Our “luck of the Draw” Tricky Tray will be held on Friday, October 22nd and Three Saints Cultural Center, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.
Doors Open at 6:30 pm, Drawing begins at 8:00 pm. Admission: $15.00 and ***Children are Welcome***
Admission includes coffee or tea and an array of desserts plus 26 regular prize chances. Other chances may be purchased that night. You can also purchase pre-packaged raffles that include 20-35% premium over individual tickets. You can buy HOT DOGS and you can BRING YOUR OWN FOOD!!!
We will have about 100 Regular Trays ~ each valued at $25 plus, about 100 Super Trays ~ each valued at $50 plus, and about 15 Grand Trays ~ each valued at over $100 (including a flat screen TV, Scratch-Offs, and many other great prizes). Also win our 50/50 raffle, or win $750.00 cash. Door prizes of $25 gift certificates to local restaurants.
Deadline for tickets ~ Monday, October 18th. For tickets call Karen at 973-423-3027 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888. You may also send us an E-mail.
Bishop Anthony Mikovsky discusses his election as the ninth Prime Bishop of the Polish National Catholic Church with Times Leader reporter Gerard Hetman.
Our annual blessing of pets in commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi took place last Sunday, October 3rd at 11:00 o’clock Mass in the parish hall. Several pets were brought in for the blessing in commemoration of Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (Oct. 4).
St. Francis believed based on the Holy Scripture in the ability of all animals to praise God. One of the Psalms is asking the nature, all creatures to praise God for his goodness. Therefore let us remember that we praise our God together with the nature and all creatures around us.
218 Delegates attended the 23rd General Synod of Polish National Catholic Church in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The Holy Synod was hosted by the PNCC of Canada.
On Tuesday October 5th, our Diocesan Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, was elected as 7th Prime Bishop of the PNCC. Now the Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky was elected by a two-thirds majority of the ordained and lay delegates, including the prime bishop-elect’s father.
Bishop Mikovsky has been bishop of the Central Diocese and pastor of St. Stanislaus Cathedral since 2006. Before becoming bishop, he served as the assistant pastor at St. Stanislaus, the mother church of the PNCC beginning in 1997.
In his new post he will move less than two blocks from the East Locust Street cathedral to the seat of the Polish National Catholic Church on Pittston Avenue.
“I’m overwhelmed,” he said not long after the vote. “When people put trust in you to lead them in God’s field, and in going forward to build up the church, it’s a very humbling experience.”
Also at Synod, the Very Rev. Paul Sobiechowski of St. Joseph’s Parish in Davie, Florida was elected candidate for the bishop.
We keep in our prayers retired Prime Bishop Robert Nemkovich, our newly elected Prime Bishop Anthony, and Fr. Senior Paul.
On Sunday September 12, 2010 after 11 AM Mass we enjoyed the Spaghetti Dinner. Dominick Bucci and Edward Obssuth worked in the kitchen to prepare the food.
School of Christian Living classes started on Sunday, September 12th. Pictured are teachers from left – Mrs. Jamie Santos, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Karen Paulison, Alissa Paulison – teachers aid and Mrs. Natalie Lazar. Mrs. Natalie joined the group of teachers teaching the 6 and 7 years old students. We welcome her and wish happiness from serving the children of our parish. That day the following students came for the class from left Amber Harth, Ned Kiame, Michael Cyman, Andres Aldas, Nicholas Desch, Chris Paulison, Justin Palman, Josephine Palman with her mom Patricia, Gabriella Rotsaert and Neil Kiame. The picture was taken by Nayef Kiame. We ask parents to bring their children for SOCL cases and take advantage of wonderful program is provided for them.
On Saturday Sept. 25, 2010 our parish organized Country Western Square Dance Night. It was a Buffet Style Dinner with great Menu: Chili, Baked Beans, Cornbread, Barbecued Spare Ribs, Pulled Pork and Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Potato Salad, Pickles & Olives – Watermelon, Lemonade, Coffee and Desserts and Entertainment provided by Ron Kapnick who taught us Square Dance and Calling. 50/50 and Raffle – Basket of Cheer took place. We thank Deacon David and his wife Laurie Gaydos who with the help of Michael Merson and Dominick Bucci prepared the fantastic meal. The net profit of the dinner was $1,439. We thank Deacon David and Laurie Gaydos for donation of food and those who brought delicious desserts.
Ron Kapnick giving Square Dance instructions Couples and participants enjoying Country Western NightCountry Western Night guests watched a display of the fireworks from the church parking lot. The fireworks were presented by the organizers of Woodland Park Day.
On Sunday September 26, 2010 the Shopping Certificates Sale offered beautiful mums for everyone who purchased at least $50 in shopping certificates in appreciation for their support of this fundraiser. The great news is that recently the Shopping Certificate sales deposited a second thousand dollars into our Building Fund. We appeal for more parishioners to participate in this project to raise more for the Building Fund. Please join us.
Karen Paulison, Richard Daum and Gabriella Rotsaert, and John and Verna Swider with their beautiful flowers. Thank you and all who participated in this fundraiser.
We thank Lucy Daum, Merry Sleece and Richard Daum for selling shopping certificates. We thank Richard Daum who brought in mums for this occasion.
The Melissa Centrella Scholarship Foundation Beefsteak with Tricky Tray took place in our parish hall on Saturday, September 11th. The church hall was filled with maximum capacity with those who supported this worthwhile event.
PRAYERS OF SYMPATHY: We express our sympathy to Gene Kapchonick on the loss of her husband, George Kapchonick (92) who passed away peacefully at home on Friday, September 17, 2010. Our condolences to his daughter, Alice of Little Falls, his brother, Basil Kapchonick of Maryland; and his sister, Ann Sagaert of California. George Kapchonick was born in Paterson, NJ he lived in West Paterson and Little Falls before moving to Toms River. George was a Letter Carrier with the Little Falls, NJ Post Office for thirty years before his retirement. He was a United States World War II Navy Veteran, serving as a ship fitter second class. He received the Asiatic Pacific Theater Philippine Liberation Medal, Distinguished Service Medal and one Battle Star. George was our active parishioner for many years helping with the maintenance and several fundraisers. He also was a life member of V.F.W. Post 10185, Toms River. George’s funeral services took place on Tuesday, September 21st. He was buried at the East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
YOUTH MEETING: On Sunday, September 19th the following youth attended the youth meeting: Jason Cabrejos, Jasmine Cabrejos, Michael Cyman, Eddy Obssuth, Emily Fernendez, Veronica Reyes, Elizabeth Fernandez. We thank Juan Reyes for his input to bring together this meeting and we thank Edward and Beverly Obssuth, Nelly Cabrejos, and Teresa Yi parents for their support. The youth who participated in CONVO 2010 event Jason, Jasmine, Eddy and Michael shared their memories. It was a great event. At the meeting the youth planned the following: Cooking together / Exercise to keep good health / Exhibitions of our hobbies / Talent shows performed by our youth / Invite informative speakers / Organize safety plan for the families / Field trips / Help the church with social events and fundraiser, etc. The next youth meeting is scheduled for Sunday October 17, 2010 after 11 AM Holy Mass in the parish hall.
ANS NEWS: On Sunday, September 19th the Adoration Society members: Alice Kriskewic, Karen Peano, Stella Skawinski, Nelly Cabrejos and Renata Cyman with Fr. Joseph attended NY/NJ Seniorate ANS Convention which was held at Transfiguration of the Lord Parish, Wallington, NJ. The Prime Bishop Robert Nemkovich and his wife Florence attended this event. Prime Bishop gave presentation on how to increase the membership of ANS. To join the membership ladies need to be 16 and not 65 or older. He encouraged members to ask for help younger generation.
SPÓJNIA SUNDAY: On Sunday, September 26th we celebrated the Polish National Union of America and prayed for all deceased members as well as for blessing and growth of our fraternal organization.
NEW LECTORS: In September two new lectors joined to serve Holy Cross Church – Jasmine Cabrejos and Alissa Paulison. Thank you.
ANNUAL BLESSING OF PETS: Will take place on Sunday, October 3rd at the beginning of the 11 o’clock Holy Mass. The Mass will take place in the parish hall. Well behaved dogs, cats, fish, birds and all God’s creatures are invited with their owners. The blessing will be given in commemoration of Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi (Oct. 4). As we know, animals trusted St. Francis and he treated them with courtesy. Near the end of his life St. Francis composed a song of praise and thanks to God for all his creations, called “Canticle to Brother Sun” – also known as the “Canticle of the Creatures.” From this song we know that St. Francis did not perceive himself isolated from other creatures. He simply assumed that all creatures – not only humans – form one family of creation. So we are encouraged to bless and praise God with cats, dogs, birds and all God’s creatures.
ALL SOULS DAY ENVELOPES: Are available in the vestibule of the church. On Tuesday, November 2nd the Church will celebrate All Souls Day. On that day the Masses with the reading of All Souls remembrances will be held at 12 PM and 7:30 PM. It is our Catholic custom to remember the souls of the faithful departed on that day and throughout the entire month of November. The reading of All Souls Remembrances will take place after the 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. Holy Masses on Sunday, October 31st. Please use the All Souls Day envelopes printing the names of the departed you wish to remember and send it to the parish office or place it in Sunday collection basket. You may also E-mail the names. The envelopes with the names will be kept on the altar during the month of November. In addition to that, Father Joseph will celebrate Holy Masses for their intentions in upcoming weeks and months. Please suggest the date when you wish to have the Holy Mass celebrated for the intention of your departed loved ones. Thank You.
ALL SOULS CEMETERY SERVICE: Will take place on Sunday, October 31st in the PNCC section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery, Clifton beginning at 2:00 p.m. For this annual event the clergy and faithful from four parishes, SS Peter and Paul, Passaic, Transfiguration of Our Lord, Wallington, The Most Holy Name of Jesus, Passaic, and from our Holy Cross Parish, Woodland Park are invited to attend. Please remember your departed loved ones who need your prayers and they depend upon your remembrance.
TRICKY TRAY: In October our greatest fundraiser “Luck of the draw” Tricky Tray will take place on Friday, October 22, 2010. Let us make our best to use and share our God’s given talents for the well being of our parish. You received mail about this event and your captain may have called you asking for donations. We need more regular and super trays. Please see the special flyer and advertise OUR event.
It is our hope that every organization and group of our parish would increase its membership. Ask others to join. With the beginning of the regular parish life I noticed an increase of Sunday Mass attendance. It is very important for the life of the parish and for your spiritual growth to regularly attend Sunday Liturgy on the day of the Resurrection of our Lord. Each Sunday our Savior invites us to nourish with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We all need Jesus; we need His guidance, His support, and His love.
I remember you each day in my prayers. Please keep me in your prayers. May God richly bless you,
Holy Cross Parish will hold its annual Tricky Tray on Friday, October 22nd at the Three Saints Cultural Center, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ 07026. Doors open at 6:30 pm, drawing at 8:00 pm. Admission: $15.00 and children are welcome. Three Saints Cultural Center is handicapped accessible.
There will be about 100 Regular Trays, each valued at $25 plus, 100 Super Trays, each valued at $50 plus, and about 15 Grand Trays, each valued at over $100 (includes flat screen TV, Scratch-Offs, and many other great prizes). Win in our 50/50 raffle, win $750 cash, and door prizes of $25 gift certificates to local restaurants.
Admission includes coffee, tea, and an array of desserts plus 26 regular prize chances. Other chances may be purchased that night. You can also purchase pre-packaged raffles that include 20-35% premium over individual tickets. You can buy hot dogs and… you can bring your own food!!! Use the occasion and have a family reunion!!!
The deadline for ticket purchases is October 15th. For tickets call: Karen at 973-423-3027 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888. You may also send an E-mail to Holy Cross Parish.
My Dear Parishioners and Friends, some important events took place at Holy Cross Church in July and August.
The beautiful summer with good adventures is almost ended. Our children went back to school to continue their education. The children were ready to go back to school so were their parents. 🙂
The regular schedule of our parish ministry begins today, September 12, 2010. The School of Christian Living program starts as well and our teachers are eager to hear children’s summer stories. The teachers Mrs. Karen Paulison, Mrs. Claire Centrella, Mrs. Jamie Santos, and Mrs. Natalie Lazar who joined the faculty along with substitute teachers Mrs. Karen Peano and Mrs. Carol Montero are ready to serve our children for their spiritual benefit in school year 2010 – 2011. We keep in our prayers Mrs. Michele Lazor and wish her successful medical treatment with a speedy and recovery.
ACOLYTE RETREAT: From Tuesday June 29, 2010 to Friday July 2, 2010 the Central Diocese Acolyte Retreat took place at Bp. Hodur Retreat and Recreation Center, Waymart, PA. Almost forty participants came from several parishes of our diocese including five altar servers from our parish: Nayef, Ned, Neil Kiame, Michael and Natalie Cyman. All participants had time to pray during Mass, before meals and before going to sleep. They enjoyed playing different games indoors and outside. They did swim in the pool with the presence of the life guard. Yes, the water was warm which helped adults to join as well. The pool was used every day. Participants hiked to the shore of Keen Lake – see the picture. They listened to interesting presentations at the retreat center (picture). The weather was excellent except one chilly night. The bon fire on Thursday made all of us one friendly family.
CONGRATULATIONS: On Sunday June 27, 2010 at the 11 AM Mass the Sacrament of Baptism received Gavin Estuardo DePrizo, son of Richard and Connie DePrizio. Godparents were Robert and Barbara DePrizio. On behalf of Holy Cross Church we congratulate Gavin, his big brother Tristan, parents, grandparents, family members and friends.
Dominick Bucci and his son David Bucci are in front of Fr. John Slysz Building fixing the flower planter. We thank them also for painting the railing and with Justin Obssuth power washed the Sunday School building, placed new mulch around shrubs and in the planters on the church premises. Justin cleaned the church parking lot. . We thank them for sharing their time and talent for the good of our parish.
CONVO 2010: The following students from our parish attended the PNCC biennial Youth Convocation held at the Monmouth University, Long Branch, NJ – July 26 – 30th 2010: Jason Cabrejos, Jasmine Cabrejos, Edward Obssuth Jr., Michael Cyman and two chaperones Judy Lamping and Fr. Joseph.
It was a great time of prayer, reflection, educational sessions, and fun. In the group picture (196 participants) Youth, Clergy, and Chaperones at COVO 2010 visiting Ellis Island. A prayer service was held at the plaque commemorating Bishop Hodur’s arrival in the United States
WE EXPRESS OUR THANKS TO: Italo Palman – a handy man – for installing a new gas valve in the church kitchen stove; installing new faucet on the wall facing the parking lot. Please support his business as he supports our church. See his ad in the church bulletin – tel. 201- 588-7157.
WELCOME NEW FAMILY: – We are glad to welcome Jason and Christine Tiseo and their precious daughters, Isabel and Patricia Rose as our newest addition to Holy Cross Church. On Sunday August 29, 2010 we enjoyed the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism of their daughter Patricia Rose. Godparents were Vincent Valerian and Ashley Carter. Best wishes to Tiseo Family we hope that the Holy Cross Church will be their second home, a place of spiritual growth and social contentment.
Mystery Photo was revealed. The picture was taken of the missal located on the altar in our church. Correct answer was given by Monica Lukowiak.
My Friends, we all have the privilege to worship our Lord on Sunday. God’s commandments “Keep Holy the Lord’s Day” is reminding us about it. It is in the church where we present personal intentions to the Lord. In turn each Sunday our Savior nourishes us with His Word and His real presence in the Holy Eucharist. We all need Jesus, His guidance, support, and His love. May God richly bless you.
I keep you in my daily prayers. Please remember me and my family in your prayers.
How would you like to place your own personal business advertisement in our weekly bulletin? You can! The donation for an ad for one year is $100. The monies received will go towards photocopy supplies. Please contact church parish office at 973-256-4888 to submit your ad, or send an E-mail to Holy Cross Parish. Thank you and God bless you for your support and consideration.
Please support the following businesses that financially support our church.
All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner: Sunday, September 12th after 11 AM Holy Mass. Spaghetti, Meatballs, Garden Salad, Beverages, Take-out available. Tickets are only $5. S.O.C.L. Students Eat Free!
Youth Meetings: All Parish youth and their friends (12 years and up) are invited to attend the Holy Cross Church Youth Group meeting on Sunday, September 19th after 11:00 AM Mass. Refreshments will be provided. Come in and find out what’s in store for you.
Food Drive: A food drive to benefit the Father English Food Pantry will be held on Sunday, September 19th. All parishioners are asked to bring a bag of groceries to church on this day. Won’t you help the needy in the name of Christ the Savior? “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you have done it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)
The annual Blessing of Pets in Commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi will take place on Sunday, October 3rd at the beginning of the 11am Holy Mass. The Mass will take place in the parish hall. Well behaved dogs, cats, fish, birds and all God’s creatures are invited with their owners. As we know, animals trusted St. Francis and he treated them with courtesy.
Near the end of his life St. Francis composed a song of praise and thanks to God for all his creations, called “Canticle to Brother Sun,” also known as the “Canticle of the Creatures.” From this song we know that St. Francis did not perceive himself isolated from other creatures. He simply assumed that all creatures – not only humans – form one family of creation. So we are encouraged to bless and praise God in His cats, dogs, birds and all other creatures.