
Caring for our homebound brothers and sisters

Fr. Joseph continues his weekly visitations of the homebound. He administers the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion, and has been providing our brothers and sisters with calendars and Christmas wafers. The Holy Cross Church gives to each homebound a beautiful poinsettia through the efforts of St. Nicholas Ministry. Please join us in remembering our homebound in prayer. Each Thursday evening we have special healing Mass for the sick and homebound.

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Confirmation Class

Students studying for Confirmation, the Sacramental completion of the journey begun in Baptism began studying on Sunday September 27, 2009 after 11:00 A.M. Mass. The following students are enrolled for Confirmation Classes: Brianna Harth, Michael Lazor, Matthew Montero and Alissa Paulison. Students who will begin High school in September or will be 14 years old or older in June 2010 are eligible to take confirmation classes.

Our Confirmation celebration will take place on Sunday, June 6, 2010 AT 3:00 p.m. Our Bishop Ordinary, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Mikovsky, will administer Confirmation on our students.

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First Holy Communion Class

Nicholas Desch, Violette Go, Armani Jimenez, Ned Kiame and Justin Palman have begun their preparations for their First Holy Communion celebration. We pray for them and their families so to ensure proper preparations for their important step in their Christian life. We are asking the parents whose children started second grade in September 2009 or are older to register for First Holy Communion classes. The next class will be held today, Sunday October 4, 2009 after the 11:00 a.m. Mass. The First Holy Communion celebration is scheduled on Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:00 A.M.

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Prayer requests

You can send prayer requests by e-mail.

Holy Mass intentions are for the sick, in memory of loved ones, anniversaries of marriage etc. You can also request prayer for the sick and home-bound by writing intentions and placing them in “Prayer Request” container which is located at the side altar by the baptismal fount.

Fr. Joseph offers Holy Mass on Thursdays for the sick and shut-ins. If you have any sick members in your family and/or home-bound friends or relatives please write their names and place them in the container. Fr. Joseph will include these intentions at the Holy Mass on Thursday evening.

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