Central Diocese Clergy gathered for their annual retreat at the Villa of Our Lady Retreat House in Mt. Pocono, PA. In the picture are the clergy after the celebration of Holy Mass along with this year’s retreat master, Bishop Tikhon of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania (OCA) who was presenting spiritual advice. Following the retreat, the clergy had one day conference to discuss various matters of the Church, and our diocese.
On Friday August 31st Holy Cross’ West Paterson Nights received trophies for winning the championship with the Morris County Youth Soccer Association – Sprint 2012 Traveling U-13A league. The award ceremony was held at Holy Cross parish hall. One of the recipients was Michael Cyman, son of Fr. Joseph and Renata Cyman. Congratulations to all champions and we thank their coaches Joe and Walter.
Our Oldest parishioner ś.p. Estelle Jablonowski, passed away on August 21, 2012. She recently celebrated her 100th Birthday on April 17, 2012. She was an active member of the parish, singing in the choir and helping parish with many social events. She is missed by many.
Our sympathy to her son and daughter–in-law Stanley R. and Joy Jablonowski, grandchildren Richard and Tina Jablonowski, Llairi Jablonowski, Jeffrey & Lisa Jablonowski, and her eight great grandchildren and one great-great granddaughter. A requiem Holy Mass was held on Friday August 24th followed by and internment at Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Paterson, NJ.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and may the perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.
We thank each and everyone who patronized our car wash and supported this youth fundraiser by bringing their cars for hand car wash. We thank everyone who helped, especially Juan Reyes, his wife, son Christian and daughter Veronica who prepared the beautiful flyer for the car wash. They were instrumental in organizing and giving 120% for this event; Melissa Betancur and Gabriella Rotsaert who prepared signs and directed people from the street, Jessie and Aubrie Santos, Michael and Natalie Cyman, Jasmine Cabrejos, and Eddie Obssuth. We thank the Lord who kept away the rain which was scheduled for today. Renata Cyman who ordered pizza for refreshments and anyone who in any shape or form made the event a success. Our car wash brought in… $246 to support our youth. Wow!!!
This year there were 29 participants at the Central Diocese Acolyte Retreat held at the Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center in Waymart, Pennsylvania.
Bishop John Mack gave a presentation and celebrated the Holy Mass for our altar servers on Wednesday.
Presentation by Bishop John Mack at Bishop Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center
There were five priests involved in the program: Fr. Joseph Cyman, Fr. Gregory Mludzik, Fr. Mariusz Zochowski, Fr. Andrew Bieganowski, and Fr. Zbigniew Dawid. Mr. Joe Kolonko served delicious meals. The children helped him in the kitchen cleaning the dishes and helping set up for meals.
We thank all for coming and spending a great time together at the beautiful location. The weather was gorgeous. The children and adults enjoyed swimming in the pool with the supervision of Andrew, our lifeguard. Because of the hot weather we experienced on Thursday and Friday, there was plenty of time for the pool. There were also outdoor games such as volleyball and basketball. After we hiked to Kin Lake, our acolytes enjoyed the playground and kayaked with adult supervision wearing life jackets.
At the Kin Lake
During the retreat we had Holy Masses, prayer services, and a special Candlelight service. Fr. Andrew Bieganowski led the children in singing Christian songs. The bon-fire on Thursday was enjoyed until mosquitoes chased us away.
After Holy Mass in the chapel.
We welcomed visitors including Prime Bishop Emeritus Swantek with his wife, Fr. Carmen Bolock and some parents. Thank to all for sharing a great time!
Acolytes gather in front of Bishop Hodur’s residence at Waymart – “Ustronie”
On Friday June 22nd, a Special Synod of the Polish National Catholic Church took place at St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Cathedral and its Youth Center in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The Synod was held to elect two candidates for the office of Bishop within our Holy Church. Four nominees were put before the Church, Rev. Stanley Bilinski, Rev. Raymond Drada, Rev. Bernard Nowicki, and Rev. Jerzy Rafalko. There were 218 delegates from the Church’s five Dioceses as well as guests who witnessed this solemn and special occasion.
Holy Cross was represented by Fr. Joseph and two lay delegates, Renata Cyman and Richard Daum. Each Nominee for the Office of Bishop spoke, giving his plans for the growth of parishes and expansion of the Polish National Catholic Church (PNCC). The PNCC has parishes throughout the United States, in Canada, as well as in Poland, Norway, Italy, Sweden, and soon in Germany.
The Church sought the intercession and working of the Holy Spirit during Holy Mass before the Special Synod and before the election. Based on the information presented to the delegates and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Synod body chose Rev. Stanley Bilinski and Rev. Bernard Nowicki as candidates for the office of the Bishop.
Bishop elect, Stanley BilinskiBishop elect, Bernard Nowicki
There are two dioceses, Buffalo-Pittsburgh and the Western Diocese, in need of Bishops. The date of the the Bishop elects’ Consecration and their assignment will be announced by the Prime Bishop’s Office.
We thank the teachers of our School of Christian Living once again for their service in the 2011-2012 academic year. The parish gave our teachers beautiful roses representing our appreciation for their time and effort on behalf of our children. The parish also gave awards to the children for their good attendance and participation (Barnes and Noble certificates).
At 11 am Holy Mass from the left: Father Joseph Cyman, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos, Mrs. Natalie Lazar, students: Michael Cyman, Nayef Kiame, Melissa Betancur, Ned Kiame, Nicholas Desch, Natalie Cyman, Neil Kiame, Hailey Hagal, DavidTorres, Sarah Malenchak. Missing in the picture are Mrs. Karen Paulison, Chris Paulison, Aubrie Santos, Jessie Santos, Gabriela Rotsaert, Amber Harth.
SOCL will start classes again on Sunday, September 9th. We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable vacation. God bless you all!
Our summer Holy Mass Schedule goes into effect On Sunday, July 1st and will continue until Sunday, September 2nd. Holy Mass will be celebrated on Sundays at 9 and 10:30 AM.
On Sunday May 20th five children of our parish received the presence of Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time. They went through lessons learning the basics of Christian faith. The Sacrament of Confession took place on Friday May 18th after their rehearsal for this special event.
During Holy Mass the children read the Prayers of the Faithful.
We congratulate:
Natalie Joanne Cyman daughter of Fr. Joseph and Renata (Bujak) Cyman,
Kaylee Ann Gonzalez, daughter of Julio Gonzalez and Ella Anaya,
Ariana Rixana Rubio, daughter of Carlos Rubio and Sonia Garcia,
Vanessa Smith, daughter of Claudio Negrini and Lisa Smith, and
David Edwin Torres, son of Edwin Torres and Maria E. Morales.
We had the privilege of Fr. Stanley Kural’s presence to concelebrate Holy Mass. Fr. Kural served Resurrection Parish in Brooklyn for many years.
I thank parents for their input in preparing their children for the First Holy Communion celebration. They sponsored flowers that beautified the sanctuary and the soloist who with our organist Neil Estanislao performed solo pieces such as Ave Maria (Hail Mary) and Panis Angelicus (Bread from Heaven) – Father Joseph
Our Adoration Society and Daughters of Holy Cross along with their helpers are thanked for organizing a Flea market on Saturday June 2nd. Household goods, antiques, toys and many other items were available.
We thank parishioners and outside vendors who rented space – tables and supported the event.
We thank men who set up the hall on Thursday and the ladies who sold food in our kitchen.
Our children sold lemonade gave a warm welcome to everyone who came for the event.