this opportunity to strengthen your faith and relationship with the Lord. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Fr. Joseph and Staff Members

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Fish & Chips Dinner

A Fish & Chips Dinner celebrating Spring will be held on Sunday, March 26th. Along with the dinner, we will hold a 50/50 raffle and there will be door prizes.

The menu includes: Manhattan Clam Chowder, Fresh Rolls and Butter, Salads and Coleslaw, Fish and Chips, Chicken Cutlet, Coffee / Tea, and Assorted Desserts.

Tickets are $15 for adults. Children under 12 are free (if attending with parents). For youth, a menu of fish sticks and mac and cheese is available on request. Please indicate when purchasing tickets.

Please R.S.V.P. by March 20th. Call: 201-247-4832 (cell), 973-256-4888 (office) or E-mail us.

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