
A Prayer Chain

Dear friends, would you please join other parishioners praying daily especially at 12 Noon forming together A PRAYER CHAIN in our parish. Please pray for each other, especially for our parishioners who are sick, home-bound and are in need of any kind of support and healing. God is listening to our prayers when we sincerely call for his blessing. Also, please ask God to increase our faith, dedication and zeal in His service. May the Holy Cross parish grow in faith and number so that we would become the place of worship where many Christians will accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Special prayers for the peace in the world to end any war and protect us from hatred and future terror. In this time of devastation caused by the Hurricane Harvey and approaching Hurricane Irma, please pray for people’s safety and ask God to avert the storm.

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6 for Life Health Assessment

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!

If you are age 21-80 learn your risk for developing 6 different chronic diseases. $3 out of every $4 spent on healthcare is for treatment of chronic disease. Better lifestyle habits can help prevent 80% of heart disease and 90% of type 2 diabetes

The 6 for Life Health Assessment measures your risk of developing 6 chronic diseases, including heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, diabetes, COPD and lung cancer. A customized report will determine which risk factors contribute most to your disease risk and are within your control to change. Finger-stick blood tests along with biometric measurements are included with this assessment. These are separate from our vascular screenings.

Our parish will be hosting a Life Line Screening preventive health event on Thursday, July 20th.

Protect your health by registering today for the 6 for Life Health Assessment for $79. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit the Life Line Screening website or text the word circle to 797979 to schedule your appointment. Take control of your health, knowledge is empowering.

Are you at Risk for Stroke, Heart Disease and Diabetes?

Did you know that a 10% decrease in cholesterol can reduce your risk for heart disease 30%?

Diabetes is the 5th leading cause of death in the US. Elevated CRP levels in the blood are indicators of risk for heart disease and high blood pressure. Stroke is the 4th leading cause of death. Life Line Screening offers finger-stick blood tests with results in 10 minutes. Protect your health by finding out your risk of diabetes and vascular disease by participating in the Life Line Screening that will be at Holy Cross on Thursday, July 20th.

Register for the lipid panel (HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides), glucose and CRP blood tests for only $129. Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit the Life Line Screening website or text the word circle to 797979 to schedule your appointment. Ask about our other stroke and heart tests. Taking control of your health doesn’t have to be hard.

Do you know your TSH level?

Thyroid Disorders TSH can indicate an underactive thyroid

20 million Americans have an underactive thyroid but half don’t know it. An underactive thyroid can cause an increased risk of heart disease and lead to an enlarged heart. Under-active thyroid is more common among men and women aged 60 and older. Life Line Screening offers a finger-stick blood test with results in less than 10 minutes. Protect your health by finding out your risk of an underactive thyroid by having a TSH screening. Life Line Screening will be at Holy Cross on Thursday, July 20th.

Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit the Life Line Screening website or text the word circle to 797979 to schedule your TSH screening for only $49. Ask about our other stroke and heart tests. Taking control of your health doesn’t have to be hard.

Attention all Men!

Do you know your risk for Prostate Cancer?

A Prostate Cancer PSA test is the most accurate method for the detection of prostate cancer. 1 in 6 men will get Prostate Cancer. PSA tests have been used for over 25 years. A simple PSA blood test could save your life. Protect your health by finding out your risk of Prostate Cancer. Life Line Screening that will be at Holy Cross on Thursday, July 20th.

Call 1-888-653-6441 or visit the Life Line Screening website or text the word circle to 797979 to schedule the PSA, test for only $49. Ask about our other stroke and heart tests. Taking control of your health doesn’t have to be hard.

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Life Line Screening

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will offer their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings at our parish on July 20th. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to:

  • blocked arteries, a leading cause of stroke;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta;
  • hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease;
  • atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and
  • a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis.

Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit Life Line Screening or text the word circle to 797979.

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Easter Procession and Celebrations

On Easter Sunday, April 19th we began the joyous celebration of Easter with the Easter Procession around the church. The four corners of the world were blessed with the presence of the Risen Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Solemn Holy Masses were celebrated at 9 am and 11 am.

We thank our deacons, lectors, organists, the volunteers who carried the baldachino, resurrection statue, Paschal candle, and resurrection cross, altar servers, ushers, greeters, children who spread flower petals during the procession and everyone who attended these special celebrations of the Resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Happy Easter to everyone!

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