On behalf of the parish we wish Stella Skawinski a very happy 99th birthday. Stella is always positive, encouraging, and enthusiastic. We are blessed in having Stella as a member of our parish family. On Sunday February 22nd the parish celebrated her 99th birthday with a party in her honorr. We are looking forward to celebrating her 100th birthday next year. Sto Lat!!! Sto Lat! (one hundred years! one hundred years!)
On Sunday January 4th members of the Adoration Society (ANS) organized the New Year’s Brunch after the 11 am Holy Mass. They shared home made food with orzo pasta salad, ambrosio, french toast, Spanish rice, quiche, cakes, brownies, rice pudding and more …. and also enjoyed grab gift exchange.
The Adoration Society, the Holy Church’s oldest Society, has been taking care of the church sanctuary by purchasing candles, liturgical linens, and vestments and also making sure that liturgical vessels are in proper condition. They have done so since the parish was established. Together with the daughters of the Holy Cross they also help the parish purchase necessary items for the rectory. These ladies are a great asset to the parish. We thank them for their support and involvement in the life of Holy Cross Church.
Pictured from the first row left to right – Gabby Rotsaert and Natalie Cyman – future members, second row: Helen Jarmakowicz, Stella Skawinski, Alice Kriskewic, Fr. Joseph Cyman, third row: Renata Cyman, Dorothy O’Brien, Alexandra (Penni) Lazor, Elaine Rotsaert, Helen Skawinski, Angela Gulla, Fran Cuccinello, Beverly Obssuth, Nelly Cabrejos, Claire Centrella, and Zaida Bueno.
We thank all children, their parents and School of Christian Living teachers for their involvement and service for the parish.
In the parish hall before the Holy Mass of Nativity of the Lord – Dec. 24, 2014 We thank all children, their parents and School of Christian Living teachers for their involvement and service for the parish.The Our Father at the Holy Mass of the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord, Dec. 24,2014 followed by the exchange of the sign of peace with everyone.
On the Third Sunday of Advent – December 14th our parish hosted its annual Christmas Dinner. The children of School of Christian Living presented a program called “A Birthday Party for Jesus.” Saint Nicholas (Santa) visited the parish giving gifts to all the children. Christmas carols were sung by everyone with the background piano music and a great menu was served.
Holy Cross Church, Woodland Park, NJ collected food items and $25 shopping certificates for our annual project called Thanksgiving Baskets for the Needy. We gathered and distributed fifteen baskets to different locations as follows: eight baskets to Memorial School, Woodland Park, NJ (Natalie Cyman is the fifth grade student); six baskets to Passaic Valley High School, Little Falls, NJ (Michael Cyman is a sophomore student), and one basket to a local family who searched for food. We thank all those who contributed for this noble cause remembering those in need. We responded to Jesus’ demand we heard on the Solemnity of Christ the King: “I was hungry and you gave me food….whatever you did for one of the least brothers (and sisters) of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:34-40
At the Teen Center of Passaic Valley High School, Little Falls, NJ.
Picture taken in Memorial School, Woodland Park – Fr. Joseph and the school Nurse, Teresa Carbonelli
In the parish hall: students, Fr. Joseph and Mrs. Claire Centrella coordinator of Thanksgiving Baskets project
On Friday October 10th the Sacrament of Marriage took place at Holy Cross Church between Emily Elizabeth Gaydos and Christopher Brian Pomante. The proud parents of the bride were Deacon David and Laurie Gaydos; the proud parents of the groom were George and Patricia Pomante; Maid/Man of Honor: Bethany Squillante/Scott Gaydos; Best Man: Mark Pisco.
St. Paul says, …Marriage is a great mystery that reflects Jesus’s unconditional and perpetual love for the members of His church. To that mystery each married couple is called – to unconditionally love each other in happy moments and in any times of challenge. Marriage is a little bit of a crazy “contract” in that it is an unconditional promise not knowing what the future brings, having trust and faith in Christ’s love and the support of Christian community. In God’s eyes, marriage is the foundation of His society. We see marriage at the beginning of creation, at the beginning of Jesus ministry and on last pages of the bible as the vision of eternal life…
Pamela Michelle Angela Caceres, Patron Saint – St. Angela Merici, Sponsor – Juan Pablo Caceres
Anthony Steve James the Greater Caceres, Patron Saint – St. James the Greater, Sponsor – Sabina Duma
Ned Elias Leo the Great Kiame, Patron Saint – St. Leo the Great, Sponsor – Angel Aldas
Kimberly Vanessa Elizabeth Matute, Patron Saint – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Sponsor – Manuel Chunchi
The Sacrament of Confirmation is a very important step in your youth’s religious education. Confirmation is the sacrament through which we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit to make us soldiers of Christ, ready to profess our faith in word and deed. The minister of confirmation is the bishop. The bishop confirms by laying of hands on the person to be confirmed and anointing the forehead in the form of the cross with Holy Chrism. The bishop says: “I sign you with the sign of the cross and I confirm you with the Chrism of Salvation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Catechism). The confirmation imprints on our soul sacramental character, which entitles us to strength needed to show our faith in word and deed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of baptism, because we are strengthen to live a Christian life within the Church and defend its truths.
Alexander Michael Lambright son of Nathan Lambright and Rachel (nee Merson) was baptized on Sunday, November 2nd. The proud godparents are David Merson and Jill Merson. We congratulate grandparents, relatives and friends. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the life of the children of God; It configures the person to Christ and obliges the Christian to share in the Church’s apostolic and missionary activity.
The clergy of the Central Diocese attended their Annual Retreat and Conference from Tuesday August 19th through Thursday August 21st at the Villa of Our Lady Retreat House in Mount Pocono, PA.
Holy Mass on Thursday, August 21st. Celebrant – Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky. Photographer – Fr. Joseph Cyman