Ś+P Estelle Staudinger

Prayers of sympathy are offered by Holy Cross Parish for Ś+P Estelle Staudinger (96), Tom’s River – Holiday City at Berkeley, who passed to Eternal Life on Sunday, March 13, 2011, at home.

Ś+P Estelle was a lifelong member of Holy Cross Church, Woodlawn Park. Born in Chadwick, N.Y., she resided most of her life in Paterson before moving to Holiday City at Berkeley 25 years ago. She was predeceased by her husband, Michael, in 1996; and her sisters, Genevieve, in 1997, and Mary, in 2000. Surviving is her daughter, Lorraine Beck and her husband Richard of Island Heights; two grandchildren, Michael Steitz and his wife Christine of Wall, and Sharon Costello and her husband Anthony of Barnegat; and seven great-grandchildren, Kenneth, Bryant, Kaylea, Aaron and Connor Costello, Michael and Caitlyn Steitz. Donations in her memory may be made to Holy Cross Church, 220 Browertown Road West, Woodlawn Park, NJ 07424

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace. Amen.

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Updates – The Zachary Decker Fundraiser and our St. Patrick’s Dinner

Both events now feature entertainment.

Sounds of Sinatra & More, Al Russo And Garry Colletti will be appearing at the Zachary Decker Fundraiser from 1-3pm on Sunday, April 3rd at the Brownstone, 351 West Broadway, Paterson, New Jersey.

The Davis Academy Of Irish Dancing will be appearing at our annual St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon on March 20th starting at noon.

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Car Care Inspection Offered

As part of Car Care Month activities nationwide, motorists are invited to have their vehicles checked by Liberty Auto Electric at 101 Straight St, Paterson, NJ, 07501. Free will donations will be accepted as fundraiser for the Holy Cross Church. Telephone: 973-754-9355.

Liberty will also hold a car care inspection at Holy Cross on Sunday, May 1st from noon to 4pm.

Motorists can learn more about the benefits of performing scheduled vehicle maintenance and needed repair. “These free vehicle inspections can disclose potential safety and operational problems because of deficiencies such as low brake fluid or under-inflated tires” said Juan Reyes President of Liberty Auto Electric. Juan and his family joined our parish last year. Juan is coordinator of the Youth Group in our parish. “Nine out of 10 vehicles going through check-up lanes last year showed consumer neglect. The top problem areas were motor oil, windshield wipers, air filters, belts and hoses and lights.”

Beyond the effect that vehicle neglect can have on safety, dependability and performance, a discovery during a check-up lane inspection can help prevent a breakdown at a busy intersection or on a heavily traveled highway, or even worse, on a deserted road far from home. “Motorists appreciate our Car Care Month check-up events,” says Jose Pascual, Service Advisor. “It’s a community activity event that strives to encourage motorists to take care of their vehicles, which in many cases is one of their most costly investments. These events provide important need-to-know information for anyone who owns or leases a car.” Liberty Auto Electric has been in Paterson for more than 20 years and it’s been a leader in the automotive repair service always bringing superb service and technology to the citizens of Paterson and other communities nearby. Car Care Months is an integral part of the Car Care Council’s “Be Car Care Aware” consumer education campaign promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. For more information or to receive a copy of the visit the Council’s new Car Care Guide for motorists.

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The Season of Lent at Holy Cross

During the Lenten time all of us should remember personal prayers, to read and reflect on Holy Scripture, and to attend the liturgy of Sunday Mass. Fasting – we are called to abstain from meat on Wednesdays and Fridays for those who are 14 years old and above and are otherwise physically able. During Holy Week we abstain from meat from Wednesday through Saturday in preparation for the Lord’s resurrection and in recognition of all He did for us.

You are invited to attend Lenten Devotions to reflect on the redemptive sufferings and death of our Lord on Wednesdays at 7:15 P.M.

Ash Wednesday – The Beginning Of Lent

On Wednesday, March 9, 2011 the Church begins the season of Lent. On that day two Masses will be celebrated: at 12:00 P.M. with the Blessing and distribution of Ashes and at 7:15 p.m. with the Blessing and distribution of Ashes. Beginning on Ash Wednesday we are called to repent, to change our minds about the way we live our lives in the sight of God.

Wednesday Lenten Devotions

  • March 16, 2011 @ 7:15 PM — Bitter lamentations #1
  • March 23, 2011 @ 7:15 PM — Stations of the Cross (Youth Group members and 1st Holy Communion Students)
  • March 30, 2011 @ 7:15 PM — Bitter Lamentations #2
  • April 6, 2011 @ 7:15 PM — Stations of the Cross (Youth Group members and 1st Holy Communion Students)
  • April 13, 2011 – @ 7:15 PM — Bitter Lamentations #3
  • April 22, 2011 – Good Friday @ 3 PM — Stations of the Cross with youth and children participation

Alms Box

Our parish traditionally uses the Alms Box in the vestibule of the church for the benefit of the poor. Please continue to support this great cause to help the less fortunate of our society particularly as a sacrifice during Lent. “When you give alms, your left hand must not know what your right is doing – your almsgiving must be secret, and your father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.” — Matthew 6:3-4.

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St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon

The Parish Life Committee of Holy Cross invites you to come and enjoy a “St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon” on Sunday, March 20th at 12 P.M. (after 11:00 AM Holy Mass).

The menu includes: Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish Red Potatoes, Baked Chicken, Variety of Vegetables, Assorted Breads, Irish Soda Bread, Coffee/Tea, Irish Coffee, and Homemade Desserts

There will also be a raffle for a Basket of Irish Cheer, Door Prizes, and a 50/50 Raffle.

Please R.S.V.P by March 13th for tickets. Adults are $15 each and children and youth are free. Tickets may be purchased at the church or by mail. Please call (973) 256-4888 for additional information.

NOW – featuring entertainment by the The Davis Academy Of Irish Dancing.

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Parish Elections and Thank you

We congratulate the following parishioners who were elected as members of the Parish Committee and members of other services elected at the Annual parish meeting held last Sunday February 13, 2011:

PARISH COMMITTEE: Dominick Bucci (Chairperson), Bob Sleece (Vice Chairperson), Karen Hitchcock (Secretary), Richard Daum (Treasurer); Trustees: Edward Obssuth, Alice Kriskewic, Adele Merson, Hughie Vickerilla, Claire Centrella, Penni Lazor and Lynn Imperiale.

PARISH TRIBUNAL: Penni Lazor and John Surak

AUDITORS: Lucia Blaschak, Karen Peano, Judy Lamping


SENIORATE COUNCIL: Judy Lamping and Alice Kriskewic

We wish all elected members successes in their service for our parish.

We also thank all those who brought delicious salads, sandwiches, and doughnuts for refreshment during the Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday. Also, we thank our high school students who provided care and a program for the children during the Parish meeting sessions. As a result we had more adults attending the meeting and more youth participating in School of Christian Living program. With combined efforts we can look forward for another good year at Holy Cross Church.

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St. Patrick’s Dinner

To be held Sunday, March 20th after 11 A.M. Holy Mass.

Menu: Corned Beef, Cabbage, Irish Red Potatoes, Baked Chicken – Variety Of Vegetables, Assorted Breads / Irish Soda Bread, Irish Coffee / Tea, Homemade Desserts. Take Outs Will Be Available.

Tickets: Adults $15 – Children and youth free of charge. Please purchase tickets by Sunday March 13, 2011. If you have any questions call 973-256-4888 or send an E-mail to the Parish.

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Please join us this weekend and reminders regarding this Sunday’s schedule

Dear Parishioners,

Hope you and your families are doing well. We are Looking forward to having nice weather on Sunday – 42 degrees. Wow!.

Just a reminder that this Sunday February 13th, we will have Holy Masses scheduled at 9AM and Noon.

After 9:00 AM Mass we will have time for warm coffee and then we will begin our Annual Parish Meeting at 10:15 AM lasting until 11 AM. We will have a 20 minute break for refreshments consisting of sandwiches and varieties of homemade salads. We will re-convene meeting from 11:20 AM until 11:45 AM.

The children will have an educational program and movies in our School of Christian Living (Sunday School). They will join us for the refreshment as well.

We wish to share, with all members of Holy Cross, our achievements that took place in 2010 and we will set plans for 2011. Everyone is welcome to contribute ideas so that guided by the Spirit of the Lord we will make together democratic decisions for the good of Holy Cross Church.

All are welcome!!!

With prayers,

Fr. Joseph and the Parish Committee

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Parish Choir

It is nice to see people joining the parish choir. We thank them, and our organist Neil Estanislao, for beautifying the liturgy of the Holy Mass. Choir practice is held after 9 AM Mass. More volunteers are welcome to join. Please share your vocal or musical talents and contact Neil personally or call him at 201-966-9026.

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