Summer Holy Mass Schedule
Our summer Holy Mass Schedule is in effect from July 7th and will continue until Sunday, September 1st. Holy Masses will be celebrated on Sundays at 9 A.M and 10:30 AM.
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Our summer Holy Mass Schedule is in effect from July 7th and will continue until Sunday, September 1st. Holy Masses will be celebrated on Sundays at 9 A.M and 10:30 AM.
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The Central Diocese annual Acolyte Retreat was held at the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center in Waymart, PA from June 26th through 28th.
This year there were 22 young participants (11 from our parish) at the retreat with the presence of four clergy and four parents. Bishop Bernard Nowicki celebrated the Holy Mass and preached on Friday. There were four priests involved in the program: Fr. Sr. Walter Madej, Fr. Marian Pociecha, Fr. Rafal Dadello and Fr. Joseph Cyman. Mr. Joe Kolonko served delicious meals. The children helped him in the kitchen by cleaning the dishes and helping set up for meals.
We thank God for the beautiful weather that allowed everyone to have a great time at this beautiful location. The children and some adults enjoyed swimming in the pool with the supervision of Andrew, our lifeguard. There were games inside of the retreat center such as billiards and ping pong and outside games such as volleyball and basketball. After we hiked to Keen Lake on Thursday, children enjoyed the playground and some kayaked with adult supervision wearing life jackets.
During the retreat we had Holy Masses, and prayer services, singing various hymns and Christian songs. The bon-fire took place on Thursday with marshmallows. After enjoyment all were chased away by the heavy rain. No big deal. In the morning we were welcomed by beautiful weather again. Some visitors came such as Fr. Sr. Chromey, Fr. Carmen Bolock, and Fr. Sr. Mludzik. Thanks to all for sharing a great time! Fr. Joseph Cyman.
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On Sunday, June 23rd the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki, Bishop Ordinary of the Central Diocese of the Polish National Catholic Church, assisted by Rev. Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Rev. Mr. David Gaydos, and Rev. Mr. William Gaydos, conferred the completion of the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation by Confirming twelve of our youth. As we celebrated and rejoiced on this day, we also looked forward to our new confirmands witness of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Congratulation to all our Confirmands:
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Heartfelt thank you is addressed to the members of Adoration Society and Daughters of Holy Cross for a delicious, delightful and joyful Father’s Day breakfast. We also appreciate our children who offered beautiful Father’s Day poems – great job!
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Join us for our Father’s Day Breakfast on Sunday, June 16th after 9AM Holy Mass. Enjoy a great breakfast made especially for you by our women of our Parish.
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A big thank you all those parishioners who made our parish picnic last Sunday a success. We thank those who brought delicious dishes, desserts, prizes for children, baked food, and cleaned up after the event. We say heartfelt thank you and God bless you for sharing time and talents for the good of the parish.
Today 4 students: Natalie Cyman, Kimberly Matute, Cindy Matute, and Kenneth Hofmann received perfect SOCL attendance awards and certificates.
Also, 13 students: Lina Abdelfattah, Omar Abdelfattah, Michael Cyman, Nicholas Desch, Declan Maher, Gianni Maher, Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Neil Kiame, Aubrey Santos, Jessie Santos, Daniel Reyes, and Emily Reyes received good SOCL attendance awards and certificates after 11 am Holy Mass. It was enjoyable and special occasion!
We congratulate all children and thank teachers Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos and Mrs. Donna Fabricatore for their dedication for the good of our youth. We thank parents for their support and involvement in SOCL program. We look forward to begin SOCL classes on Sunday September 8th. Join this friendly and joyful group of students.
With best regards and prayers,
Fr. Joseph
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Thomas Jason Emker received the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, June 2nd. He is the precious son of Anna Emker (Racanati) and the late śp.Jason Emker. Proud Godparents were Matthew Massoud and Marybeth Massoud. Congratulations to parents, Godparents, grandparents, relatives and friends on this special occasion.
God bless you always Thomas Jason Read More »
The New York/New Jersey Seniorate Corpus Christi Holy Mass and procession took place on Sunday, June 3rd at St. Cyril and Methodius PNCC parish in Perth Amboy, NJ. A reception followed in the parish hall. Thank you to all who attended and participated.
NY/NJ Seniorate Corpus Christi Holy Mass and Procession Read More »
On Sunday May 19th at 11 am seven children received the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist for the first time. We congratulate: Lina Abdelfattah, Omar Abdelfattah, Declan Maher, Gianni Maher, Josephine Palman, Aubrey Santos, and Emily Reyes as well as their parents, godparents, grandparents, relatives and friends.
The crowded church witnessed a joyful occasion with the sanctuary decorated with the beautiful flowers. A professional soloist sung special music dedicated to the Holy Eucharist and Blessed Virgin Mary. The children received First Holy Communion candles, prayer books, and rosaries. May Jesus’ presence give them love and peace and strengthen them in their lives.
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