Our 2015 Holy Week and Easter Schedule


Holy Tuesday, March 31st, Central Diocese Clergy Conference at 10am and Holy Mass of Chrism at 4pm at St. Stanislaus Cathedral Scranton, PA

Holy Wednesday, April 1st, Sacrament of Penance/General and Private Confessions at 7:15pm

Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, Holy Mass/Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper at 7:15pm

Good Friday, April 3rd:

  • Stations of the Cross with children and youth participation at 3pm
  • Liturgy of the Presanctified at 4:15pm
  • Adoration until 6:30pm

Holy Saturday, April 4th

  • Blessing of Easter Food at 4pm
  • Easter Vigil Liturgy at 6pm
  • Blessing of Easter Baskets following Holy Mass

Solemnity of the Resurrection, April 5th

  • Easter Procession and Holy Mass at 9am
  • Holy Mass at 11am

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St. Patrick’s Dinner – A Special Thank You

On Sunday March 15th our parish hosted its annual St. Patrick’s Luncheon.

During this event we held a parent-child bake contest. All participants received special awards for their culinary achievements.

Green grab bags were donated by Ed and Beverly Obssuth. Penni was in charge of the drawing, giving occasions of laughter and fun. Drawings for the basket of cheer donated by Adoration Society and 50/50 took place at the end of our celebration.

We thank Deacon David Gaydos and Laurie Gaydos for donating the food and preparing the menu consisting of Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish red potatoes, Baked Chicken, a Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads / Irish Soda Bread, and Homemade Desserts. Edward, Beverly and David Obssuth, George O’Brien who helped in the kitchen; Renata Cyman, Lynn Imperiale, Dorothy O’Brien and Penni Lazor decorated the hall beautifully; Dorothy O’Brien and Paul Murthy helped to clean up.

We thank everyone who attended this annual event!

The participants is the bake contest were Fr. Joseph and Natalie Cyman, Lourie Iudici and Gabriel Iudici, Paul Murthy and Veronica Murphy, Marissa Pieraldi and Liana Galiano. The Basket of Cheer was won by Claire Centrella and the 50/50 winners were Claire Centrella, Susana Kiame (donated her prize back to the church), and David Obssuth.

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Thank You to Our Sponsors – Consider Advertising With Us

Thank you to our 2015 Bulletin Ad supporters and sponsors. We encourage all to support the following businesses that are giving financial contributions for our church:

  • Gaita Memorial Home, Little Falls, NJ
  • Liberty Auto Care, Paterson, NJ
  • Make Wine With Us, Wallington, NJ
  • PJ’s Towne Florist, Little Falls, NJ
  • Anna’s Custom Window Designs
  • Century 21 Gemini, Wayne, NJ
  • Red Kettle Deli, Totowa, NJ
  • Santangelo Funeral Home, Woodland Park, NJ
  • Festa Memorial Funeral Home, Totowa, NJ
  • Bizub-Parker Funeral Home, Little Falls, NJ
  • Evergreen Landscaping & Tree Service

Business advertising in our bulletin is available at $100 per year. Funds received are used for photocopy supplies. Please contact the parish office at 973-256-4888 to submit your ad, or send us an E-mail.

Holy Cross Church BULLETIN ADS 2015

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God bless you Stella and Sto lat!!!

On behalf of the parish we wish Stella Skawinski a very happy 99th birthday. Stella is always positive, encouraging, and enthusiastic. We are blessed in having Stella as a member of our parish family. On Sunday February 22nd the parish celebrated her 99th birthday with a party in her honorr. We are looking forward to celebrating her 100th birthday next year. Sto Lat!!! Sto Lat! (one hundred years! one hundred years!)

God bless you Stella and Sto lat!!! Read More »

St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

Holy Cross’ annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon will be held on Sunday, March 15th at 12 PM (after 11 AM Holy Mass). The Luncheon will feature Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish Red Potatoes, Baked Chicken, Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads Irish Soda Bread, Coffee/Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts. We will have Irish Music and raffles for a Basket of Irish Cheer, Door Prizes, and a 50/50 Raffle as well.

Adult tickets are $15. Children and youth are free. R.S.V.P by March 10th to (973) 256-4888. Buy tickets at the church or send your ticket donation to the parish by mail.

St. Patrick's Dinner 2015

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Lenten Devotions

On Fridays in Lent everyone is invited to attend Lenten Devotion of Stations of the Cross at 7:15 pm beginning Friday February 20, 2015. The 14 stations depict the following scenes: 1. Jesus is condemned to death; 2. Jesus accepts the cross; 3. Jesus falls the first time; 4. Jesus meets His Mother; 5. Simon of Cyrene carries the cross; 6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus; 7. Jesus falls the second time; 8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem; 9. Jesus falls the third time; 10. Jesus is stripped of His garments; 11. Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross; 12. Jesus dies on the cross; 13. Jesus’ body is removed from the cross; 14. Jesus is laid in the tomb.

This liturgy helps us to meditate on the sufferings of Jesus and better understand his greatest love for us by dying on the cross for our sins.​​​​


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Ash Wednesday – The Beginning Of Lent

Tomorrow, February 18, 2015 we begin the season of Lent. Two Masses will be celebrated with the blessing and distribution of Ashes at 12 PM and 7:30 PM.


My friends, it is hard to enter into a penitential mode in our culture, where excess is everywhere. But Paul tells us that “now is a very acceptable time.” Many religious traditions stress the need for prayer, fasting and good deeds, and Lent is our opportunity to enter into those ancient practices — signs not of excess, but of simplicity. Now is our acceptable time to focus on what really matters in life without resentment, martyrdom or pride. Now is our time to be grateful, knowing that we can be reconciled to God and to one another.

Scripture Readings for Ash Wednesday

Joel 2:12-18 Return to the Lord with fasting, weeping and mourning.
Psalm 51 Be merciful, O God, for we have sinned.
2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2 Now is the acceptable time.
Matthew 6:1-6,16-18 Give alms, pray and fast for God alone to see.

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