God bless you Omar

We congratulate Omar Abdelfattah who received the Sacrament of Baptism at Holy Cross Church on Sunday May 12th. He is a special son of Firas Abdelfattah and Lorena (nee Sanita). His proud sister is Lina Abdelfattah. Proud Godparents are Claudio Soto and Angela Sanita-Soto. We congratulate all family members, relatives and friends.


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Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the first Sunday of May the coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary took place after both Holy Masses.

Those who participated in the procession with the crowned statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 9 am Mass were Deacon Bill Gaydos, Kenneth Hofmann, Kimberly and Cindy Matute, Nayef and Ned Kiame.

Those who participated in the procession with the crowned statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 11 am Mass were Michael Cyman – cross, Melissa Betancur, Josephine Palman, Gianni Maher, Declan Maher, Natalie Cyman, Emily Reyes Sung and Hailey Hagal.

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Ś+P Józef Cyman

śp. Józef Cyman (85), father of Fr. Joseph R. Cyman passed away on Friday April 26, 2013 in Bytów, Poland.

z6śp Józef was born in Gowidlino, Poland on April 12, 1928. He grew up with nine siblings. He served three years in the army to protect his country 1950-1953. Loving husband to late śp. Agnieszka Cyman for 52 years, they married in 1954. He was a loving father of four children. He took care of his family by working in irrigation and drainage, in the bakery and mostly as the farm owner. He was involved in helping others by performing functions as Mayor in Rokiciny, a council member in the municipality of Czarna Dąbrówka and also a council member in the district of Bytów. He received awards from the government of Poland.
śp. Józef was a man of prayer and religious practice giving good example of service to the family and the parish community. I know that he is with my mother. Both of them are together with śp. Andrzej (my brother) who died in 1988. I share my grief with my family, wife, Renata, children Michael and Natalie who dad2 loved their grandfather in Poland. I share my sadness with sister Danuta, her husband Andrzej, brother Jerzy, his wife, Grażyna, my sister Elżunia, her husband Heniek, grandchildren Grzegorz, Roman, Agnieszka, Mariusz, and five great grandchildren. The funeral Mass took place in Rokity Poland on Wednesday, May 1st on the Solemnity of St. Joseph the Workmen. Thank you for all your prayers and signs of sympathy.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him holy. May he rest in eternal peace. Amen.
Wieczne odpoczynek racz im dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci. Niech odpoczywają w pokoju, Amen.

— Fr. Joseph

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Ś+P Michalena “Lee” B. Studwell

leeMichalena “Lee” B. Studwell, 91, of Chester, NJ passed away on Sunday, April 28, 2013 at Care One in Morristown. Lee was born on July 15, 1921 in Dupont, PA. She has lived in Chester since 1975 and was previously of Totowa, NJ. Lee worked on the circuit boards in the WWII effort for Federal Telephone and Radio Corporation. She enjoyed cooking, playing Bingo in the area, watching golf, and was an avid Yankees fan. Most of all, she loved spending time with her family.

Lee was predeceased by her husband of 53 years, Arnold E. Studwell. She is survived by her sons Doug J. Kuzynski of Totowa, A.J. Studwell of Glen Gardner and wife Mary Jane, and Jeff A. Studwell of Chester; her 8 granchildren, Deborah, Maggie, Rosemary, twins Kelly and Shawn, Jessica, twins Alyssa and Nicole; and her 2 great-grandchildren Christine and Abigail.

A Celebration of Lee’s Life was be held on Friday, May 3, 2013 from 2-4pm and 7-9pm at the William J. Leber Funeral Home, 15 Furnace Road (Corner of Rt. 206), Chester, NJ (908) 879-3090. A 10am funeral mass was celebrated on Saturday, May 4th at Holy Cross Church, Woodland Park, NJ. Interment will follow at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East Hanover, NJ. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Holy Cross Church, 220 Browertown Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in eternal peace. Amen.

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No Holy Masses April 30th through May 3rd

There will be no Holy Masses offered on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 30th through May 3rd. Fr. Joseph will be away to attend the funeral of his father, Jozef Cyman Sr.


Eternal rent grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace. Amen.

Wieczne odpoczynek racz im dać Panie, a światłość wiekuista niechaj im świeci.
Niech odpoczywają w pokoju, Amen.

In the case of emergency please call Fr. Sr. Gregory Mludzik at 973-779-4329 or 973-907-0301.

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Prayer for Peace

In this difficult week for our nation, especially for people living in Boston, I ask that we recall the prayer of St. Francis for Peace. In doing so we remember those who lost their livers in the senseless terrorism attack and those who are recovering in hospitals and at home. We also pray for victims of other tragedies especially for the people affected by the earthquake in China.

Prayer of St. Francis for Peace

“Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.” Amen.

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Prayers for Boston

Our prayers and thoughts are with all the victims and their families affected by the senseless tragedy that took place in Boston, MA. We wish a speedy recovery to those who are in the hospitals. Our prayers and appreciation are with the first responders who helped to alleviate the suffering of innocent people.

Fr. Joseph and parishioners of Holy Cross Church

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