Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2022
Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2022 Read More »
March 29th – Holy Thursday
7:30 PM – Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament until 9:00 pm
March 30th – Good Friday
3:00 PM – Stations of the Cross with children and youth participation
4:15 PM – Liturgy of Good Friday/ Adoration until 7:00pm
April 31st – Holy Saturday
4:00 PM – Blessing of Easter Baskets
6:00 PM – Easter Vigil Liturgy
After Holy Mass – Blessing of Easter Baskets
April 1st – Resurrection Of The Lord – Easter Sunday
9:00 AM Easter Procession, Holy Mass of Resurrection
11:00 AM – Holy Mass of Resurrection
Christ is risen!
He is Risen indeed!
Fr. Joseph, family, and our Parish Committee
Holy Week and Easter 2018 Read More »
A special thank you to all those who helped during the Holy Week and Easter celebrations: Deacon David, Deacon Bill, organist Neil Estanislao, Lectors, Altar Servers, those who carried processional canopy, Pascal Candle, Resurrection Cross and Statue of the Resurrected Jesus, and children who strew flower petals. May the risen Lord reward your participation and service.
Fr. Joseph
On Good Friday at 3:00 pm when Christians around the world commemorate the passion of our Savior Jesus Christ on the cross, our parish held the service of Stations of the Cross with youth participation. We thank teachers of School of Christian Living, Mrs. Claire Centrella and Mrs. Donna Maher, for their assistance. We thank parents and their children for their involvement and participation in the life of our church. The picture was taken in the front of the side altar of symbolic tomb of Jesus.
Stations of the Cross With Youth Participation Read More »
Holy Tuesday, March 31st, Central Diocese Clergy Conference at 10am and Holy Mass of Chrism at 4pm at St. Stanislaus Cathedral Scranton, PA
Holy Wednesday, April 1st, Sacrament of Penance/General and Private Confessions at 7:15pm
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd, Holy Mass/Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper at 7:15pm
Good Friday, April 3rd:
Holy Saturday, April 4th
Solemnity of the Resurrection, April 5th
Our 2015 Holy Week and Easter Schedule Read More »
The services of the Holy Week are very significant and important for each parishioner to participate.
Holy Wednesday, April 16th – The celebration of the Sacrament of Penance – General Confession will take place at 7 P.M. The youth who have received First Holy Communion and are under 16 years are strongly encouraged to attend the private forms of confession at 7:30 PM. Adults, if they wish, can attend private form of confession.
Maundy Thursday, April 17th – The decoration of the church will take place at 2 P.M. Especially ANS members are asked to help. At 7:30 P.M. we will commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus and the institution of
the Sacraments of Holy Orders, Holy Eucharist and Penance. On that day we will celebrate the Holy Mass in white vestments. On Holy Thursday we will ring bells during the Gloria. The bells will not be used until the liturgy of Resurrection. At the end of Holy Thursday Mass, the Holy Eucharist will be taken to the side altar to signify that Jesus was taken at night from the Garden of Olives and imprisoned by Sanhedrin. The exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament will continue until 9:00 P.M. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.
Good Friday, April 18th – At 3 P.M. the liturgy of the Stations of the Cross with children and youth participation will take place. We will meditate the passion and suffering of our Lord for the last time during this Lent. The opening of the Lord’s tomb will take place. A simple reception will take place consisting of coffee and juice with crackers.
The Liturgy of Good Friday will take place at 4:15 P.M. The Liturgy of Good Friday consists of the Passion of Jesus according to the Gospel of St. John. The main purpose of the liturgy will be veneration of the Cross, the symbol of victory over death and sin. On that day the Holy Communion will be distributed (consecrated on Holy Thursday) and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place until 7:00 p.m. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.
Holy Saturday, April 19th – On Holy Saturday you can bring the Easter baskets with festive food to be blessed at 4 P.M. Easter baskets will be blessed also after the Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Since the ancient times the Holy Saturday was a day for the new catechumens to be baptized. Our Liturgy will begin at 6:00 P.M. with the blessing of fire and the Pascal candle. The Liturgy of the Word with the history of salvation will take place. The Holy Water will be blessed which we use during the upcoming weeks to bless ourselves in the church, to baptize children and for the Asperses on Sundays. The Easter Vigil will take place at the end of the celebration.
Easter Sunday, April 20th – The Liturgy of Easter – Resurrection of the Lord will be celebrated on Easter Sunday at 8 A.M. preceded with the procession around the church. Solemn Holy Mass will follow.
The second Holy Mass of Easter will be celebrated at 10 A.M.
My Dear Parishioners and Friends, you are all welcome to attend these beautiful celebrations in order to more completely understand the meaning and important events of the life of Jesus especially His passion and glorious
resurrection. Wishing you a happy and blessed Easter, Christ has risen! Indeed He is risen!
Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor
Holy Week and Easter in Woodland Park, NJ Read More »
My Dear Parishioners and Friends, each and everyone is welcomed to attend these beautiful celebrations in order to more completely understand the meaning and important events of the life of Jesus especially His passion and glorious resurrection.
ON WEDNESDAY OF HOLY WEEK, April 4th – The celebration of the Sacrament of Penance – General Confession will take place at 7:00 P.M. The youth who have received First Holy Communion and are under 16 years are strongly encouraged to attend the private forms of confession at 7:30 PM. Adults, if they wish, can attend private form of confession.
ON HOLY THURSDAY, April 5th – The decoration of the church will take place at 2 P.M. Especially ANS members are asked to help.
At 7:30 P.M. we will commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus and the institution of the Sacraments of Holy Orders, Holy Eucharist and Penance. On that day we will celebrate the Holy Mass in white vestments. On Holy Thursday we will ring bells during the Gloria. The bells will not be used until the liturgy of Resurrection. At the end of Holy Thursday Mass, the Holy Eucharist will be taken to the side altar to signify that Jesus was taken at night from the Garden of Olives and imprisoned by Sanhedrin. The exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament will continue until 9:00 P.M. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.
ON GOOD FRIDAY, April 6th at 3:00 P.M. the liturgy of the Stations of the Cross with children and youth participation will take place. We will meditate the passion and suffering of our Lord for the last time during this Lent.. The opening of the Lord’s tomb will take place. A simple reception will take place consisting of coffee and juice with crackers.
The Liturgy of Good Friday will take place at 4:15 P.M. The Liturgy of Good Friday consists of the Passion of Jesus according to the Gospel of St. John. The main purpose of the liturgy will be veneration of the Cross, the symbol of victory over death and sin. On that day the Holy Communion will be distributed (consecrated on Holy Thursday) and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place until 6:30 p.m. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.
ON HOLY SATURDAY, April 7th – You may bring Easter baskets with festive food to be blessed at 4:00 p.m. Easter baskets will be blessed also after the Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Since the ancient times the Holy Saturday was a day for the new catechumens to be baptized. Our Liturgy will begin at 6:00 P.M. with the blessing of fire and the Pascal candle. The Liturgy of the Word with the history of salvation will take place. The Holy Water will be blessed which we use during the upcoming weeks to bless ourselves in the church, to baptize children and for the Asperses on Sundays. The Easter Vigil will take place at the end of the celebration.
THE LITURGY OF EASTER – RESURRECTION OF THE LORD will be celebrated on Easter Sunday at 8:00 a.m. preceded with the procession around the church. Solemn Holy Mass will follow. Holy Mass will also be celebrated at 10:00 a.m.
Wishing you a Happy and blessed Easter,
Christ has risen! Indeed He is risen!
Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor
The Liturgies of Holy Week Read More »
Wednesday of Holy Week, March 31, 2010
Holy Thursday, April 1, 2010
Good Friday, April 2, 2010
Holy Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter SUNDAY, APRIL 4, 2010
Holy Week and Easter Schedule Read More »