The 17th Annual Mission and Evangelism Workshop was held at our parish from May 5th to 7th. It was truly an honor to host and participate in the workshop. The words of “Faith that works” from St. James led us throughout the entire workshop, presentations and reflection.
On Sunday April 2, 2017 the Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Gabriela Rosalie Racanati, the daughter of Francesco Racanati and Krista (Campbell).
The proud godparents were, Scott Russo and Danielle Russo. We congratulate Racanati, Campbell and Russo families, relatives and friends on this special occasion of welcoming Gabriela as our newest member of our parish and member of Christian family.
The Annual Agape (commemoration of the Last Super of Jesus with His Apostles) for NY/NJ Seniorate clergy and parishioners was held on Sunday, April 2nd at Holy Cross parish. The clergy were represented by Fr. Sr. Gregory Mludzik, Fr. Marian Tarnowski, Fr. Andrew Koterba and Fr. Joseph Cyman, host Pastor. A group of parishioners from Dunellen, Bayonne, Wallington, Passaic and Holy Cross participated in reflection, prayers and the meal. Music and songs appropriate for the occasion solemnized this event. Discussion on the commitment toward God, family, work, community and in general was a part of our discussion and reflection. Fr. Joseph invited youth from Holy Cross, especially Confirmation Class students, to experience this annual prayerful celebration. The menu consisted of chicken, lamb, salmon, and rice, variety of salads, soft drinks, coffee and deserts. We thank all who prepared this program and came to be a part of commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper. Thus deepened our personal relation with our Lord and Savior.
On Sunday, March 5th, members of the Adoration Society (ANS) held their monthly meeting. During the meeting, inspired by information presented at the Diocesan ANS Convention last year, they made eight Prayer Blankets for cancer patients and shut its. The blankets were blessed on Sunday, March 12th.
Our parishioner, Stella Skawinski celebrated her 101st birthday on February 13th. We visited Stella at her home with a special flowers, a card signed by many, and a cake we had ordered for our St. Valentine’s Day Luncheon the day before. Stella unfortunately could not come due to bad weather conditions.
Our parish is tremendously pleased to have Stella as our member. She is full of energy, joy and inspirational to all of us. Happy Birthday Stella, with God’s many blessings of good health and happiness.
At the picture from left, Fr. Joseph with wife, Renata, Elaine Rotsaert (Stella’s niece) and Stella Skawinski.
On Christmas Eve at 4 pm we traditionally holy Holy Mass with our children’s participation. They wear costumes of Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Three Kings and angels. The youth read the Holy Scriptures, the prayers of the faithful and sing Silent Night with lighted candles.
We thank the youth, their parents, School of Christian Living teachers and all who helped to celebrate the Birth of Jesus in such a meaningful way. Merry Christmas to our web site visitors and Facebook friends.
On Sunday, November 6th we were joined by our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Bernard Nowicki who celebrated Holy Mass and administered the completion of the Sacrament of Baptism/Confirmation to nine confirmands. Assisting Bishop Nowicki were our Pastor, Fr. Joseph R. Cyman and Deacons David Gaydos and William Gaydos.
Congratulations and prayers for all our confirmands and their families and sponsors:
Oby Charbel Eid, Sponsor – Andrea Eid
Christopher Nicholas Galindo, Sponsor – Lissette Ruiz
Daniel Joseph Galindo, Sponsor – Jazmin Rivera
Jazmine Cecilia Garcia, Sponsor – Jacqueline Monroe
Aida Mary Llanos, Sponsor – Lynn Imperiale
Rosa Milagros Mary Llanos, Sponsor – Alexandra Lazor
We welcomed new newest member to the Christian family through the Sacrament of Baptism. Adriana Joelle, daughter of Hugo Carvajal and Griselle (Fernandez) was baptized on Sunday, September 25th. We congratulate Adriana’s parents, godparents, relatives and friends on this special occasion. The Sacrament of Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and door which gives access to the other sacraments. It incorporates us into the Christian Family.
On Sunday Sept. 18, 2016 the NY/NJ Seniorate Adoration Society (ANS) held the annual convention at our parish.
The delegates came from SS. Peter and Paul Parish in Passaic with their Pastor, Very Rev. Stanley Skrzypek, Holy Name of Jesus, Passaic, NJ with Rev. Marian Tarnowski, delegates from Transfiguration of Our Lord Parish in Wallington, NJ and the host members of our parish ANS with Fr. Joseph.
In the picture, NY/NJ ANS members and clergy.
The meeting began with the prayer service in the church with the exposition and the Litany of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Joseph led the service and in his sermon he spoke about the importance of the Holy Eucharist which we have the privilege to venerate and receive in the Holy Communion. Altar server was Gabriela Rotsaert.
The meeting continued in the parish hall with reports from ANS activities in different parishes, election of officers for year 2016-2017, Oath of the new members, prayers for the deceased members and the meeting was concluded with dinner and refreshments.
Before the election of officers, the Vice-President Alice Kriskewic asked to be replaced by the new officer. We thanked Alice for many years of her dedication and service. We thanked also Mrs. Stella Zak who recently stepped down from her 15 years of service as the recording secretary.
The new NY/NJ ANS officers elected are:
President – Marcia Del Greco
Vice president – Alexandra (Penni) Lazor
Financial Secretary – Basia Puzak
Recording Secretary – Susan Pelak
The next year’s convention will take place on Sunday, September 24, 2017 in Wallington, NJ at 3 pm.
We congratulate and pray for David Wei-Ying Yip and Jessica Natalie Gesualdi who received the Sacrament of Matrimony on Saturday, August 20th. Arthur Yip was the Best Man; Jennifer Gesualdi was the Maid of Honor. We also congratulate, parents, family members, relatives and friends.
Marriage is a sacrament which makes a Christian man and woman – husband and wife, gives them the grace to be faithful to each other and to bring up their children in love and devotion to God. The sacrament of Marriage is the image of the unconditional love of Jesus toward his Church. He showed us His love till the end. His love included compassion and forgiveness. Marriage is a package, first of a great happiness, support, understanding, but also time and moments of overlooking others differences and consequently moments of understanding and forgiveness.
A special thank you to the lectors who read the Holy Scriptures and our organist, Neil Estasnislao, who beautified the liturgy.