Tricky Tray Thank You
Thank you to all who attended and worked at our successful “God Bless America” Tricky Tray, annual fundraiser. This was our most successful Tricky Tray since 1982.
Our special thanks are expressed to those who: Donated Regular, Super and Grand Trays; Gave monetary donations; Participated in 50/50 Raffle; Served as captains; sold admission tickets; Did advertisement and solicitations; Picked up donations; Numbered the trays for the Program; Set up the hall on Thursday; Delivered and set up trays on Friday; Sold tickets at the event; Served as runners; Served in the kitchen; Served as MC; Served as security guard; Cleaned the hall and kitchen after the event; And to anyone who in any shape or form helped to organize and supported Tricky Tray 2012.
Thank You and God Bless you.
Holy Cross Church.
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