Baptisms and First Holy Communion – Welcome to the Family of Faith
On Sunday August 27th the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Amanda Leigh Bautista and her son, Liam Hunter Bautista; Proud parents were Patricio Bautista, Maria Rendan and Joseph Bautista, Stephany Bautista. We welcome, with great joy, Amanda and Liam as our new members of our parish and as new members of Christian family. Congratulations to the Bautista and Cox families.
On Sunday September 3rd the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Jordan Isaiah Ketter, son of Darius Ketter and Dayana Cafa; Proud godfather, Donald Whitaker, godmother(s) Zoraida Conception and Ashley Carmichael. Congratulations to the Ketter and Cafa families.
On Sunday August 27, 2017 the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist was administered to two adults Amanda Bautista and David Dziezawiec.
In the Holy Eucharist Jesus Christ is really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist, Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: This is My Body… This is My Blood… (Catechism of the PNCC).
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