Tricky Tray – October 25th

The Annual Holy Cross Tricky Tray – Come to the Big TOP! – will be held on Friday, October 25th at Amalgamated Meat Cutters, 245 Paterson Ave., Little Falls NJ 07424. Doors Open at 6pm. Drawing at 8pm. Children are welcome and we are Handicapped Accessible.

Admission – $15 payable to: Holy Cross Church, 220 Browertown Rd., Woodland Pk, NJ 07424. Admission includes coffee/tea and an array of desserts & 26 regular prize chances. Purchase tickets in advance to receive an additional sheet of regular prize chances. Purchase pre-packaged raffles for 20-35% premium over individual tickets.

Buy hot dogs, pizzas, popcorn, cotton candy or bring your own food!!! Have a Family Reunion!!!

Deadline for tickets is October 20th. Call: Penni at 973-768-7917 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888 or E-mail us.

Wear your best Clown Outfit and maybe Win A Prize for the “Best Clown.”

Tricky Tray  Circus Theme 2013 (2)

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Prayers of Sympathy

Odette Morozewicz, 83, a longtime member of Holy Cross Church, resident of Mahwah died Thursday, August 29, 2013. Born in Charleroi, Belgium, Odette was the daughter of Victor and Marie Maison. At the age of 16 she met and fell in love odettewith an American soldier, William Morozewicz. Two years later, she immigrated to the U.S. to marry him, and together the couple settled in Fair Lawn, raising three children.

Odette is lovingly survived by her sons, William and his wife Jean, and Ronald and his wife Lucy; her daughter, Linda Salemo; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

A requiem Holy Mass will be celebrated 10 a.m. Wednesday, September 4, 2013 at Holy Cross Church, Woodland Park. Interment will follow at George Washington Memorial Park, Paramus. Visiting hours will be Tuesday from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. at the M. John Scanlan Funeral Home, 781 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains, NJ.

In lieu of flowers, donations in Odette’s memory to a charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated by her family. You may consider the Holy Cross Church. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Pampered Chef Party/Fundraiser Thank You

On August 11th we held a Pampered Chef party and fundraiser. Our chefs were Claire Centrella and Leslie DeMaio. Everyone enjoyed Bruschetta Pasta, Garlic Knots and Molten Chocolate Cake made in front of our eyes all by our chefs. There were about 15 people who attended and the total of product orders was $440.00 with 2 additional cooking parties scheduled… Donna Fabricatore on October 12th and Holy Cross Church on October 6th. The church received nearly $60 from the fundraiser and we expect to have another one on October 6th after the 11AM Holy Mass. Thank you to all who attended and worded on this event. God bless you for your generosity. Please join in on the fun and be able to order fabulous items for Christmas while helping Holy Cross Church at our next party.


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Food Drive Blessings

On Tuesday, August 6th, our parish provided a table at the Woodland Park National Night Out. Great weather and a great cause drew many community members to raise awareness, generate support for anti-crime programs, and enhance community-police relationships. Food, Rides, Games, DJ, demonstrations and giveaways were part of the event. We thank our parishioner Christine Murphy, member of Woodland Park Municipal Alliance, for being a liaison for our parish’s participation. Also we thank Claire Centrella, Dominick Bucci, Malissa Betancur, Renata, Michael and Natalie Cyman who were helping to collect nonperishable food items and distributed flyers for our upcoming social events. On the table the church’s sign was displayed along with an indication – Food Drive for the Fr. English Food Pantry. The food items were donated by our parishioners and other people. Four large boxes were collected. On Thursday these items along with another eight bags collected earlier in the parish hall, three boxes of clothing and one box of books, were donated to the Fr. English Food Pantry. On behalf of the needy, we thank each and everyone who helped or donated for this noble cause.

Food Drive at the Woodland Park National Night Out - August 6, 2013
Food Drive at the Woodland Park National Night Out – August 6, 2013

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National Night Out

Holy Cross will be participating in National Night Out sponsored by the Woodland Park Municipal Alliance on Tuesday, August 6th from 6 – 9 pm on Memorial Drive.

National Night Out is held in communities across the U.S. to raise awareness and generate support for anti-crime programs, and enhance community-police relationships.

Holy Cross will have a table to collect nonperishable food items for the Fr. English Food Pantry, Paterson. We thank you on behalf of the needy.


National Night Out Read More »

Congratulations and God Bless You!

On Sunday July 28, 2013 Matthew William Poggi and Sheylla Caroline (Gonzalez) Poggi solemnized their civil marriage by receiving the Sacrament of Marriage. It was a joyful celebration for them as well as for all gathered that Sunday. Our congratulations and best wishes to the Poggi family! On the same day their son, Vincent Robert Poggi received the Sacrament of Baptism. We congratulate Matthew and Sheylla as well as Vincent’s proud Godparents: Nicholas Joseph Poggi and Fiorella Castro. We also congratulate Vincent’s grandparents, great grandmother, relatives and friends.


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Thank You to Our Sponsors – Consider Sponsoring Us

Thank you to our 2013 Bulletin Ad supporters and sponsors. We encourage all to support the following businesses that give financial contributions for our church.

Business advertising in our bulletin is available at $100 per year. Funds received are used for photocopy supplies. Please contact the parish office at 973-256-4888 to submit your ad, or send us an E-mail.


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Come to the Big TOP! Tricky Tray, Friday, October 25th

The Annual Holy Cross Tricky Tray “Come to the Big TOP!” will be held on Friday, October 25th at Amalgamated Meat Cutters, 245 Paterson Ave., Little Falls NJ 07424.

Doors Open: 6:00 pm / Drawing: 8:00 pm Children Welcome / Handicapped Accessible

  • About 100 Regular Trays – $25 plus
  • About 100 Super Trays – $50 plus
  • About 25 Grand Trays – over $100
  • Vitamix ($500 value)
  • Coach Purse
  • Thanksgiving Dinner for 10
  • Scratch Offs and other great prizes
  • Win a 50/50 raffle
  • Win $1,000 in cash
  • Door prizes of $25 gift certificates
  • Special free grab bag for kids

Buy Hot Dogs, Pizzas, Popcorn, Cotton Candy / Bring Your Own Food!!! Have A Family Reunion!!!

In 2012 our prizes totaled $1,686

Wear Your Best Clown Outfit And Maybe Win A Prize For The “Best Clown”

Admission – $15 payable to: Holy Cross Church, 220 Browertown Rd., Woodland Pk, NJ 07424. Admission includes coffee / tea, an array of desserts, and 26 regular prize chances.

***Purchase tickets in advance to receive an additional sheet of regular prize chances***

Purchase pre-packaged raffles for 20-35% premium over individual tickets.

The deadline for ticket purchases is October 20th. Call the Parish Office at 973-256-4888.

Tricky Tray  Circus Theme 2013 (2)pdf

Come to the Big TOP! Tricky Tray, Friday, October 25th Read More »

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