Prayers Of Sympathy

Mitchell Bargiel passed away on Friday, May 21, 2010. We express our deepest sympathy to his wife, Emelia, and his family.

The wake services will be held at Gaita Memorial Home 154 Newark Pompton Turnpike Little Falls, NJ on Sunday, May 23rd from 2-4PM and 7-9PM. Father Joseph will say prayers at the funeral home at 8PM on Sunday. A Funeral Mass will be held at Holy Cross on Monday, May 24th at 10AM.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

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Stewardship Opportunities

The Parish Stewardship Committee is recommending several projects including making sleeping bags for the homeless, surprise packages for the Manor at Waymart, and trays for Veterans. Please choose a society, group, service, or project and sign up. We hope you will share your talents for the benefit of our all those we can assist. You can make a positive difference. Check out our opportunities flyer and sign up today. Thank you.

The next Stewardship Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 9th at 6:30PM. All are welcome — Please join us.

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Tricky Tray Prep

Our annual Tricky Tray event will be held on Friday, October 22nd.

Our next Tricky Tray preparation meeting will take place Sunday, May 16th at 10:10 AM. We thank Claire Centrella who brought in several Regular, Super and Special trays to the parish hall. Lenny Hrinuk brought in a TV set donated by Sharp Inc. for our Special tray. Parishioners can bring their donations for Tricky Tray to the parish hall any time from now on.

We thank all those who came and shared ideas at the previous Tricky Tray preparation meetings. Please consider joining us and helping make this the best ever! In addition to your regular donated trays please consider donating scratch-offs to be used to make Grand Prizes, please bring them or send them to the church in the envelope marked “Tricky Tray”. We know how everyone loves to win scratch-offs! Also, this year we will be selling packages of raffles tickets in advance at a reduced cost. There will be 3 levels of prizes (regular, super and grand). There will also be a 50/50 being sold before and at the affair.

Those who would like to reserve tables of 8 or 10, or to get more info regarding the Tricky Tray, please contact Karen Peano at 973-432-3027.

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Parish Picnic – less than a month away

On Sunday, June 13th, after 11 AM Holy Mass, our annual parish picnic will take place in the parish hall. The parish will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, coffee, soft drinks and entertainment for the children including moon walk and face painting to name just a few.

All parishioners are welcome to attend and please invite your friends. Parishioners are asked to bring with them a dish of salad or any favourite food. Please write your name on the bulletin board in the parish hall and the kind of dish you will bring.

We ask you kindly to provide us your head count information on the sign-up list by Sunday, June 3rd.

Please join us on Sunday, June 13th.

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Frank Botti Benefit Dinner

On Friday May 7th our parish was well represented at the Frank Botti Benefit Dinner. From our parish the following parishioners attended the dinner: Angela and Dominick Bucci, Claire and August Centrella, Fr. Joseph and Renata Cyman, Edward and Beverly Obssuth, Bob and Merry Sleece, Hughie and Beverly Vickerilla.

The Passaic Valley Unico organized the dinner held at the Bethwood, Totowa, to support the Botti family who have gone through financial struggles due to medical expenses for their son, Frank. Frank and his twin brother were prematurely born fourteen years ago. Frank was born with many complications and went through several operations. He still faces the need for more medical attention in the future.

Holy Cross Parish had a special collection held in March 2010. The collected money was sent to the Botti Family. In addition to that, the Parish Committee members decided to donate $250 to the Botti Family at the dinner. Fr. Joseph was asked to say the grace before the dinner.

Dominick Bucci, member of UNICO and Fr. Joseph were honored to present the $250 check on behalf of parishioners of Holy Cross. We wish the best to Frank Botti and his dear family. We also ask that you keep them in our prayers as we will.

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Mother’s Day Breakfast a wonderful event

Last Sunday we celebrated Mother’s Day. Each mother received a single pink carnation corsage at the 9 AM and 11 AM Holy Masses. In addition to that, on their special day, we enjoyed a delicious Mother’s Day breakfast. Hughie Vickerilla, the owner of the Red Kettle Deli, 377 Union Bld., Totowa, with the help of Lenny Hrinuk, Dominick Bucci, and Edward Obssuth prepared and served a delicious breakfast. The menu included: Pancakes, Sausages, Eggs, French Toast, Home Fries, Danish, Rolls and Butter, Fruits, Coffee, Tea. We thank all of them, especially Hughie, for sharing culinary talents, time and efforts for the good of our parish.

The three door prizes were donated by Claire Centrella. We thank her for her generosity. Also we thank Juan Reyes, the 50/50 drawing winner for donating his $70 winning prize for our parish.

May God bless all mothers and kindness of many people who made Mother’s Day celebration at Holy Cross so enjoyable.

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Food Pantry Update

We collected 16 bags of groceries, $35 cash, and we also donated 4 large bags of clothing last week! We thank all those who fulfilled our Savior’s command – “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you have done it to me.” (Matthew 25:40).

The Next Food Drive will take place on Sunday June 13, 2010. It is the same Sunday as our parish picnic. Please continue to support and show your concern for the needy of our community. THANK YOU!

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May Devotions

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, this week we will begin the third week of May. In the month of May we honor and pray especially to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Christians, from the beginning, had a special devotion toward the Mother of our Savior. I invite you on each Wednesday of May at 7:00 p.m. for May Devotions.

We give praise and honor to God with the prayers and intercessions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We likewise will sing / recite the Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the presence of the Most Blessed Sacrament. In addition to that, we are going to sing hymns dedicated to our spiritual Mother and reflect on her life. Let us allow Mary, our spiritual mother to lead us to her Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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First Communion preparation

The First Holy Communion celebration is scheduled next Sunday, May 23rd at 11 A.M.

Our First Holy Communion students will be: Salvatore Boyce, Nicholas Desch, Violette Go, Anthony Gravino, Armani Jimenez, Ned Kiame, Justin Palman, Holly Trinka, Antonio Lazar who have been preparing these many months for their First Holy Communion celebration. We ask that you pray for them for proper preparations for this important step in their Christian life.

There will be a rehearsal for this important day as well as the reception of their First Penance on Saturday, May 22nd beginning at 12:30 PM.

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