St. Patrick’s Luncheon – Thank You

On Sunday March 16, 2014, our parish hosted our annual St. Patrick’s Luncheon. During this event a children’s bake contest took place. All participants received special awards for their culinary achievements. The green grab bags donated by Ed and Beverly Obssuth were part of celebration. Ed and Penni were in charge of the drawing giving occasion for laughter and fun. Three girls Natalie, Gabby and Sabrina, members of Gymnastika team (Woodland Park) were applauded for their skillful gymnastic performance. The drawings of baskets of cheer donated by our Adoration Society and 50/50 took place at the end of our celebration.

We thank Deacon David Gaydos and Laurie Gaydos for donating the food and preparing the menu consisting of Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish red potatoes, Baked Chicken – Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads / Irish Soda Bread, Homemade Desserts. Edward, Beverly and David Obssuth helped in the kitchen, and Renata Cyman decorated the hall. We thank everyone coming to our annual celebration. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to everyone!

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Outstanding Service Awards

The Parish Committee decided to show our appreciation to two parish members who demonstrated outstanding service for the parish in 2013. Hughie Vickerilla and Claire Centrella received special plaques of appreciation for their stewardship of time, talent, and treasure for the Parish.

Fr. Joseph, Lynn Imperiale - Chairperson of the Parish Committee, and Claire Centrella.
Fr. Joseph, Lynn Imperiale – Chairperson of the Parish Committee, and Claire Centrella.
Deacon Bill Gaydos, Hughie Vickerilla and Fr. Joseph.
Deacon Bill Gaydos, Hughie Vickerilla and Fr. Joseph.

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St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

Holy Cross Parish will hold its annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on Sunday, March 16th at 12 PM (following 11 AM Holy Mass). We will have Irish Music and a menu of all your Irish favorites including: Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish Red Potatoes, Baked Chicken, Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads Irish Soda Bread, Coffee/Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts.

Tickets are Adults: $15, Children and youth – Free.

We will also have raffles for a Basket of Irish Cheer, a Door Prize, and a 50/50.

Please R.S.V.P by March 10th to (973) 256-4888. You may also buy tickets at church or send your donation to the church by mail.

St. Patrick's Dinner 2014

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Annual Meeting, Election Results, and SOCL Awards

Our Annual Parish Meeting took place on Sunday February 9th with refreshments after the 9 AM Mass. Parish societies gave their reports at the meeting. Elections were held for the Parish Committee for the year 2014. Congratulation to the following parishioners who were elected as members of the Parish Committee for the Year 2014 pending confirmation by our diocesan Bishop:

Chairman – Lynn Imperiale
Vice-Chairman – Bob Sleece
Recording Secretary – Claire Centrella
Treasurer – Richard Daum
Trustees: Dominick Bucci, Edward Obssuth, Hughie Vickerilla, Penni Lazor and Paul Murthy.
We welcome Paul Murthy as the new member of the Parish Committee.

We thank Lenny Hrinuk for his past service as the trustee of the Parish Committee.

Also elected were parishioners to serve as:

Parish Tribunal – John Surak and Penni Lazor
Auditors: Karen Hitchcock, Penni Lazor and Beverly Obssuth
Envelope Recorder: Karen Hitchcock
Seniorate Council Representatives: Alice Kriskewic and Judy Lamping
Delegates to General Synod: Richard and Lucy Daum, (alternates: Deacon David Gaydos and Judy Lamping)

We congratulate the following SOCL students for their perfect and good attendance awards which were also presented on Sunday, February 9th:

Perfect Attendance Awards: Kimberly Matute, Cindy Matute, Kenneth Hofmann, Gianni Maher, Declan Maher, Julien Patel and Giovanni Patel.

Good Attendance Awards: Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Neil Kiame, Natalie Cyman, Omar Abdelfattah, Lina Abdelfattah, and Hailey Hagal.

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Supporting the Melissa A. Centrella Scholarship Foundation

The Board of Directors of the Melissa A. Centrella Scholarship Foundation invite you to attend their twelfth annual fundraiser in memory of Melissa, August & Emanuele Centrella. This will be a ”Casino Night” fundraiser with Blackjack, Craps, Poker, Roulette & Big Six with Professional Dealers. Full Open Bar, Buffet Dinner….Chips will be converted into raffle tickets for fabulous prizes.

Help the Foundation raise money for scholarships for 2014! The Foundation has awarded 102 scholarships in New Jersey to-date!

The Casino Night Fundraiser will be held on Sunday, February 16th at 6:30PM at The Brownstone, 351 West Broadway Paterson, NJ. Tickets: $75 (includes a $50 initial set of chips). All profits will go to award scholarships. Please RSVP by February 10th to:
Claire Centrella 120 Quarry Dr., Clifton, NJ 07013 For more info call 201-572-1299.

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Annual Parish Meeting

Our Annual Parish Meeting will be held on second Sunday of February, February 9th after 9am Holy Mass. The second Holy Mass of the day will be at 11:30am. There will be refreshments after the 9am Holy Mass. Our School of Christian Living will have their program in the Fr. John Slysz building will instruction provided by our high school youth.

All the societies of our parish are asked to give their annual report for 2013 and their projects for 2014. Another important aspect of our Annual Parish Meeting will be the election of the Parish Committee. The Parish Committee is the council, which meets once per month (usually for about 1 hour on the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month) to discuss concerns and make decisions for the parish. Would you consider serving on this committee? Please contact Fr. Joseph or Dominick Bucci for additional information.

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