SOCL Halloween Party

School of Christian Living held a Halloween Party on Sunday October 27th. We thank teachers Claire Centrella, Donna Fabricatore and Mrs. Donna Maher who organized this joyful event. All participants shared healthy sandwiches and Trick or Treat snacks. All participants received prizes for participation and additional acknowledgement to those whose costumes were: the prettiest – Natalie Cyman, original – Omar Abdelfattah, and funniest Maher and Patel.

Our SOCL Schedule for November 2013 includes:

  • 3 – Classes Meet
  • 10 – Classes Meet (plus making Christmas ornaments)
  • 17– Classes Meet (plus making Thanksgiving Baskets for the needy)
  • 24 – Thanksgiving Celebration (Children/Youth Mass at 11:00 A.M.)

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All Souls Cemetery Service

Our All Souls Cemetery Service will take place on Sunday, October 27th at the PNCC section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton beginning at 2 p.m. For this annual event the clergy and faithful from four parishes, SS Peter and Paul, Passaic, Transfiguration of Our Lord, Wallington, The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Passaic, and from our Holy Cross Parish, Woodland Park are invited to attend. Please remember your departed loved ones in your prayers.


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Come To The Big Top Tricky Tray Thank You

Our successful “Come To The Big Top” Tricky Tray event, the biggest annual fundraiser since 1982, took place on Friday, October 25th at Amalgamated Meat Cutters, 245 Paterson Ave., Little Falls NJ

Our special thanks are expressed to those who: Donated Regular (110), Super Trays (100) and Grand Trays (30), Gave monetary donations / participated in the 50/50 Raffle; Served as captains, sold admission tickets; Did advertisement and solicitations, Picked up donations / Numbered the trays for the Program / Delivered trays and set up the hall on Friday, Sold tickets at the event; Served as runners / Served in the kitchen Served as MC / Served as security guard Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event; and to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize Tricky Tray 2013. Thank You and God Bless you.

The 50 /50 Winners and $1000 cash winner will be announced and more information will be given next week.

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Pasta Dinner featuring the Fabulas! “Uncle Floyd”

Holy Cross Church & the Passaic Valley Chapter of UNICO will host a Pasta Dinner featuring the Fabulas! “Uncle Floyd” — Italian Humor at it’s BEST! on Saturday, November 9th from 6 to 10pm.

The menu includes Pasta – Meatballs – Salad – Refreshments – Desserts. You can BYOB. We will have TrickyTray and 50/50 Raffle.

Only 135 tickets are available at $30 per person. Adults only please. For pre-sale tickets please contact Mr. Dominick J. Bucci at 973-703-6473, Mr. John Barbieri at 201-317-7861, or Holy Cross Church at 973-256-4888.

Pasta Night Event (2)

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Annual Blessing Of Pets

The annual Blessing Of Pets will take place next Sunday, October 6th at the beginning of the 11am Holy Mass. The Holy Mass will take place in the parish hall. Well behaved dogs, cats, fish, birds and all God’s creatures are invited with their owners. The blessing will be given in commemoration of Saint Francis of Assisi.

As we know, animals trusted St. Francis and he treated them with courtesy. Near the end of his life St. Francis composed a song of praise and thanks to God for all his creations, called “Canticle to Brother Sun” – also known as the “Canticle of the Creatures.” From this song we know that St. Francis did not perceive himself isolated from other creatures. He simply assumed that all creatures – not only humans – form one family of creation. So we are encouraged to bless and praise God with cats, dogs, birds and all God’s creatures.

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Bp. Bernard Nowicki celebrates 25th Jubilee Holy Mass for Deacon David Gaydos

On Sunday September 8, 2013 at 4 pm a special Holy Mass was celebrated on the occasion of the 25th Jubilee of Deacon David Gaydos service at the Holy Cross Church.

The solemn Holy Mass was celebrated by His Excellency, Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki, Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese of the Polish National Catholic Church. The Holy Scripture readings emphasized God’s calling of prophets, Jesus’ selection of Apostles who too needed to choose deacons in order to help them in the ministry for the Church.

Deacon David was thanked for his service and his family for their support, wife Laurie, sons Scott and Mark and daughter, Emily. Bishop spoke about the need of men accepting God’s calling to serve as deacons and priests. There are parishes where priests from neighboring parishes and deacons are filling-in due to a lack of priests; providing services for the faithful. It was 25 years ago when David Gaydos was ordained deacon to serve the parish in Woodland Park and provide help in other parishes of the diocese. “I don’t know why I was chosen to be a deacon?” he humbly said in his remarks. Deacon David said, “I think it happened because once Jesus said in the Gospel: ‘You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go and bring forth fruit…’ (John 15:16)”

Father Joseph R. Cyman, who has served as Pastor for the past ten years at Holy Cross Church, thanked the jubilant for these years of good cooperation working together for the spiritual benefit of the parish. Deacon David Gaydos helped especially during Father Joseph’s vacation time. In that time he conducted the Liturgy of the Word of God with Distribution of Holy Communion. Additionally, Deacon David helps at Holy Cross by reading the Gospel, distributing Holy Communion, and occasionally preaching sermons. He uses his culinary talent in preparing menus for different parish dinners. As an excellent cook, he is fulfilling the service of the first deacons who served meals to widows in the early Church. In his 25 years of service he traveled to most of the parishes of the diocese helping other priests including one parish in Los Angeles which is a part of the Central Diocese of PNCC.

Expressions of thanks were expressed also to Deacon David’s brother, Deacon William Gaydos. He is serving as a deacon at the Holy Cross Church by reading the Gospel, helping in the liturgy for special occasions, serves as a Lector and prepares altar servers.

Other priests and deacons joined – Father Senior Gregory Mludzik, visiting priest Fr. Adam, and Deacon William Gaydos. The altar servers offered their service during Holy Mass. Organist Jessica Muccilli beautified the liturgy with well selected hymns.

After the Mass, the parish hosted a dinner in the parish hall as a token of appreciation for the Deacon David’s service. Dozens of guests enjoyed the dinner.

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