God Bless Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ortega

On their reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Steven Ortega and Amy Tarazona were married by Fr. Joseph on Sunday, September 4th. Congratulations also to Best Man – Martin V., Maid of Honor – Diane T., parents: Emilia & Luis, Jennifer & Daniel, grandparents, relatives and friends.

Marriage is presented on the first pages of the bible, at the beginning of Jesus ministry and on the last pages of the Holy Scripture as a vision of eternal life – the wedding feast.

We all wish Steven and Amy that God’s love be present in their marriage life each day.   May their lives be filled with joy and assurance that God is always with them with support from their family members, friends and faith community of Holy Cross.  The example of the Holy Family gives them inspiration in their daily lives. – Fr. Joseph

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Annual Parish & Community Picnic

On Sunday, June 26th , our parish enjoyed an annual free parish picnic after the 11 am Holy Mass. The picnic continued till about 3:30 pm

We had a happy time as a parish family. It was a part of our Outreach Program to our community.

The 16 feet water slide, Simply Magical – Magician, and dunk water tank gave us laughter and joy on this very hot day.

We had a variety of homemade ethnic foods, hot and cold and desserts donated by several parishioners. We truly appreciate their generosity. The parish provided hamburgers, hot dogs, popcorn, watermelon,  and soft drinks.  We thank Dominick Bucci, David Obssuth, Edward Obssuth for preparing hamburgers and hot dogs in the kitchen and outdoor grill.  We thank Penni Lazor, Natalie Cyman and Patrick Lattre for setting up the hall and outdoor tents. We thank all those who supported our parish with free will donations.  Finally, we thank the serving and clean-up crew Fran Cuccinello, Penni Lazor,  Beverly Obssuth, Carol and Jaslene Medina and Joan Kaynak and anyone who helped in any way, shape or form to make the picnic a great time for the enjoyment of dozens of parishioners, community members and friends.  God bless you all – Fr. Joseph

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Congratulations Youth

On Sunday, June 19th, we were honored to give awards to the following children and youth who expressed special service in the life of Holy Cross Church in the past school year 2021-2022:

Best Sunday School attendance:

  • Marc G. / Justin V. / Cameron R. 

Honorable mention attendance:

  • Veronica M. / Viviana G. / Nicholas G. 

Appreciation for serving as altar servers:

  • Nicholas G. / Chris G.  / Daniel G.  
  • Marcella G. / Athena G. / Viviana G. /Veronica M. 

Appreciation for serving as lectors:

  • Natalie C. / Chris G. / Daniel G. / Marcella G. 

We wish to thank our Sunday School teachers, Ms. Natalie Lazar and Mr. Paul Murphy for their time, dedication, and for sharing their teaching talents to the benefit of our children. In the last school year, children prepared Thanksgiving baskets, participated in the trip to feed the homeless in Paterson, prepared gifts for the elderly in Totowa, made post cards, prepared gifts for mothers and fathers, served as altar servers during our Holy Masses, and served as lectors.  We are grateful for their participation in these and other activities.  We especially wish to thank parents and guardians for their support and involvement.

May the Lord bless you all, keep you safe, healthy and a fun filled summer. Sunday school will begin again on Sunday Sept. 11, 2022.

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God Bless Our First Communicants

On Sunday, May 15th we witnessed the celebration of First Holy Communion administered to Cameron Rodriguez, Marc Gutierrez, and Stephanie Tapia-Nunez. We congratulate them and their families on this special occasion.

The new recipients of the Holy Eucharist are welcomed to participate in the life of the parish in different ministries such as members of Sunday School (School of Christian Living), serving as altar servers, and later as lectors reading the Word of God.

The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ who is really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: This is My Body… This is My Blood… (Catechism of the PNCC)

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God Bless Marc

We congratulate Marc Gutierrez on the occasion of his baptism administered on Saturday, May 14th. Proud parents were Gustavo and Glenda (nee Rivera) Gutierrez, honoured godparents were Eduardo Montoya and Diana Velez. We congratulate grandparents, family and friends.  The Sacrament of Baptism and later Confirmation is the foundation of our Christian faith, is a gateway to new life in the Spirit, and the door that gives access to other sacraments. Through Baptism we are regenerated and incorporated into Christ’s body – His Church. As God made the covenant with his people so through Baptism, Jesus makes a new and everlasting covenant with his followers. As Jesus won new life for us on the cross, with the symbol of the cross, Marc was marked to receive the new life in the Lord. As the waters of the Red Sea led the people of Israel to freedom so the water of Baptism gave new life and lead to Salvation. Parents, godparents and all members of our parish pledge to help this child to grow in Christian faith.

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Many Years – Twice Over!

We wish to congratulate our parishioner, Mrs. Sophie Barnes on her recent 103rd Birthday. She is the only parishioner who remembers the groundbreaking ceremony for our first church built in Paterson in 1926. She was 7 years old at that time.Sophie was a member of the Moniuszko choir and an active and proud member of our parish. She is truly a blessing to our parish family.  She remembers Bishop Francis Hodur who came for that special day and who visited the parish for other special celebrations. We wish Sophie God’s blessing of good health and happiness and blessing to her proud and loving family members.

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