
Look for the Rainbow – Tricky Tray 2009

Sponsored by Holy Cross Parish, 220 Browertown Rd., Woodland Park, NJ on Friday, October 23, 2009.

6:30 p.m. – doors open
8:00 p.m. – calling begins

Tricky Tray 2009 will be held at Three Saints Orthodox Cultural Center, 464 Outwater Lane, Garfield, NJ.

About 100 Regular Trays –each value of $25 plus
About 100 Super Trays – each value of $50 plus
3 Special Trays – each value of $150 plus
win 50/50 raffle
win $750.00 cash
win 37” SHARP D44U TV (an $899 value)

ADMISSION – $15 – includes dessert & 26 regular prize chances

Deadline for tickets – Oct. 18, 2009. For tickets call: Karen at 973-423-3027 or the Parish Office at 973-256-4888, or by cell at 201-247-4832.

Tricky Tray 2009

Look for the Rainbow – Tricky Tray 2009 Read More »

July 2009

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, some important events at Holy Cross Church in the past month.

1. The Adoration Society had meeting, election and oath of officers on Sunday June 7, 2009. The oath of new members was taken by Helen Skawinski, Elaine Rotsaert, Stella Skawinski, Loretta Offmann and Michele Desch. The new members received the Constitutions and the laws of the Adoration Society. Then the democratic election of officers was held. Adoration Society Officers for year 2009: President – Karen Peano; Vice-President – Nancy Mupo, Recording Secretary – Elaine Rotsaert; Financial Secretary / Treasurer – Alice Kriskewic, Sunshine Committee – Michele Desch. We congratulate the officers and new members of the ANS. The members discussed upcoming fundraiser – FLEA MARKET on Saturday, September 19, 2009. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday August 30, 2009 after 9:00 A.M. Mass – 10:10 A.M. Daughters of Holy Cross merged with Adoration Society on Sunday March 1, 2009.

2. Sacrament of Matrimony between Eduart Rojas and Rosa Quinones on Saturday, June 6, 2009. We congratulate Eduart Rojas and Rosa Quinones on their special celebration of the wedding. Our congratulations are extended to Eduart parents – Paula and Mario; congratulations to Rosa’s parents – Nilda and Ramon; Best Man –Mario Rojas, Maid of Honor – Elizabeth Matias, family members and friends. We wish Rosa and Eduart God’s blessing and happiness in life together as Christian family.

3. The Sacrament of Baptism of Armond Clay Hockman III took place on Monday, June 22, 2009. We congratulate Armond on this special day, his fiancé, Christina Morello, Godfather Michael Morello and Godmother Christina C. Morello.

4. Parish picnic took place on Sunday June 14, 2009. Music was provided by DJ Rosario. Children and adults enjoyed the live entertainment.

5. The Balloon Magic – Dee Best – entertained the children.

6. Adults enjoyed musical chairs as well. The winner was Rafal Daniewski. The winner for children’s musical chair was Amber Harth.

7. The School of Christian Living end of school took place on Sunday June 14, 2009. These are those who received perfect, good and recognition of participation awards: Perfect Attendance – Neil Kiame; Good Attendance: Ned Kiame; Natalie Cyman, Nicholas Desch , Nayef Kiame, Michael Cyman, Alissa Paulison , Christopher Paulison , Matthew Montero; Recognition of Participation in S.O.C.L. Amber Harth; Brianna Harth, Michael Lazor, Gabriella Rotsaert, Daniel Sung. On the picture from left Edward Obssuth, Jason Cabrejos, Nayef Kiame, Ned Kiame, Nail Kiame, Michael Cyman, Natalie Cyman, Amber Harth, Brianna Harth, Alissa Paulison, Chris Paulison, Nicholas Desch, Gabriella Rotsaert. Teachers from left: Karen Paulison, Claire Centrella, Karen Peano (substitute), Michele Lazor (Superintendent) Thank you teachers for job great done! Missing on the picture are: Carol Montero (substitute teacher) Annie Montero, Matt Montero, Michael Lazor, Daniel and Emily Reyes, Aubrey Santos, Kayla Price.

8. Father’s Day Brunch was served on Sunday June 21, 2009 after 9:00 A.M. Mass. We thank Mr. Ed Obssuth who was in charge of the preparations for the brunch as well as all those who brought dishes, bake goods, served and cleaned afterwards. At the end of both Masses on Father’s Day, all fathers and fathers to be received gifts of appreciation – mugs with the text “Blessed is the father who travels with God.” We thank Mr. & Mrs. Ed Lazor for sponsoring Father’s Day gifts.

9. Beata Lazor was very busy on the day of parish picnic painting faces of several children.

10. The children watching Balloon Magic – Dee Best on the parish picnic.

11. The Fun Time Kids Academy was using our parish hall for their graduation ceremony. Eleven students graduated that day including Natalie Cyman (daughter of Fr. Joseph and Mrs. Renata Cyman). The parish hall was filled with parents, children and teachers on this joyous day.

During the summer month’s people travel and take summer vacations. I wish all children safe and enjoyable vacation time. In the summer we don’t have a break from payment of our regular church bills. Therefore, on behalf of the Parish Committee I ask all of you to donate by mail your regular donations to the parish if you will not be present on a particular Sunday.

I invite parishioners to take advantage of Saturday evening Mass at 6:00 P.M. in July and August so that you could enjoy more time on Sunday with your family. In July and August there will be only one Sunday Mass at 9:00 A.M. I remember you in my daily prayers. Please remember me in your prayers each day.

Yours in Christ,
Father Joseph

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