Tricky Tray Thank You

Thank you to all who attended and worked at our successful “God Bless America” Tricky Tray, annual fundraiser. This was our most successful Tricky Tray since 1982.

Our special thanks are expressed to those who: Donated Regular, Super and Grand Trays; Gave monetary donations; Participated in 50/50 Raffle; Served as captains; sold admission tickets; Did advertisement and solicitations; Picked up donations; Numbered the trays for the Program; Set up the hall on Thursday; Delivered and set up trays on Friday; Sold tickets at the event; Served as runners; Served in the kitchen; Served as MC; Served as security guard; Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event; And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize and supported Tricky Tray 2012.

Thank You and God Bless you.

Holy Cross Church.

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Tricky Tray Update and Prize list

Our Tricky Tray scheduled for Friday, October 26th has a list of 100 Regular Trays, 101 Super Trays, 19 Grand Trays, list of sponsors and donations.

As you see we have many great prizes for you to win. One of them is $1,000 cash.

If you didn’t buy tickets you can do so by calling Karen 973-423-3027 or Parish Office 973-256-4888.
Admission – $15 payable to: Holy Cross Church
Admission includes coffee / tea and an array of desserts & 26 regular prize chances.
Purchase tickets in advance to receive additional sheet of regular prize chances.
Purchase pre-packaged raffles that include 20-35% premium over individual tickets.
Buy hot dogs, pizzas / Bring your own food!!!

Our Tricky Tray is on Friday, October 26, 2012. Doors open at 6 pm. Calling begins at 8 pm. At: Amalgamated Meat Cutters, 245 Paterson Ave., Little Falls NJ 07424.

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Tricky Tray in honor of the Presidential Election

Our annual Tricky Tray, in honor of the Presidential Election will be held on Friday, October 26th at the Amalgamated Meat Cutters, 245 Paterson Ave., Little Falls, New Jersey. Doors Open at 6 pm. Drawings begin at 8 pm. Children are welcome.

We will be offering:

  • About 100 Regular Trays – $25 plus
  • About 100 Super Trays – $50 plus
  • About 25 Grand Trays – over $100
  • Vitamix ($500 value); a Coach Purse; a Keurig Elite; a Glider with Ottoman; a Sharp docking station; a Giada Pot Set; Thanksgiving Dinner for 10; Scratch Offs; an Autographed Football; Bathroom specials; a 19” Flat Screen TV; Chanel Sunglasses and other great prizes.

Also win a 50/50 raffle (2011 prizes totaled $1,852) with a $1,000 cash prize, Door prizes of $25 gift certificates, Special free grab bags for kids.

Admission – $15 payable to: Holy Cross Church. Admission includes coffee / tea and an array of desserts & 26 regular prize chances. Purchase tickets in advance to receive additional sheet of regular prize chances. Purchase pre-packaged raffles for 20-35% premium over individual tickets.

We will have Hot Dogs, Pizzas or Bring your own food!!!

For more information call Karen at 973-423-3027 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888.

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Consecration of our new bishops

See coverage and a video of the consecration of Bishops Nowicki and Bilinski at: New Bishops Installed in Polish National Catholic Church

Scranton, Lackawanna County – Friday, [September 14, 2012] was a big day for the Polish National Catholic Church.

A mass to officially install two new bishops, including the one who will serve northeastern Pennsylvania, got underway late Friday afternoon in Scranton.

The mass began at 3:30 PM at Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Cathedral in South Scranton.

The two bishops who will now serve their communities are Bishop Stanley Bilinski and Bishop Bernard Nowicki.

“I can’t believe the people who have come around from so far away and old friends from close places are an absolute delight,” Bishop Nowicki said.

Bishop Nowicki will serve the Polish National Catholic Church’s largest diocese, which includes Scranton. It stretches from New York to Washington, D.C.

Bishop Bilinski will be based in Chicago and will serve the church’s western diocese.

“We each bring unique gifts to the table and to understand that we can help the church along in its various needs, especially in this day and age,” Bishop Bilinski said.

Both of the new bishops, who were elected in June, say this is an exciting time for the Polish National Catholic Church. The bishops point to a new Prime Bishop in the church and a lot of new leadership that will drive them forward.

“We have our ideas, we have senses of where we want to go and certainly how we want to work together and that’s already been born out in the last few days,” Bishop Nowicki said…

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All Saints and All Souls Observances

Solemnity of All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. This year this feast will be celebrated on Thursday, November 1st. We remember and pray with all holy saints. Special Holy Masses will be celebrated at 9 am and 7:15 pm with the reading of All Souls Remembrances.

All Souls Day Envelopes – Are available in the vestibule of the church. On Friday November 2nd the Church will commemorate All Souls Day. On that day Holy Mass with the reading of All Souls remembrances will be held at 9 am. It is our Catholic custom to remember the souls of the faithful departed on that day and throughout the entire month of November.

Please use All Souls Day envelopes and print the names of the departed you wish to remember and send it to the parish office or place it in the collection basket on Sunday. The envelopes with the names will be kept on the altar during the month of November. In addition to that, Father Joseph will celebrate Holy Masses for their intentions in the upcoming weeks and months. Please propose the date when you wish to have the Holy Mass celebrated for the intention of your departed loved ones. Fr. Joseph will confirm the availability of the date. These Masses will be listed in the bulletins as All Souls Day Masses.

All Souls Cemetery Service – will take place on Sunday, October 28th at the PNCC section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton beginning at 2 pm. For this annual event the clergy and faithful from four parishes, SS Peter and Paul; Passaic, Transfiguration of Our Lord; Wallington, The Most Holy Name of Jesus; Passaic, and from our Holy Cross Parish; Woodland Park are invited to attend. Please remember your departed loved ones who need your prayers and they depend upon your remembrance.

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Our new Bishop visits the New York-New Jersey Seniorate ANS Convention

The New York-New Jersey Seniorate ANS Convention was visited by our newly ordained Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki and his wife Barbara. The Bishop noted that he is looking forward to working with the other Bishops to energize our churches and help us to feel more connected.

We thank all the members of ANS especially Nelly Cabrejos, Renata Cyman, Alice Kriskewic, Penni Lazor, Nancy Mupo, Helen Skawinski, and Elaine Rotsaert, who devoted so much time and energy to hosting the convention. They prepared a delicious meal, the hall was decorated and the Church was so colorful with the addition of mums, thank you Penni. Everyone put in a lot of time to make this possible. We thank Judy Lamping for the hours that she volunteered so that the members could be present at the meeting and not worry about the kitchen.

The next meeting of the parish ANS will be on October 14th. We are trying to plan a bus trip for the near future.

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Annual Blessing Of Pets

Our annual Blessing Of Pets will take place on Sunday, October 7th at the beginning of 11am Holy Mass. The Holy Mass will take place in the parish hall. Well behaved dogs, cats, fish, birds and all God’s creatures are invited with their owners. The blessing will be given in commemoration of the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (Oct. 4). As we know, animals trusted St. Francis and he treated them with courtesy. Near the end of his life St. Francis composed a song of praise and thanks to God for all his creations, called “Canticle to Brother Sun” – also known as the “Canticle of the Creatures.” From this song we know that St. Francis did not perceive himself isolated from other creatures. He simply assumed that all creatures – not only humans – form one family of creation. So we are encouraged to bless and praise God with cats, dogs, birds and all God’s creatures.

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Feast Of St. Michael The Archangel

On Saturday, September 29th we will celebrate the Feast Of St. Michael The Archangel. Holy Mass will be celebrated at 9am.

In Hebrew, Michael means “who is like God” which is traditionally interpreted as a rhetorical question: “Who is like God?” (which expects an answer in the negative) to imply that no one is like God. In this way, Michael is reinterpreted as a symbol of humility before God. In the Old Testament Michael is mentioned three times in the Book of Daniel, once as a “great prince who stands up for the children of your people.” The idea that Michael was the advocate of the Jews became so prevalent that in spite of the rabbinical prohibition against appealing to angels as intermediaries between God and his people, Michael came to occupy a certain place in the Jewish liturgy.

In the New Testament Michael leads God’s armies against the forces of evil in the Book of Revelation, where during the war in heaven he defeats Satan. In the Epistle of St. Jude, Michael is specifically referred to as an “archangel.”

Icons of St. Michael appeared in the 4th century, when he was first seen as a healing angel, and then over time as a protector and the leader of the army of God against the forces of evil. By the 6th century, devotions to Archangel Michael were widespread both in the Eastern and Western Churches.

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New floor installed

The wooden floor by the stairs leading to the church was in very bad shape. The Parish Committee hired The CSC Services, Woodland Park to remove the floor and to install the vinyl tiles. In addition to that, mold from the nearby walls was cleaned and the walls were treated with new paint. We thank CSC Services for their job well done and Dominick Bucci for making all arrangements.

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