
Preparations for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is a very important step in young adults’ religious education. Confirmation is the sacrament through which we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit to make us soldiers of Christ, ready to profess our faith in word and deed. The minister of confirmation is the bishop. The bishop confirms by laying of hands on the person to be confirmed and anointing the forehead in the form of the cross with Holy Chrism. The bishop says: “I sign you with the sign of the cross and I confirm you with the Chrism of Salvation in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Catechism). The confirmation imprints on our soul sacramental character, which entitles us to strength needed to show our faith in word and deed. The Sacrament of Confirmation is the completion of baptism, because we are strengthen to live a Christian life within the Church and defend its truths.

Our parish gives the opportunity for the children to participate in First Holy Communion classes. Students who started second grade this year, or are older, are eligible to take classes. The Holy Eucharist is Jesus Christ really present under the forms of bread and wine. In the Eucharist Jesus Christ gives us Himself as a food for our souls. The bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of our Lord during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when the priest says words of consecration which Jesus used during the Last Supper: “This is My Body… This is My Blood” (catechism).

I am looking forward to your help in preparing your sons and daughters for the celebration of these sacraments by bringing them to classes and Sunday Mass. Some of our youth have sport activities on Sunday afternoon, therefore I decided, for their convenience, to have classes on Sunday morning at 10:10 AM. Masses are at 9 AM and 11 AM. I contacted Bishop John Mack who will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation in Spring 2013. The schedule of classes was sent to the youth and placed in the parish hall. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time by calling 973-256-4888 or 201-247-4832.

Respectfully yours in Christ,

Fr. Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

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Congratulations newlyweds

Congratulations to our newlywed couple, Adam Joseph and Carolyn Marie (Hrinuk) Petruzzelli!

On behalf of Holy Cross Church, and my family, we extend congratulations to Adam Joseph Petruzzelli and Carolyn Marie (Hrinuk) who received the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony on Friday, August 26th in Holy Cross Church. Your wedding is will be remembered as the beginning of many joyous moments in your life together, the moment two people’s lives become one; where love between a man and a woman is joined, by the Holy Church, in Sacrament.

Almighty Father, we ask you to bless Adam and Carolyn with love, happiness and guidance during their married life. Bless their parents Lenny and Carolyn Hrinuk, and Suzan Pontecorvo and Late Richard Petruzzelli who gave them the gift of life and raised them to be responsible for having their own family. Bless their wedding party and all their friends.

– Fr. Joseph, Pastor

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Holy Masses For The Homebound And The Sick

Parishioners and community members are welcome to attend Holy Masses for the homebound and the sick on Thursdays at 7:15 PM. You can pray for your intention or for someone else. “Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord…” — James 5:14.

Upcoming dates for Healing Holy Mass: Thursday June 9, 16, 23, 30 at 7:15 PM.

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First Holy Communion

Eight wonderful children from our parish received the Holy Eucharist for the first time on May 22nd

We congratulate all students and their parents, relatives and friends on this special occasion. Special thanks to parents for their support and help in preparing children by bringing them to the church and studying also at home. Parents sponsored beautiful flower arrangements which decorated the sanctuary. The First Holy Communion classes are offered to those who are in the second grade or older. Sunday School classes, free of charge, will start again on September 12, 2011.

From the left in the first row: Nicole Romero, Syera Plitt, Carlos Garcia, Neil Kiame, Angie Cardona, Elizabeth Fernandez, Henry Fernandez and Emily Fernandez. Second row: Fr. Joseph, pastor and altar servers serving at the Mass Ned Kiame, Michael Cyman and Nayef Kiame.

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The Liturgies of Holy Week

Each parishioner, the the members of our community, are invited to participate in these significant and important services for Holy Week.

HOLY WEDNESDAY – April 20, 2011: The decoration of the church will take place at 12 P.M. Especially ANS members are asked to help. The celebration of the Sacrament of Penance – General Confession will take place at 7:00 P.M. The youth who have received First Holy Communion and are under 16 years are strongly encouraged to attend the private forms of confession at 7:30 PM. Adults if wish can attend private form of confession.

MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 21, 2011: we will commemorate the Last Supper of Jesus in the Upper Room and the institution of the Sacraments of Holy Orders, Holy Eucharist and Penance at 7:15 P.M. On that day we will celebrate the Holy Mass in white vestments. On Holy Thursday we will ring bells during the Gloria. The bells will not be used until the liturgy of Resurrection. At the end of Holy Thursday Mass, the Holy Eucharist will be taken to the side altar to signify that Jesus was taken at night from the Garden of Olives and imprisoned by the Sanhedrin. The exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament will be until 9:00 P.M. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.

GOOD FRIDAY – April 22, 2011: The liturgy of the Stations of the Cross with children and youth participation will take 3:00 P.M. We will meditate for the last time during this Lent the passion and suffering of our Lord. The opening of the Lord’s tomb will take place. A simple reception will take place consisting of coffee and juice with crackers.

The Liturgy of Good Friday this year will take place at 4:15 P.M. The Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified on Good Friday consists of the Passion of Jesus according to the Gospel of St. John. The main purpose of the liturgy will be veneration of the Cross, the symbol of victory over death and sin. On that day the Holy Communion will be distributed (consecrated on Holy Thursday) and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament will take place until 6:30 p.m. Please sign up for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament on the list located in the parish hall.

HOLY SATURDAY – April 23, 2011: On Holy Saturday you can bring the Easter baskets with festive food to be blessed at 4:00 p.m. Easter baskets will be blessed also after the Liturgy of Holy Saturday. Since the ancient times the Holy Saturday was a day for the new catechumens to be baptized. Our Liturgy will begin at 6:00 P.M. with the blessing of fire and the Pascal candle. The Liturgy of the Word with the history of salvation will take place. The Holy Water will be blessed which we use during the upcoming weeks to bless ourselves in the church, to baptize children and for the Asperses on Sundays. The Easter Vigil will take place at the end of the celebration.

EASTER – SUNDAY – APRIL 24, 2011: The Resurrection Liturgy will be celebrated on Easter Sunday at 8:00 a.m. preceded with the procession around the church. The solemn Holy Mass of the Resurrection will follow. The second Holy Mass will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m.

My Dear Parishioners and Friends, each and everyone is welcomed to attend these beautiful celebrations in order to more completely understand the meaning and important events of the life of Jesus especially His passion and glorious resurrection.

Wishing you a Happy and blessed Easter.

Christ has risen! Indeed He is risen!

Father Joseph R. Cyman, Pastor

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Christmas Dinner With Saint Nicholas and a New Member of our Family

Sunday, December 5th proved to be a festive event with the celebration of St. Nicholas Day at Holy Cross Church – Woodland Park, N.J. Delicious food, music, and a visit from “Jolly Old St. Nick” delighted the adults as well as the children. Sunday school students performed for their audience and invited them to sing – a – long Christmas Carols. In addition to that the youth were singing the well known songs Give Thanks and My Life is in You. We had a great number of people. A special cake was made to honor the birth of Jesus. St. Nicholas distributed gifts to the precious children asking them in return to be good for goodness sake. During the dinner there was a drawing of Santa basket, 50/50 cash prize and certificate for the brunch of two at the Bethwood. We thank ladies who brought delicious baking goods. This event would not have been possible without the support of the members of the Parish Life Committee.

On Sunday December 19, 2010 after 11 AM Mass the Holy Cross Church had a great occasion. Fr. Joseph administered the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation (with the bishop approval) to Jeffrey Lee Valentine Volyn. Jeffrey went through preparations with Fr. Joseph. Godparents were Irene Legawiec and Dane Volyn. Witnessing the ceremony were Lois Volyn, Jeffrey’s wife and their children. We congratulate Jeffrey for being accepted as the new member of our Christian family.

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Holy Cross welcomes a new family and celebrates the baptism of their daughter

On Sunday, August 29, 2010 Holy Cross Parish enjoyed the celebration of a special Holy Mass at 10:30 AM with the Sacrament of Baptism conferred upon Patricia Rose Tiseo, daughter of Jason and Christine (Nieves) Tiseo. The Godparents were Vincent Valerian and Ashley Carter. Jason and Christine, and their two daughters, Isabel and Patricia, are the newest addition to Holy Cross. Best wishes to the Tiseo Family and our prayer that they find Holy Cross to be their second home, a place of spiritual growth and social contentment.

The Tiseo family and friends at Holy Cross

Holy Cross welcomes a new family and celebrates the baptism of their daughter Read More »

Masses for the Homebound and the Sick

Parishioners and community members are welcome to attend Holy Masses for the homebound and the sick every Thursday in July at 7:00 PM. Please note the dates: July 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2010. You can pray for your intention or for someone else.

Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord…” (James 5:14). Father Joseph R. Cyman preaches the sermon based on the Holy Scripture. At the conclusion of the service the anointing with holy oil takes place.

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