
National United Youth Project

Brothers and Sisters, On Behalf of the National United Youth Association Board and its President Lauren Bilinski, may I take this opportunity to invite you to share in a ministry project.

By now, I’m sure you have no doubt heard of the report that Lauren had made to the 23rd General Synod. Therein she had asked all of us to participate in “Operation Christmas Child”. For some of you, this is an annual project in your parish; for some, this may be new. Your participation involves filling shoeboxes with various items that a child would like to have (small toys, personal hygiene items, crayons, coloring books; well, you get the idea.) Along with your box, Samaritan’s Purse will provide a copy of the Scriptures in that child’s language, so that the whole story of God’s love will be shared. I have provided a sheet of labels that you can place in your box -just indicate whether it is for a boy or a girl and their age. Feel free to place a greeting from your parish in your box(es); there is a good chance you’ll receive a reply. After filling as many as your congregation is able, you need to check out the Samaritan’s Purse website to find out where the closest collection point is in your area. The website is also filled with helpful hints, downloadable and requested promotional materials. They do ask a small donation for each box to help with the shipping.

I remember the year our parish received a card back from a young girl in Zimbabwe. She wrote that she enjoyed all the gifts in the box; and learning about Jesus. What a gift we can give to someone we will probably never ever meet somewhere in the world – a joyful gift and the joy of Jesus! The collection week is 15-22 November; so get busy fillin’! And may our gracious Lord bless whatever sacrifice you make for His kids!. Fr. Stan, Chaplain.

Dear Youth – You are all invited to participate in this worthwhile project. In our parish hall you can see one shoe box already filled in. Bring empty shoe box and any items you can donate for the children who will greatly appreciate your Christmas Gift. – Fr. Joseph.

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Christmas wishes

May the Lord send upon you, and your dear ones His abundant blessings in this Holy Season and throughout the New Year – 2010!

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – 2010!
  • Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku – 2010!
  • Joyeux Noël et Bonne Novell L’Année 2010!
  • Feliz Navidad y Buen Ano Nuevo 2010!
  • Froehliche Weinachten und ein gutes neues Jahr 2010!

— Father Joseph and family and the Parish Committee of Holy Cross

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