
Sacrament of Baptism

On Sunday, February 25th the Baptism, the first part for the Sacrament of Baptism-Confirmation was conferred upon David Joseph Mazur, son of Christopher Mazur and Rosanna (Bartolomeo) Mazur. Proud godparents were Nicola Bartolomeo and Gabrielle Brown. We congratulate the Mazur and Bartolomeo families as well as grandparents, family members and friends on this special occasion. The Sacrament of Baptism-Confirmation is the foundation of our Christian faith, is a gateway to new life in the Spirit, and the door that gives access to other sacraments. Through the Sacrament of Baptism-Confirmation we are regenerated and incorporated into Christ’s body – His Church.

As God made the covenant with his people so through Baptism, Jesus makes a new and everlasting covenant with his followers. As Jesus won new life for us on the cross, with the symbol of the cross, David was marked to receive the new life in the Lord. As the waters of the Red Sea led the people of Israel to freedom so the water of Baptism gave new life and lead to Salvation. Parents, godparents and all members of our parish pledge to help this child to grow in Christian faith.

David became the newest member of Holy Cross Church. With his presence we continue our service of spreading God’s presence in our community for the past 92 years.

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God Bless Gianna

On Saturday, December 30th, the Church and our parish welcomed its the newest member, Gianna Soleil Coe, through the Sacrament of Baptism. We congratulate Gianna’s parents, Timothy Coe and Giselle (nee Martinez), godparents Stephen Walz and Robin Coe as well as her siblings, relatives and friends. The Sacrament of Baptism regenerates us to a new life of grace, unites us with God, and makes us members of Christs’ Church (Catechism).

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Baptisms and First Holy Communion – Welcome to the Family of Faith

On Sunday August 27th the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Amanda Leigh Bautista and her son, Liam Hunter Bautista; Proud parents were Patricio Bautista, Maria Rendan and Joseph Bautista, Stephany Bautista. We welcome, with great joy, Amanda and Liam as our new members of our parish and as new members of Christian family. Congratulations to the Bautista and Cox families.

On Sunday September 3rd the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Jordan Isaiah Ketter, son of Darius Ketter and Dayana Cafa; Proud godfather, Donald Whitaker, godmother(s) Zoraida Conception and Ashley Carmichael. Congratulations to the Ketter and Cafa families.

On Sunday August 27, 2017 the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist was administered to two adults Amanda Bautista and David Dziezawiec.

In the Holy Eucharist Jesus Christ is really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: This is My Body… This is My Blood… (Catechism of the PNCC).

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God bless Louis Salvador

On Saturday, June 17th, Louis Salvador Bradbury, son of Stephen Bradbury Sr. and Pilar Rey Bradbury received the Sacrament of Baptism. Proud godparents were Richard Krumm and Wilma McBain. We congratulate Louis’ parents Stephen and Pilar on this special occasion, as well as family members and friends. The Sacrament of Baptism is the foundation of our Christian faith it is a gateway to life in the Spirit and the door that gives access to other sacraments… Through Baptism we are regenerated and become members of Christ incorporated into His Church. In baptism we are immersed into death and resurrection of Jesus. As God made the covenant with his people, so through Baptism Jesus makes a New and Everlasting Covenant with his followers.

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Baptism of Gabriela Rosalie

On Sunday April 2, 2017 the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Gabriela Rosalie Racanati, the daughter of Francesco Racanati and Krista (Campbell).

The proud godparents were, Scott Russo and Danielle Russo. We congratulate Racanati, Campbell and Russo families, relatives and friends on this special occasion of welcoming Gabriela as our newest member of our parish and member of Christian family.

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God Bless Genesis Joann

God bless Genesis Joann Figueroa, daughter of Luis Figueroa and Juana (Herrera) who received the Sacrament of Baptism on Sunday, January 22nd. Proud godparents were Angel Obando and Leslie Landa. Best wishes to the Figueroa Family and our prayer that they find Holy Cross to be their second home, a place of spiritual growth and social contentment.

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